Intel Pentium III 450 / Nvidia Riva TNT2 Ultra / Corsair 128MB PC133 / ABIT BH6
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User ID: 407
What upset you?
Why can’t you leave your posts up so threads you participated in make sense? You didn’t use your real name.
Don’t copious amounts of diet soda help?
How do occupational licensing boards have any authority? Do I just declare myself and my fellow… rodent groomers… an authority and start handing out paid licenses, and the state will back me if I fine someone $10,000 for combing a hamster without my approval?
I was freezing my ass off out there trying to execute The Fock and the jerk didn’t even show up! You owe me @SkookumTree!
Didn’t Cormac McCarthy follow the same mindset? Thought he got himself a wife.
All my groceries seem to have “best by” dates, what happened to actual expiration dates? The wife wants to toss everything after the best by date, even when it’s obviously fine for consumption.
It’s Divinity: Original Sin III with a Forgotten Realms skin suit.
It was Vavra, and I’m sure it is right that most of them are atheists. But by that same token, it can be said that there is nothing more Jewish than an atheistic Jew.
Please. Is that what the developers said? They’ve could have added greater and more compelling cathedrals, or what have you, with all the AAA resources being thrown at it, as the game is literally titled Kingdom Come, and this robustly funded successor could have provided more awe-inspiring Christian architecture to appreciate. Why, they could invent it if they wanted to, out of thin air like the synagogue. Why not? But it doesn’t have that, those aspects are absent and that exclusion is very out of key with the original title. Instead it gets gay sex and black lecturing, yada yada, and all signs point to that not being accidental.
I don’t believe this is contrary to what I wrote, please let me know if I’m mistaken.
You defend a synagogue (which never existed historically) in melee against “antisemites” perpetrating an invented pogrom as part of a quest which the main plot is dependent on for advancement. Musa, the jarring negrolatry insert, is your forced companion.
Oh, another thing, the developer couldn’t bother to introduce interiors of churches and cathedrals that were strongly present in the first game (not enough time he says? But he had enough time, manpower and money for Musa and all the other crap detailed above), but he certainly did for a synagogue.
“ I would love to, but we just didnt have enough time to do it as good as we would like to.”
BG3 also did not exactly have the opportunity to plainly slander White Christian Europeans (unless they somehow made their way into Faerûn). It also did not vandalize the prior titles in the series with woke retcons.
I blindly (nearly zero prior review on social media or otherwise, because I enjoyed BG1/2 very much and decided to dive in blind only if a trusted friend could vouch it wasn’t woke goyslop) played through it on recommendation from a friend who didn’t find it catering directly to modern audiences in his own playthrough (unlike recent Ubisoft titles). I believe now that he was wrong and is not sensitive enough to know he is swimming in woke waters.
It’s mostly fine, but it isn’t real time with pause, the writing is poor but serviceable for the gameplay. The problem is aesthetics - everything is undifferentiated morality choices, spiritually genderless with no alignment system. All races are strictly equivalent, and would-be evil races are turned into sympathetic humans with some devilish window dressing. At some point in the third chapter, the designers’ jarring preference for girl bosses become impossible to not notice, everything has a sterile-feminine bent. It’s not done well. There’s apparently a whole lot of degeneracy that is avoided by not engaging with it - after I beat it I was surprised by some scenes on YouTube I never saw in game.
Much of this could be predetermined by the edicts of the 5th edition D&D rules however, which is why I never use that rule set in any tabletop setting.
It has some good moments, and the tactical gameplay loop is there, so it is worthwhile but it isn’t any sort of Infinity Engine game. There’s no successor to those.
It was not based, but rather the sequel more heavily catered to woke pieties and aesthetics than the first. It is not the best example, but sequels degrading, if not on an about-face like Kingdom Come, then simply unignorably further downward into wokeism, is a noticeable pattern.
There is plenty of subversion here. Take a look:
• Henry and Hans are gay for each other:
• Musa the Malian Scholar, Physician and Explorer (who quickly went from "Al Fake" to "just a Trader" to big plot critical character with over an hour of dialogue that is part of the main story and can't be killed) lectures the player about how much more enlightened his society is than Bohemia over and over, and goes on about how they don't season dey food, you can also get relationship advice from him, or talk about jerking off, also you apparently have to defend him during a trial and if you fail it's game over with Henry getting hanged:
• Henry apparently has a Jewish step brother, who he can be gay with? and teaches him about the plight of his people:
• The Jewish quarter and synagogue in the game that wasn't historic, but added by the dev team for story purposes: plays a major part in the main story and you will have to defend them from “Antisemite” (talk about anachronistic) Christians attacking them in an ahistorical invented pogrom:
• The main not-gay romance Option is supposedly a single mother who cheats on you with Musa, a black man, and becomes angry with you if you don’t champion him in court in a subsequent quest.
• A gypsy prostitute from a gypsy camp you're to run errands for teaches Henry about hermaphrodites:
• Henry gets humiliated or outdone by women several times
• There's a Quest about humanizing and making friends with the Cumans that invaded and pillaged Henry's village and killed his parents and girlfriend
• There's a quest where you have to help make a Golem using Jewish magic, and to do so Henry apparently has to eat dead bodies? The act itself mocked as humiliating (“from Lord’s messenger to taster of cadavers”):
The pogrom is interesting - the head developer, who defended the child sodomy (Henry is a minor by canon) he injected, said to players you can make your own choices whether or not to engage in sodomy, but conveniently you have no choice but to slaughter your fellow White Christians beside a Muslim ally to advance the main plot. On a related note about the lead dev from Wikipedia’s early life:
Daniel Vávra was born in Rychnov nad Kneznou, before moving to Prague. He has partial Jewish ancestry.
It seems that he ignored his personal ethnic grievances in the first game, to wide acclaim, but then heavily layered them into the sequel in a way that slanders White Christian European history, while vandalizing the beloved first game.
Much media has followed this path - Joker to Joker 2, The Last of Us to The Last of Us Part 2, Hades and its sequel, etc. Rugpulls and humiliating retcons everywhere.
Which human would you use for this?
Which human would you NOT use for this?
That study really should be redone showing priorities allocated to each band per ideological grouping. Maybe it already contains this, no idea. My intuition is it would illustrate the same dramatic difference as is already assumed on the right.
This is true, and @j0nahfun on Twitter explained the virility-enhancing properties as well:
Soak your dick in (semi-erect) in warm Coke for 10-15 each day when you wake up. The phosphoric acid is supposed to expand the blood vessels in your penis which makes it look thicker and slightly longer.
Interesting! Just how much grinding is there? After I beat Diablo 2 LoD end boss I lost interest in getting any better loot on the next difficulty up, I’d rather play a new class however that means playing through it again at base difficulty.
I got it for free with my 4090, but never got around to playing it. I finally beat Diablo I and II last year with a buddy. What are boss mats?
What GPU?
Any way you can get hashes for the legit versions of the binaries to compare? Sometimes they’re even signed.
It’s a joke. You don’t need AV for Linux. However, an RMM tool or an EDR agent might be worthwhile but those have a minimum license count and aren’t individually sold. Wazuh/OSSEC “EDR” has some function.
and they announced the development of a single-player classically scripted campaign mode.
So they will have a single player campaign? That’s what I thought was cancelled. Neat if so.
I will probably pick it up… someday. I still need to complete the original two Homeworlds.
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