Because we are missing the objective of the Holocaust Remembrance. It was never about remembering the Jews, it was about depoliticizing and deracialise European cultures, imprinting self-hate and leftists narrative control of reality. The moment the Jews became outmoded for several reasons (Israel, too European-like, whatever) Holocaust Remembrance will shift to gays, trans,gypsies or actual communists.
In this context, and being a believer in the concept of "ideologies are born to facilitate political struggles", wokism for me is the synthesis of black nationalism, third worldism and feminism that was created to improve the electoral odds and power of the Democratic Party, and then was wielded by the US Empire as an imperial ideology in order to make it easier to control the satellite states.
If we follow this definition of wokism, it is clear that it will lose importance the moment it will not be useful anymore to the US Empire (so never, for now)
Regarding the PMC reaction to Trump's executive orders
It has been hilarious to see the scandalized reaction of some of the people I know on Trump effectively deciding something, as if they were not accustomed anymore to an executive power taking drastical action.
But this is not the topic of the day, instead I was thinking on how, strategically, the Left could respond.
Assuming that we know very well that the Left's demographical bread and butter have been PMC, white collars and upper class people for some years at this point, I think they have finally the opportunity to take, again, the mantle of the battle between the capitalist class and everyone else. Silents for years apart from ineffective rhetoric, now they have the photobombing opportunity to show Bezos, Zuck, Musk and others all together near Trump.
Maybe there is a future in the short-term for the class-based left, now that they can use the rhetorical baton to affirm that they have always been against the upper classes?
Yeah, the reason behind the left-wing rally behind environmentalism was never about environment itself, but about obtaining another method of doing the Revolution.
If you ever spoke with committed climate leftists, you quick understand that any discourse is not related to the environment, the economic or tech tools to use, energy, consumption etc, but it is about how to change people to achieve their particular brand of Socialism of the day.
Bonus point if you speak with left-wing climate women: At least men will earnestly tell you that is about the Revolution, while women will shut out angry rants about Mother Earth or being attuned with nature or whetever. A telluric and Dyonisian cult with socialist characteristics, made by people that, without modernity and capitalism, would be better doing literally any other job.
I do not understand where the issue is here. Interpreting it in a Schmittian way;
- Restriction against dangerous behaviour is rightwing and enemy-coded, so it is bad
- Restriction against extremist consuming behaviour is leftwing and friend-coded, so it is good
There is no principle or morality here, only that one restriction is good because friend and the other is bad because enemy.
I think the main problem, when here we try to talk about the reason behind certain behaviours motivated by ethics, is that we always try to rationalise problems and find where is the source, intellectual or moral, behind actions. But often there is no one, it is simply behaviour motivated by friend/enemy distinction.
Notice how the investigation was carried by Hope not Hate, one of the most (public) well-funded radical left wing NGO in the UK.
I do not understand why we use mental energies on the philosophical why of things when we have the perfect answer. Transgenderism empowers the left, transracialism does not. So the first is logical and the second is not, simple as.
The requisite is 10 years of residence. The proposer of the referendum says it is too high (I suppose that for them everything that is not open border is too high)
Collection of signatures in Italy regarding a popular referendum (doable with 500k signatures, they arrived at 400k this morning) to lower to 5 years the requisites for citizenship.
Proposed thanks to the usual eternal alliance between the Radicals (free marketers, Atlanticist and pro-US liberals) and the socialists-left wing parties.
If the Constitutional Court permits it, it will be another cultural war. Enormous error of the right wing government (as usual) to not reinforce the institute of citizenship, as always the right is reactive and not proactive.
I absolutely expect half of the men from my region to instantly convert to the female gender if gender switching is introduced and being a female let you pay less taxes or whatever.
Simple feminization of society, and the result of the alliance between feminist power groups and western èlites.
I read a bit about this Deirdre on the wikipedia page, and saw the failed cancellation campaign in 2003. I mean, probably it is true that this is not what defined her, but still I can see the germs of cancel culture in it.
Another win imho for the faction "Nothing ever happens"
Win for the NFP and the left, Macron's party recedes but still resists, RN did not win ad expected. Tactical voting and a surge in participation did it, the "1945 Front" keep winning.
The huge banner that says "France is a nation of immigrants" says everything.
Just for context,Zuppi is the Archbishop of Bologna, president of the CEI and friend of the left-wing regional and local government in Emilia-Romagna.
His main policy is facilitating immigration from Africa, and political help for the Left/Greens.
I only want to say that the conclave of German cardinals and political allies is too much fun. Germans are something else, menacing a split if the Pope do not accept trans rights.
I am not an expert by any mean, but imho is the same situation of Croatia in the 90s; everyone screeching about far right nationalists who like Hitler and the Ustasce and the next croatian fascist regime after the war with Serbia. Then you have liberal democracy and talk of gay marriage legalization.
The Liberal-Atlantic bloc has been very good at using then dismantling far right organisation without any sort of problem, I have no doubt they will also do it in Ukraine. Unlike far-left organisations, there is no desire to keep these groups in power after the Emergency.
Indeed. What often people do not understand is that the Great Coalition, or at least the EPP-PSE alliance, is the mainstay of the EP and of the European Union. It will never falter because it is not supposed to fell.
Imho; Nothing will ever change and nothing will ever happen. EPP is way more ideologically similar to the Greens than the other right wing groups, it will signal to the Left that maybe they will cooperate with the Right to acquire a bit more influence in the coalition, than it will form another big tent coalition and we will have for other 5 years to follow the policies of the Greens and the Socialists.
