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User ID: 832



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User ID: 832

I assume they didn't choose MLK or Douglass because they're both men. If you have a black quota and a female quota, that limits your selection pool substantially.

The black ones are Amina and Harriet Tubman

Man, deciding to have the two black women leaders being an abolitionist and a colonising, slave-raiding queen who was also an aprocryphal serial killer is choice.

Maybe they wanted to choose Amina and had to put in Tubman in for cover?

Well if we had UBI that was literally universal, then it wouldn't matter whether or not people felt shame, because they'd get the UBI anyway.

I was talking about shame as a protection against, for example, somebody who can easily get a job but chooses to live on unemployment/disability benefits.

I think in a more profound sense this is just the failure of welfare states. Fundamentally, any system that rewards negative outcomes (poverty, illegal immigration, crime, disability) will incentivise people to either adopt those negative outcomes, or to lie about having them. Regular moral hazard, whether for citizens or illegal immigrants.

The three things that can counter this are shame (less powerful in a more atomised society), honesty (less common in a low-trust society) or enforcement (very hard to do).

I've had what seem to be more colds than usual, but none of them particularly bad. That said, maybe its like this every year and it just doesn't stick in my memory.

You want a UVB lamp, something like this. They're good for treating skin conditions as well.

Greta seems to be

Until she started talking about how fighting global warming is really about Palestine. The omnicause.

It definitely has an academic ring to it, a bit like saying 'anglophones' in English.

Hispanohablantes is real and commonly used in the spoken language, it just means Spanish-speakers.

I have never heard an actual Spanish speaker use the term Latinx though, or Latine/Latinao. The furthest Spanish language political correctness goes is 'Latinos y Latinas' or 'chicos y chicas'. Even then, the PC versions are more commonly used by European Spanish speakers, Latin Americans are more likely to use the more concise, masculine/neutral versions.

I guess if I have a point, it's that the Roman's were correct. Entertainers are all degenerates and you should scorn anyone who chooses to be one.

During the MeToo era, Steve Sailer pointed out how the Greek term for rule by actresses would be 'Hypokritokratia', or hypocritocracy.

How partisan is the Irish media, would you say?

I'm aware that in the US, 'print' media is solidly left-wing, as is TV, with the notable exception of Fox news.

In the UK, TV and radio are ostensibly neutral, although the BBC and Channel 4 lean left while GB news leans (almost explicitly) right. However, our print media is genuinely mixed, from the left (Guardian, Independent, Mirror, New Statesman) centrist (Times, FT, Economist) to the right (Telegraph, Spectator) plus the populist tabloids (Daily Mail, Sun).

I'm wondering how possible it is for the media to move in lockstep so quickly to silence coverage of foreign criminals.

To me it feels like people are losing the ability to keep track of a individual's sex in their heads when forming sentences. It's as if 'they' is becoming the universal pronoun for 'person' even when the person in question is explicitly female in the sentence.

We live in the age of the Barbell Shaped distribution. There's something deeper there.

Tyler Cowen would say that Average is Over.

So you think the Jews invented identity politics but not nationalism?

The modern concept of national and ethinic consciousness was invented by Jewish intellectuals like Marx

Nationalism is an invention of the enlightenment, the French and US revolutions, and philosophers like Rousseau and Voltaire.

While Marx thought nationalism was a ruse by the international bourgeoisie to keep the global proletariat divided.

maybe even a Motte poster

You're not kidding. Halfway down I remembered I was looking at the account of an (alleged) murderer and not just some guy whose Substack I have bookmarked.

I think that if someone is intelligent and independently-minded, they're going to believe what they're going to believe. And if they're not, they're just going to get swept up by the socially dominant ideology regardless, so why fret?

Your guess is correct.

Heritability of political ideology goes up as a person becomes more informed about politics.

Basically, normie teenager who only gets her news from Instagram will follow whatever her friends/the algorithm decides, even if she has the genes of a conservative.

But her identical twin sister who starts reading more broadly will see her own innate beliefs/preferences manifested in what she reads. The more informed she becomes, the greater the pressure to align her beliefs with what feels instinctively right to her.

I think we always knew that. The anti- side knew that they would become a permanent welfare underclass, and the pro-side thought they would become vibrant and diverse 'new-Europeans'.

Was there ever a survey of the users on here, like the Slatestarcodex survey?

Probably, I don't know. There are a lot of them

The nature of exponential increase means that all modern Europeans are descended from Charlemagne (probably). Charlemagne lived about 600 years ago. Confucius lived about 2500 years ago. I would assume that all Chinese are descended from him, if not exclusively through the male line.

Nazi larping snipers

There's a weird overlap between wokes, who think everyone right wing is a Nazi, and Russian nationalists, who think anyone who doesn't want Russia to invade them is a Nazi.

For clarity, Nazi refers to the National Socialist German Workers Party, which was in power in Germany in the 1930s and 40s. Using it outside of that is just a lazy slur and the kind of thing we try to avoid on this site.

CIA handlers on the ground

Do you genuinely believe that if the CIA hadn't had any involvement, the Maidan wouldn't have happened and the Ukrainian people would have happily seen their country tied to the poor dictatorship to the East rather than the wealthy democracies to the West? You really think a handful of intelligence agents have so much power that they are able to control the actions of hundreds of thousands of people who would otherwise have done nothing?

Can someone explain how exactly a preemptive pardon works? I'm struggling to understand how a legal system would allow someone to be forgiven for a crime they haven't been charged or found guilty of yet?

The us overthrew a democratically elected leader from Ukraine and installed a puppet.

The Ukrainian people overthrew a leader who had lost their support. Russia likes to frame it as 'the US overthrew Ukrainian democracy', but they also frame their attempt to annex and genocide the Ukrainian nation as a defensive war against NATO.

Other countries have agency too.

Because if we weaken the norm that powerful countries can't just annex other countries, then we should expect to see a lot more war and a break down of the international order that allows global trade.

I can think of half a dozen countries off the top of my head who could start wars to gain territory if they knew they had the implicit permission of NATO and the western powers. This will hurt civilisation, increase illegal immigration, reduce law and order and generally results in a shittier world.

Why are all the participants women? Why are they all White? This seems to frame the euthanasia as some sort of White feminist religious ritual, possibly connected with nature worship.

Everyone's black in advert land, unless the advert is for suicide.