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Reddit bans AI art model user for too many parentheses

So it turns out that the triple-parenthesis thing can get you banned from reddit even for benign nonsense. Some context: in some open source AI image models, you can use parentheses to emphasize terms that you want the model to pay more attention to. In this case, the author wrote "(((detailed face)))" and some other terms in their image prompt.

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Maybe leaning too hard into the Culture War side of it, but I always found it lame and probably counterproductive to overly obsess over every supposed pattern, trend etc in the White Supremacist / Anti-Semitic movement and take maximum measures to suppress it. They're already an irrelevant micro-minority of a movement. This sort of thing just gives them far more attention and importance than they deserve, which is the most important currency in the modern age. I don't think they deserve any more attention than they are capable of earning organically through the quality of any arguments they make. It just serves to make them look cooler than they are, give them a persecution complex, and validates their claims.