Next week I am gonna join a big and important global event regarding innovation, AI, tech and sustainability, with thousands of participants, investors, startups etc.
The prime attention on both social media is given to left-wing NGO, that are arriving in full force to do political propaganda on stage. It is always fun to check the background on LinkedIn of all these, always female, speakers, and see that it is completely unrelated to the issue they are talking about.
For example, of the 5 women speakers from @WomenInAI, only two are graduated, with bachelor, in Engineering, and then they moved to managerial roles, HR or NGOism. One is an "Afrofuturist feminist" who has done nothing in life apart launching her shitty art with the NASA.
In my opinion, the greatest fault of Capitalism, and the real problem that is behind it, is that it is so productive that can share money to unproductive people, creating a new caste of Priestly Propagandist, that exists only because they receive money from society. A parasitical relationships between the producers of wealth, the managers and the oppressed/activist class, who can rearrange the chairs to receive more money, prestige and wealth.
The only way in which a productive capitalist society can work is to introduce a huge shame against this kind of behavior. Sadly, if introduced, it would be,correctly, interpreted as anti-women discrimination.
Two questions about The Motte;
- Is the site growing or stagnant?
- If it is stagnant or decaying in popularity, do we have any tool or method to attract new people?
Communities like this have the problem of attracting fresh meat.
For the PMC-leftist commentariat on Twitter this has been a wonderful event, because they could finally demonstrate that, yes, rich and pampered kids are right-wing. When in reality, in Europe, the most important predictor for left-wing vote is wealth, the richer you are, the more on the left you are.
I completely agree with you.
What i was saying is that indeed there have been a replacement of the moral framework, and in order to change ideas, you need to change the moral framework of women again, making the "persuade them on the market of ideas" less useful.
And I am talking from a country where, still last election at least, women still vote right as the men.
Thanks for the poem and the translation.
Yes, it looks like something that we as civilization have not yet understood, and maybe we knew but we have forgotten, is the different moral framework of women in comparison to men. We notice it now way more because women has enormous political power, and this translates to a change in ethics in our political and cultural class.
From a political perspective, it makes very hard to dislodsge young women and the left, because, by nature, the modern left is based on the oppressor/oppressed moral framework. The only thing you can use it to introduce another oppressor/oppressed moral framework that is stronger.
It also make me think how the liberal civilization will fare in the future if we adopt women's moral framework, especially on foreign policy. And I think here there is a case of "wokes more correct than the mainstream" when they say that Imperialism is born from the Patriarchy.
Because my nitpick topic is the intersection between politics and gender/sex, in the last months since 7 October I began a very unscientific analysis of the social media content, especially on Instagram, of my friends, acquaintances and other people I follow. (Context as always, European middle-upper class, intra-national environment, very EU-based)
I cannot emphatise enough how much the driven behind pro-Palestinian content is driven exclusively by women. Between the thousands of people I follow, there is a core of around 50 people, all women apart one anarchist guy, who are hard Palestinian-posters (And remember, there is a lot of interests in politics in my environment, it is normal to see all these people interested in stuff like this). And I am not talking about random posting, I am talking of months and months of posting, all inserted in a moral framework of "do not touch the children" or "Israelis are racists". Having followed the process since the beginning, it was fun to see how it took at least one month until the start of the pro-Palestinian posting, as if they were checking where it was the consensus in their group before beginning to post.
The question I ask the community here, why a topic that is so far from our location and interests (again, we are no Columbia University or Middle East, we are far away both ideologically and physically) is so interesting for women, that makes them post about id dozens of times every week, for months straight? And I am talking about a very intense interest, is not rare to see online meltdown of suffering, death menaces or simply histrionics directed towards obscure metaphysical forces.
Again, my observation are reinforced from what I saw in the US and Europe about the universities and campus protests; the protestors are overwhelmingly women, and the most desperate are women.
For me the question rotates around two different forces;
- The maternal ethics of women, that makes them take always the side of the one that looks weaker or more oppressed.
- The ideological force behind social networks, that make them taking the side of the part with more social consensus in their social circles.
Thinking about the past, it makes me smile how much it was common to hear, until twenty years ago, that women are very uninterested in politics, unlike men. For my generation, this idea looks absurd. Men do not care about politics at all.
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Why do I hate every job I do?
I changed job, like, 4 times in my life. To give a bit of perspective, I did a bit of everything (Public servant in administration, consultancy for a small company, then marketing specialist, now business developer and client & project manager)
EVerytime the job was defined by an initial sense of excitement and wonder, an honeymoon lasting like 6 months, and then complete demoralization and destruction. The reasons are always the same: Sense of abandonement from upper echelon, sense of uselessness, frustration derived from general disorganisation etc.
But after changing several jobs, everytime with radical differences both in theme, position, duties, working hours, wage etc, I am beginning to think that maybe the problem resides with me? I am more of an academic/literate type, always loved to write, read, talk with people. But earning a life with this kind of job is impossible, so I decided to pursue more earthly manners. But still, I feel frustrated, and despite adopting every possible idea to improve on the job (training, strict sleep and relaxation schedule, learning how to focus and external tools to remember tasks etc), I still fail to feel remotely good at something.
I have no idea what to do, I feel way less intelligent than I look like from the external.
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