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No, I do not. I used to when I was younger. My circumstances are likely somewhat unique though. I have a hereditary condition that makes walking/standing difficult and painful. At best I use a cane, at worst a wheelchair. My hands still work ok, and I'm presently able to earn a living sitting at a desk with my hands and my brain, but the arthritis has begun to manifest as I age and at the end of a busy day of office work my hands are sometimes in considerable pain. My entire body hurts most of the time to be honest. Physical pain generally is a constant presence in my life, as is exhaustion. My cancer is currently in remission, though some recent tests were “concerning” so I’m off to the hospital again in a few days. I’m fortunate to have good insurance. Despite this I’m generally pretty happy most of the time. I’m regularly exposed to people who are worse off than me, and I meditate 1-2 hours a day. So, while I do very much enjoy existing, I’m not always the biggest fan of the vessel I’m embodied in. Fortunately, its temporary.
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