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Voltaire's Viceroy

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joined 2022 September 05 02:32:36 UTC


User ID: 373


Voltaire's Viceroy

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User ID: 373

The leftist take is generally that the female prostitutes are either empowered women or hopeless victims, and that the Johns should all burn in Hell. Some feminists prioritize the empowerment of women while mostly ignoring Johns (they still think they should probably burn in Hell), while other feminists think the presence of Johns is so terrible that the entire industry needs to be incinerated. Sometimes one or the other group will dominate. Other times there'll be compromises like in Sweden where prostitution is legal for women to sell, but illegal for men to buy. It's truly a shining model of feminist equality.

Thanks for the clarification. I broadly agree with this.

What other benefits? Aside from legal protections around having children, there's little else that marriage offers to men that a close male friend couldn't also provide, oftentimes at higher quality. And there's the issue of "marriage" and "close male friends" are often substitutes, i.e. men often lose their male support groups when they get married either due to time constraints or from the woman covertly sabotaging things (e.g. controlling the social schedule and deprioritizing them).

"human fleshlight, plus domestic labor" lens (and the far-left and far-right agree that this is the best a woman can do in life

There's a lot of horseshoe in gender discussions when it comes to the far left and far right, but I'm not sure the far left would go that far. Care to elaborate a bit?

Gynosupremacists are simply making sure there's no competition for domestic women, so they can get a higher price for their assets ('why buy the cow' and all that). Casting aspersions about the safety and morality of the competitor's products is a classic sales tactic.

I definitely agree there's a ton of this going on. I'd say "sex cartel" concerns account for roughly 80% of the discussion around prostitution, although nobody would admit it obviously.

It just looks like he’s socially pressured by middle aged women into parroting a feeling he doesn’t share or agree with.

Yeah, there's definitely a lot of that going on. "Age gap" discussions have always been farcical. It's OK for a 20 year old woman to take a loan or a job from a 60 year old man, but not to have sex with him? The double-standard is extremely obvious, and it's clear that most "age gap" stuff is just older women being angry at older men not finding them attractive as they once did.

"the poor have no agency" is fairly mainstream. (I would reckon that acceptance of sugardaddying and luxury escorts is far higher.)

That's an interesting perspective. Sure, we don't let poor people sell their own kidneys, but we certainly let them do a ton of other degrading or dangerous stuff, like be garbage collectors or work in coal mines. I haven't noticed the acceptance of sugardaddying and luxury escorts to be higher, and I'm highly certain it's not far higher.

I feel like there'd still be a lot of pushback to sex tourism in a relatively wealthy country like Japan or South Korea or Taiwan, which would presumably be at the same level of concern in regards to "sex slavery". With the contempt I've seen, it seems more like an ugly guy in the US shouldn't be able to just go to another country to have sex, as that's cheating!

Few people who are in a decent sexual relationship visit prostitutes.

There's plenty of non-exploitative prostitution where the woman comes in as an independent provider, works whenever she feels like it, and stops of her own accord at some point. There might be some abuse on the sides, but that'd be far more easily stopped with legalization + regulation than attempting total bans.

Nice book review.

I too wonder why prostitution or sex tourism is still so shunned. It's clear why the far left and far right hate it: the Fascist-Feminist Synthesis holds that women have no agency in such a situation, and that they must be protected from their own decision to offer themselves to beastly men.

But why does the center go along with this still? Residual Puritanism might explain some part, but I doubt it's the whole answer.

Is it though? His base will never leave him so long as he dunks on the libs, no matter how much he scams them.

It sounds like we agree on almost everything here, we just use different language.

The only bit I'd raise an objection to is the "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" excuse being a good reason for much of anything.

Biden had already been pestering the Israelis to GTFO, with Bibi hoping Trump would come to the rescue and give him a free hand. Trump signaling "no" ends those hopes.

They were only "diplomatic victories" in an Israeli sense, not an American one. Israel got a ton of stuff it wanted while the US increased its presence and exposure in the region for negligible gain.

