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joined 2022 September 05 17:21:23 UTC


User ID: 645



2 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 05 17:21:23 UTC


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User ID: 645

The point is youtube will serve all necessary files at the same time, you're not limited to a slow data stream. This is what we would call 'instant'.

I love "her"; can you PM any similar accounts?

yt-dlp will download and transform a 20 minute youtube video in under a second, including subtitles if you want.

Tangentially, this is why the occasional narrative that Islam needs a reformation is insane; it's currently going through a reformation, that's why it's gotten so violent (like the 30 years war etc.)

the country is generally in favour of breaking from its old European alliances

No. I went into this in detail here: https://old.reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/comments/1ir1ozg/adam_tooze_discusses_rightwing_americas_offer_to/md4y0k2/

Most believe they want to tear it down, but with this "olive branch" they aim for mere ideological capture (or reinvigoration, depending on PoV), to transform the undergirding which built the Atlantacist consensus.

Could a rebellion in eastern Congo widen into a regional war?

It already is, multiple foreign militaries are on the ground. Hundreds of Romanian mercenaries were even captured.

It fundamentally transformed the way I think more than anything, up until getting into software engineering, which I view as an extension of formal logic.

An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus by Michaelson starts from lambda calculus, extends it through logical inference to Lisp to typed ML in a few hundred cozy pages!

5 freshly graduated leutenants and 3 of their instructors were fired after their graduation ceremony, where they drew swords and said "we are the soldiers of Ataturk", understood as a prosecularist move against Erdogan's islamization. https://www.duvarenglish.com/turkish-military-dismisses-lieutenants-targeted-by-erdogan-for-ataturk-chanting-during-oath-ceremony-news-65613

Similarly, a historian was arrested for insulting Erdogan online. https://www.duvarenglish.com/turkish-court-arrests-historian-for-insulting-erdogan-news-65614

As do parents of a (long dead) protestor. https://www.duvarenglish.com/parents-of-gezi-park-victim-face-trial-for-insulting-turkish-president-news-65598

losing the thread

That makes two of us! ...for the American economy, ah. I suppose not. But it kept bonds valued well on their books, working out like deferred payments. The American banks both financed the loser's payments and forwarded loans to the victors on reparations payments. I don't have access to the full period of bond values then, but I suspect their balance sheets were held up quite well until the depression.

The German government's credit wasn't really impacted, surprisingly. Somehow everyone kept playing ball with them even after they chose to hyperinflate themselves. Germans who bought war bonds etc. in WWI were the most negatively impacted. Even more surprising to me, Germany was still able to access credit markets into the 30s, even after they started issuing fake money: Öffa then Mefo bills. Chase bank e.g. went through crazy hoops and even let Americans buy German war bonds during WWII (until 1941) (at a discount, buying subsidized returnee marks taken from Jews).

The amount of goods and serviced provided can decrease, too. Producers can't lower prices very much without losing money (there's a reason prices are sticky downwards) while consumers can't pay more to maintain consumption (with a stable money supply). So you have less economic activity for the money supply, with inflation as the proportion between them changes for the worst (just on the other side of the equation).

We're literally talking about the opposite situation!

American banks gave Germany perhaps 4x as much as the 20 years later Marshall plan. Some was from the reparations (Dawes and Young plans) they bankrolled, without being paid back, which did not circulate in the German economy, but they loaned and invested even more (about $5 billion/year in the late 1920s, more than Germany (American bankers) paid in reparations in total (for comparison, in dollars, the total original reparation sum was $30 billion) which helped Germany grow production 30% above 1914 levels, with the 2nd largest industry in the world.)

Southern Italy and Sicily have been backwards since literally the Roman times.

They were quite wealthy during the Middle Ages, e.g. Sicily under the Norman Roger II. However the south's cash crops stagnated the economy as great wealth flowed in without much need for diversification and increasing complexity (...and later the Kingdom of the 2 Sicilies banned agricultural exports!) Prosperity started breaking down in the 14th century, then in the 15th century when large earthquakes and plagues decimated the population and slave raids shifted settlements inland; the Spanish art of governance (rent seeking) also halted development (cf. Spanish literacy into the late 19th century).

Nevertheless, up to unification, Naples remained one of Europe's largest and wealthiest cities. Sicily had 3 of the most industrialized provinces in 1871 - but they hadn't changed production methods for centuries, doing seasonal labor in workshops (compared to the area around Milan which used power looms etc. from the 1820s).


Isn't it only about $200 (5%) at the 45k crowns/month pretax we're talking about (to get ~33k after tax)?

You missed the "after tax". The 1/3 municipal tax lowers it a fair bit.

Yes this seems Bad For The Economy

How did this impact the German economy if it never circulated (neither entered nor left it)?

The Norse believed cats had magic powers, warded way spirits etc., carved them on things, sailed and went viking with them (and dogs).

in the postdoc bracket (so about $3k/month after tax or a bit more

That's what an American makes at McDonalds doing night shift, or the top 25% in Sweden or top 10% in France...

Germany paid almost none of the reparations. Less than 1/6 of the 130 billion marks were paid by 1930 (after which payments were paused, then indefinitely deferred due to the great depression), almost all by American banks which Germany never paid back. (N.b. only 50B (the A and B bonds) were required to be paid.) If you calculate for inflation etc. the US actually paid Germany significantly more than in the Marshall plan after!

For comparison, after the Franco-Prussian war, France received a similar proportion of GDP, had its banks finance it within a month then paid them off within 3 years. The German Empire (the Weimar state's actual name) via Havenstein instead chose to call a general strike and hyperinflate its currency to erase local war debts the government owed to German citizens and banks.

Also, the great depression started when the US stock market crashed, spreading elsewhere.

That's how Chinese governance works. The different regions are all allowed to have their own (radically different) policies to experiment with what works. After a bit, the winning method is spreads to the rest and they try a new experiment.

The Colombian government wasn't rejecting deportations outright, but the specific way, wanting the US to charter seats or such (which is generally cheaper, too) hence the president offering to fly them with his own plane.

doesn't like the Christian Nationalist project of Fuentes, for basically the reasons given by Richard Spencer

What are his reasons/where to read them?

But that sounds too insane to state directly outside of rationalist circles so you have to reach for an argument that normies are willing to consider

Hasn't that been the "normie" and popular position for the past 10-15 years? It's long seemed a radical opinion with no public support to entertain the concept of moral culpability.

I love that Americans can look at the same scene through an entirely different colour spectrum, and all the flashing red bits just look gray to them.

The question is what value is encoded in the British lens and what Americans are missing by not seeing this worldview. Does it make Americans worse analysts when interacting with the Chinese etc or does it free them to do more, with less mental burdens or are they stupider because they're not constantly doing such social calculus etc etc Like preeminent American Timothy Dexter I'll put my punctuation at the end...,,,???????


Everything is composed of many parts, without which something will fail. Those individual parts are not all worth the entire project, but rather some function of their rarity/cost to create and necessity viewed through a Keynesian beauty contest or such. Normal values and prices already cover everything.

Consider the same story, but where you offer people $10 to use their charger for a little bit. This removes the debt and simplifies the initial acquisition.