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Small-Scale Question Sunday for June 2, 2024

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread? Is there something you're just not sure about?

This is your opportunity to ask questions. No question too simple or too silly.

Culture war topics are accepted, and proposals for a better intro post are appreciated.

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I would like to read the female version as well.

Disclaimer: There are enough far-left women that they can be counted as "normie" in a certain sense, but I don't think it's the kind of women the OP wants to know about. Also, I dislike & avoid them too much, so it would just read like a dunking. For the female version, I'll give an amalgation of my wife, her sister, their friends & some mothers we're friends with:

A portrait of a female normie blue triber

  • Works in a predictable, OK paying, probably administrative or middle-management position with a decent work-life balance (somewhere around 75% part-time or so)
  • Always been an A or high B student in school, studied precisely what she wanted but that is not necessarily connected to her current work (if sucessful she moved too far up into management, if not she might have ended up in something else entirely)
  • Will quickly and easily learn whatever tools are considered appropriate for her job, fast & reliable worker, but would never develop a new tool herself
  • Has a husband who is further right than her, but not TOO much; He may at most vote center right, be vaguely into some of the more plausible political conspiracy theories, or in the worst case shudder libertarian
  • Used to be much further left, but mellowed out sometime when she became a parent
  • Still agrees with the far-left on some policies though, her values didn't chmight be surprisingly cautious of racism/misogynism/rape claims but would never challenge them publicly
  • Spiritual but not religious, will still go to family-focused social events organized by the church
  • Involved in vaguely pro-social volunteer work, if church-related mostly some inoffensive modernist reform style one
  • Thinks most adult hobbies, in particular the male-coded ones, are a childish waste of time
  • watches TV in the evening because her husband likes it, but by herself prefers reading
  • Favorite authors: Virginia Woolf, Jane Austen and Irvin D. Yalom
  • Spends free time in the afternoon meeting old friends in a coffee shop, otherwise spends free time in the evening reading pedagogy guides
  • Signs her kids up for a rotation of afternoon hobbies "for their own benefit", but is then worried that she is putting too much pressure on them
  • High social intelligence, much more critical than she publicly lets on
  • Thinks everyone should be free to live their love whatever way they like, but would feel deeply insulted if their partner started talking about polyamory
  • Absolutely thinks abortion should be available, but very conflicted about the appropriate month limit
  • Used to think primarily women are being discriminated against, now thinks primarily families are being discriminated against
  • Might even agree that men are currently on-net discriminated against, but definitely thinks you're being a wuss for complaining about it
  • Very careful to keep her lefty street cred
  • Personally knows rich people and knows how much they sometimes spend on unnecessary shit, so is not very receptive to claims that we can't afford this or that social program
  • But also very self-conscious about being more pragmatic than the far-left however, so quite receptive to claims that something is mismanaged, abused or wasted
  • Thinks she is not elitist, but would never date anyone without a university degree (but obviously only because they would have nothing in common!)