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Notes -
Kindness as virtue is similar to the Confucian highest virtue of [Ren](, which I have seen translated as "humaneness", "beneficence", or "kindness". Kong-Fu Tze came up with the term himself, and the kanji 仁 is literally two radicals: 'man' and 'two' (or 'also'). Like "kind-ness", in the sense of considering someone else as like yourself or your kin.
(I promise to have a question for you in the end, after I set up the premise.)
Confucius (or rather his school) falls within the general framework of the Chinese political schools of thought of the time, which rests on three main questions: What is the Way (to fix the society)? What virtue (in the sense of personal power) does one get for following this Way? What kind of society does this Way lead to? (I'm loosely paraphrasing Van Norton's intro to classical Chinese philosophy, which is excellent.)
So Confucian school regarded the virtue of Kindness as power, which makes sense: if you understand another person, does that not give you power to guide that other person in a way closer to your goals? The Confucian school also was adamant that this very useful power is hard to obtain. To truly be Kind, you need to spend years studying people, starting with those closest to you and whose foibles you are most familiar with. Thus the school emphasized family as the root of Kindness: if you can be Kind to your grouchy out-of-touch parents, your annoying siblings, your infuriating spouse, your disobedient children... well, then you're onto something. (In particular, maybe then you can transfer that power to being Kind to your grouchy out-of-touch boss, your annoying co-workers, your infuriating office mate, and your duty-shirking underlings.)
So my question for you is: do you regard the virtue of Kindness as something hard to obtain, something that requires years of diligent study, as opposed to a more common notion of "kindness" in a sense of good disposition or well-intention? And if you do: how do you go about obtaining this virtue? (I suspect that, as a modern progressive, your answer would be substantially different from Confucius.)
I don't define it in precisely the Confucian way, but there is a lot to this as implementation of Kindness, yeah. Where I would part from these recommendations is that I don't think family can be the root of Kindness. Humans have in-group/out-group instinct, and if you train yourself to be kind to your family only, you might accidentally wind up training yourself to be loyal to your in-group no matter what, without getting any closer to being truly kind to your fellow man in general. Call me a Westerner, but I'm looking for "good Samaritans" (in the original sense of the man who helps a member of his out-group without a second thought), not just good family men. Still, the skill to be kind to your family is certainly a necessary one if you want to live your life Kindly, just not a sufficient one, and if you find yourself having trouble being kind even to your relatives, you're in trouble. I'm just not sure that you're home free and need only extend the line outward once you've mastered that much.
Thanks for the thoughtful response. There is indeed a danger on "overtraining" Kindness on family (and by extension kin and friends) if one takes the Confucian idea of family being the root of Kindness. I think the metaphor still holds: a tree sapling that has healthy roots but fails to grow is a failed tree.
The advantage of training in Kindness on the people you actually know and interact with is that it gets quickly apparent why Kindness is a hard virtue to achieve. Especially in the original sense of virtue as a moral force, a form of personal excellence that is actually useful in accomplishing something. If your father is eating himself into an early grave, what's a Kind way to dissuade him? If your teenage daughter is driving herself insane with social media, what's the Kind way to wean her off? Is it even Kind to meddle into their affairs? Are you sure of the superiority of your judgement? These questions get much harder, the nearer the people are to you.
Whereas if I train in Kindness on strangers, the typical failure mode is that it devolves into simple politeness.
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