The Fascist-Feminist synthesis that the majority of normies implicitly agree with is that men viewing explicit material is metaphysically damaging in some way, and thus it must be curtailed as much as possible. There's a bunch of laws that obliquely touch on these aspects (often relating the "production of child porn"), as well as a ton of potential PR damage. That's why webhosts, credit card processors, sites like Patreon, etc. have always been weirdly prudish about any explicit material. We should expect the same thing to happen to image generators. It'll probably reach a similar steady-state eventually, with explicit stuff existing on the periphery while facing periodic crackdowns.

The vast majority of posters here (and everywhere) aren't willing to change their mind about anything they have strong pre-existing convictions on. Discussions are still worth having regardless.

Does this mean we should never have discussions that start with the assumption that the Holocaust happened?

I feel there should be more affordance for orthodox ideas to skip debate on some of the assumptions than for heterodox ideas. Otherwise we could end up with situations like the following:

"I believe elites are all pedophiles who rape children in the basement of a certain pizza parlor. I'm not willing to debate this. This discussion is only for people who agree with me on this point. With that said, how do we stop these evil elites from doing this???"

I don't see why Newsom would be impacted that much by the fires. Most people understand state governors aren't absolute dictators that are responsible for everything that goes wrong. I checked here and he's still one of the most likely candidates for the D nomination in 2028. There's not a lot of history so I can't see if it's moved much recently, but I doubt it has.

My comment was meant for OP who seems open to alternative ways of seeing reality. Not for you a somewhat unknown entity clearly ready for an argument.

Write like everyone is reading and you want them to be included in the discussion.

Take a hard Look into evolution and realise that natural selection is not enough to explain how we (humans) came to be in our current form.

Proactively provide evidence in proportion to how partisan and inflammatory your claim might be.

When ancient humans encountered something like lightning, they probably thought the same thing about mundane phenomena. "We have no explanation for this sudden bolt of energy... so it must be Zeus!" We know they were obviously wrong now. We know what lightning is, after science has advanced sufficiently to explain it.

The metaphysics questions you asked are mostly like that, to the extent they're falsifiable at all. The only correct answer is to say "we don't have enough information right now to know". You're not a truth-seeker if you just default to "it must be proof of God" when you encounter any difficult question.

There's a whole lot of voldemorting there. Claiming you can't say woke since it "doesn't mean anything" or is "just a boogeyman at this point".

hearing about HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of white girls raped

I was curious about where you got this number, but from what I read downthread it seems like you just pulled it out of nowhere by assuming the problem was just as prevalent everywhere else. It's akin to a BLM protestor assuming millions of unarmed black men were shot due to a few high-profile incidents, then doing some napkin math to justify their preconceptions.

you are faggots, cucks and race traitors who value you failed cuck discussion norms far more that the truth. Failed discussion norms taught to you by failed jews like Yudkowsky and Alexander who openly admit their ritualized cuckoldry and sexual depravity

Hatred alone is the truth, the light, and the way.

This is so over-the-top that even a 13 year old 4chan edgelord would find it cringey.

Agree with all of these.

I've always had a difficult time squaring points #1 and #2 together though. Why do societies that produce so many more geniuses per capita have such difficult times pushing the innovation frontier relative to the West? Is it just their conservative/conformist culture that squelches much of their talent? Are the measured IQ differences illusory from the tests, as Asians are more likely to study harder?

Color me skeptical. Sounds like just another marginal improvement at most. The problem with these metrics is that model makers increasingly seem to be "teaching to the test".

The vibes haven't really shifted since chatGPT 4.0 nearly 2 years ago now.

Why does this indicate Trump will be different this time? Musk and Ramaswamy signal boosted a shorter bill, which proves they have influence, which means DOGE could be more than a publicity stunt, maybe? I'm not really getting the connection.

The number of pages of legislation seems like a very poor barometer of government judiciousness.

-Okay, but how are physician salaries trending, are you making more than you used to?

Doctors have been getting year after year real wage cuts for 20-30 years. Everyone else’s (in healthcare) salaries have been going up. Percentage of healthcare spending on physician salaries is going down. So, if you really want us to get paid less just wait. Our salary shrinks every year and the portion of the pie we are taking shrinks too.

Alex Tabarrok wrote an article in 2019 that showed this is simply incorrect. Real physician wages tripled over the past several decades, and are doing far better in terms of wage growth than many other professions. Maybe he's doing something weird with the numbers here, but you didn't post any numbers, just an assertion.