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User ID: 903



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User ID: 903

(Not OP)

innawoods = 4chan (?) slang for rural living away from big city degeneracy

living off the fatta the land = the dream of George and Lenny in Of Mice and Men

The student meant that this is our rallying cry. Think of all the good that has come out of this noble lie. Imagine a world where gays across America didn't believe Matthew Shepard, their avatar, was brutally murdered for being gay. We might not even have gay marriage! We might not have all these vigils and community and influence. Stop asking questions. Let us have it.

I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir here, but one problem with this approach is that it requires ever more sordid lies to be concocted in order to generate the same level of activist outrage…nominative determinism strikes again?

I used to think stacking int and str was what got you far in life

See that’s your problem right there: you have to cast the int to a str before concatenating them, or else you’ll get a ValueError

Many Australian districts have so-called "one punch" laws,

When are we getting “chainsaw” laws? “Death note” laws?

Gen Z is speedrunning the history of written language, starting from hieroglyphics

IMO, you can make any normiecon suffer a brain lock by starting to wax poetic about how much more excellence would America have had the dastardly democrats not allowed the blacks to abort that much.

Perhaps you and I have different definitions of “normiecon”, but IMO an important facet of normieconservatism is quasi-religious devotion to 90s-era “content of their character” colorblindness, perhaps coupled with a dose of “Democrats are the real racists”/“soft bigotry of low expectations”-ism as mentioned below. So the fact of racial disparities is, in the normiecon’s eyes, either irrelevant or further evidence of Democrat villainy.

I think a lot of people would prefer to be a Roman emperor, even if they would miss smartphones and flush toilets.

Depends on the emperor tbh

our policies should also be keeping them at bay too.

Physical removal, so to speak?

I agree with your overall point, but

Japan is a consumerist culture, more so than America

is a bold claim. What’s your evidence for this assertion?

My impression of the CDU is that they’re so weak, they’ll concede practically anything if it allows them to form a government that excludes the AfD

The old quip about the Holy Roman Empire is even more true of the CDU: neither Christian, nor democratic, nor a union

As an exercise, let’s taboo the term “far-right”. What exactly is “far-right” about AfD’s platform? Do they propose:

  1. More strictly vetting all new asylum claims
  2. Reviewing successful asylum claims from 2015 to the present day, and deporting those found to have made false statements
  3. Kicking down doors and summarily executing men, women, and children who are not of 100% Aryan stock

… or something else entirely?

To be maximally charitable, the requirement to request an absentee ballot does make voting harder, and thus constitutes suppression of legitimate (i.e., 18+, living, compos mentis, state-resident, US citizen, voting-once-per-election) voters—at least according to some people’s definition of “suppression”

Not that that case was supposed to set precedent. 🙄

Well, at least it set President (ba dum tss)

I don’t think it’s necessarily antisemitic, again Moldbug comes pretty close to advancing it now and again

I agree that it's not necessarily antisemitic, though I think Moldbug is not the best example to use here. I've always found his disavowal of extra-Overton-window takes (on HBD, liberal democracy, and antisemitism) to be lukewarm at best and performative at worst. My pet theory is that it's a kind of Kolmogorov complicity by proxy: though he's far from the levers of power himself and (genuinely, as far as I can tell) professes no desire to get closer, he doesn't want guilt by association to tarnish the prospects of any politico who openly touts him as an influence.

the most hardcore antisemitic dissident rightists of the MacDonald school usually dispute it

This is news to me; I wasn't aware that the MacDonald school* even knew about this argument, let alone disagreed with it. What's their take?

*Not to be confused with Hamburger University

This is an intriguing take, and one which—ironically—brings to mind a certain argument advanced by antisemites of the European paleoconservative ilk, viz. that the Enlightenment techniques of using reason and logic to question longstanding social norms were at least tolerable in the hands of Christian/Christian-heritage thinkers, who held an almost innate (if unconscious) sense of where to draw the line and stop applying the culture of critique, lest they rend Western society apart entirely. Jews, on the other hand, possessing no such intuitive metis, blew past all Christian guardrails in their blind zeal to make everything rational, scientific, legible—whence the horrors of checks notes communism and the Frankfurt School.

On what grounds did the court decide that this ruling only applies to those two counties?

A newspaper (for example) which regularly published untrue defamation would be equally-regularly corrected by competing newspapers, eager to siphon savvy newsreaders away from a competitor. Then the defamatory paper's paying subscribers would vote with their wallets and switch to other papers with better records of truth-telling.

Or so the theory goes.

(Not OP, but will try and steelman the position as best I can)

Were such norms in place re: speech, defamation would be "priced in", so to speak, i.e., people would have ingrained defenses against believing defamatory remarks to be true, inculcated over a lifetime of experiencing free speech absolutism first-hand.

how is this the same state where Trump got sued for defamation when a woman accused him of raping her, and he said he didn't do it?

Don’t make me tap the sign

either George Orwell is a believer in the magic soil hypothesis or didn't realize that mass immigration could ever be a thing.

Orwell died in 1950, a full 18 years before Enoch Powell’s much-maligned “Rivers of Blood” speech. So my money is on the latter.

the two developed countries with the lowest female LFPR are Italy and Japan

... the latter of which, curiously enough, has the highest TFR of any country/territory in developed East Asia.

I just signed up for a Grok subscription for $7/month

Which region are you in where X Premium+ is $7/month? In the US/UK/EU, it's (respectively) $/£/€16

Apparently her last name is Seigel which is some weird nominative determinism.

Unless she spends a lot of time squawking at the beach and snatching unattended hotdogs, I’m not seeing the nominative determinism here…

One could argue that absolute monarchy-theocracy was also historically a “proxy for war”, precisely because the masses lacked the capacity to commit large-scale violence at the time.

The ownership of weapons and the skill of warfighting was restricted to a warrior-elite class, so a simple count of ballots from the masses would be useless as a measure for each side’s strength. Instead, war was avoided (sometimes) by each member of the warrior-elite taking whatever territory he could hold by himself, through force of arms or cunning diplomacy. The franchise didn’t have to exist as a proxy conflict to prevent a war of all against all, because hardly any were capable of waging it. Instead, the elite wrangled amongst themselves to signal their strength and deter invaders—often unsuccessfully, in which case, vae victis.

This system became unsustainable once fielding giant armies of commoners via peasant levies became the norm. Suddenly, the capacity for waging war was proportional to the number of men one could conscript. Thus was the power of the old warrior-elite undone, and thus did democracy become war by other means.

Or so some people say.

Compare that to India, which has Bollywood and much else, despite having the same population and far less wealth.

Er… what else, exactly? I can’t think of any Indian stage plays, video games, or even music (aside from Bollywood soundtracks) that are remotely well-known in the West. As for books, there are a couple of authors that come to mind (more if you count the diaspora, but then to be fair we’d have to add Amy Tan, Ted Chiang, etc. to the China tally).

It seems hard to make the case that China is so far behind India in terms of Western penetration of cultural output, aside from Bollywood.