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Culture War Roundup for the week of August 5, 2024

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Your post had this:

The events, allegedly in part as the result of some false reporting concerning Axel's identity, led to a number of protests, which led to a number of counterprotests.

Immediately followed by this

Why would you counterprotest a protest against the knifing of schoolgirls?

This is an extremely sloppy way to write if you were just talking about the specific people in your video instead of representative counterprotestors. Furthermore, if you were just talking about the video evidence/Ricky Jones instead of representative counterprotestors, then you were just doing boo-outgroup nut-picking!

I didn't even mention this utterly absurd interpretation of how to think issues of causality with respect policy making since other commentators discussed it lower down:

I suppose, that people would rather talk about that, than about the dead schoolchildren who, but for recent immigration from Africa, would likely still be alive.

Think about the children indeed!

  • -11

This is an extremely sloppy way to write if you were just talking about the specific people in your video instead of representative counterprotestors.

The people in the video were the counterprotesters. Do you think a different group of counterprotesters would not have cheered Ricky's bloodthirsty comments?

you were just doing boo-outgroup nut-picking!

Which outgroup? You seem to be confused about the rule concerning specific versus general groups. I did not post about "the alt right" or "Democrats" or "Republicans" or "women" or "men" or "Catholics" or "Jews" or "the blue tribe" or whatever. The only groups substantially addressed in my post were protesters and counterprotesters, specifically those reacting to the murders and those reacting to the reacting. What I claimed about the counterprotesters was true and backed with direct evidence: they were cheering on a call for slitting people's throats, which I found ironic given that the protesters had been incited by knife crime. You're the one dragging the conversation (annoyingly and unnecessarily) into the meta.

Now, if Ricky had said what he said and no one cheered, then sure, your accusation of "nutpicking" might have something to it. But it doesn't, because I didn't share a video of one fringe loon saying loony stuff and then say "Leftists are all like this" or something. I'll repeat it, because it's worth repeating:

The video I shared was of counterprotesters cheering for more murder by knife.

That's what you apparently feel the need to defend. Is this because you agree with the bloodthirsty counterprotesters? Is this an "arguments are soldiers" thing where, because you share some of their politics, you feel the need to defend them and/or paint my criticism of them uncharitably?

Think about the children indeed!

Concern for the safety and well-being of children should not be such an overriding value as to trample other important interests. And yet it would be a grave overcorrection to instead disregard the safety and well-being of children, surely?

Do you think a different group of counterprotesters would not have cheered Ricky's bloodthirsty comments?

Of course? This is the entire issue---why do you implicitly believe that the videos and articles you shared are representative of all counterprotestors? Just to hammer this home

The video I shared was of counterprotesters cheering for more murder by knife.

The video you shared was of some counterprotestors cheering for more murder by knife.

That's what you apparently feel the need to defend. Is this because you agree with the bloodthirsty counterprotesters? Is this an "arguments are soldiers" thing where, because you share some of their politics, you feel the need to defend them and/or paint my criticism of them uncharitably?

...and I am completely baffled how you are at all reading that I'm defending this. Again, homogenizing your ideological opponents in this way is absurdly sloppy. Seriously, have you not considered that its as invalid to think of "counterprotestors" as one unified group as it is for the other examples you listed?

Do you think a different group of counterprotesters would not have cheered Ricky's bloodthirsty comments?

Of course?

Why would you believe that? Do you have videos of other counterprotesters listening to Ricky's comments live, and not cheering?

why do you implicitly believe that the videos and articles you shared are representative of all counterprotestors?

Because that is the evidence available to me.

The video you shared was of some counterprotestors cheering for more murder by knife.

Indeed! I do not have a video of every single counterprotester doing anything, because they weren't even all in the same place. But the rule is "Post about specific groups, not general groups, wherever possible." Not "Don't post about any groups."

I wonder, if I asked you what Catholics believe, whether you would tell me something about the holy trinity, or whether you would respond, "how should I know, I haven't got time to ask every single one of them!" If you think I should speak only and ever of highly specific individuals, and never of groups of any kind, like... too bad? And if you think that it is somehow a violation of the relevant rule to ever speak of groups of any kind, then you should read the rule more carefully. Either you have developed an extremely idiosyncratic view on generalization, or you are being deliberately obtuse in furtherance of whatever end it is you think you are pursuing by doggedly insisting on the badness of my post.

Of course I am speaking somewhat generally when I say "counterprotesters." Maybe some of them would not cheer on additional knife crime. But the ones in the video didn't hesitate to cheer at all, so far as I could tell. So clearly, those are the counterprotesters I'm talking about: all the counterprotesters who cheered, along with any others who would have cheered, had they been present. Those who did not or would not cheer, clearly are exempt from my criticism; the criteria of the criticism do not apply to them. But I have no evidence that any such counterprotesters exist.

...and I am completely baffled how you are at all reading that I'm defending this.

I honestly can't think of any other reason why you would continue to level spurious, inaccurate, and just generally bad criticisms at my post.

Seriously, have you not considered that its as invalid to think of "counterprotestors" as one unified group as it is for the other examples you listed?

I have considered it. It is not invalid, or sloppy, or whatever else you continue to insist about it. You're just wrong, repeatedly, and weirdly committed to staying that way. If it's not because you feel some affinity for the counterprotesters, then the most charitable alternative explanations I can think of are sufficiently unkind that I won't speculate further on their likelihood.

Why would you believe that? Do you have videos of other counterprotesters listening to Ricky's comments live, and not cheering?

Are you seriously saying that your default assumption is to assume that counterprotestors would cheer the comments if they heard them? That seems ridiculous---that's such a strange thing to believe a human would do without something marking them as really unusual (and no, being leftist and/or "woke is nowhere near enough except if you're hopelessly partisan)

How in the world is your prior this absurdly cynical? Is this the way you reason about all your ideological opponents?

Are you seriously saying that your default assumption is to assume that counterprotestors would cheer the comments if they heard them?

No. I'm saying that the counterprotesters who were there for the comments, cheered the comments.

I don't see any reason to engage you on what you imagine some hypothetical group of counterprotesters would or would not do. My post was primarily concerned with what the actual counterprotesters in the actual video did. Why do you keep trying to talk about imaginary things, instead of engaging with the factual events as actually depicted in the evidence? It takes no cynicism at all to notice the crowd of counterprotesters cheering on the incitement to "slit their throats."

You've moved the goalposts far enough now that it seems clear you've conceded that your original criticism was baseless.

Ok....this is going in circles. Can you please clarify once and for all who you were talking about in these two sentences?

The events, allegedly in part as the result of some false reporting concerning Axel's identity, led to a number of protests, which led to a number of counterprotests.

Why would you counterprotest a protest against the knifing of schoolgirls? Well, apparently the original protests were racist. It's pretty important to not be racist.

You seem to be going back and forth on this in all the previous replies?