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“The Ukraine conflict is one of the clearest examples of good vs. evil in the past century"

You said it! Look at how despicable these people are!

Video: Ukraine Soldiers Sing Praises Of WW II Era Nazi:

And now NPR is just casually rehabilitating the Nazis:

  • -14

That's not a quote from the piece...or at all relevant to the discussion...

Did you read it? Are you a bot?

I'm noticing more and more of these low effort, inflammatory, really detached comments that look like they're copy-pasted from completely different discussions on the Motte, and when you dig into the accounts its all equally detached comments seemingly building cache/ paper trails so the accounts can can be used for brigading later... both pro-russia, pro-ukraine... both left and right.


I know the discussion that quote is from and notably it doesn't even match the context in that discussion (which used the quote as an example of poor intellectual standards in commentary on the war)