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joined 2025 March 03 23:26:52 UTC


User ID: 3572



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2025 March 03 23:26:52 UTC


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User ID: 3572

Crystal Cafe is 4chan but with (more) women who like saying "moid" a lot. Clarity?

British Empire in a funny hat? Never seen 'em.

Aesthetic but not factual agreement. Pity about the synthesis.

(I think a lot of wiser heads got scared off by career-incompatible drama way back when. Organization is certainly a better way to deal with the suicidally incompetent.)

Surely. Which bit, exactly?

Speaking as a current atheist, "Progressives are anti-Christian?" is a profoundly implausible statement. The difference between left- and right-wing atheists is that the latter also dislike everything else.

Though I've never been attracted to performative crucifix dunking or global-warming paint throwing. If that's the best you can do, you aren't capable of building any world I want you to live in.

Sorry, that was insensitive. How much Crystal Cafe are you on?

Context, my dear roadhouse, context.

Moon atheist waifu supremacy

Every time you post something like this...

How many layers of 4chan are you on, anyway?


Would it really be any tragedy at all? So many better uses for the material...

  • -28

Now they're wishing they had strangled the baby in the crib.

This is probably a true statement about the leadership of the Democratic party. It definitely isn't true about "the Left" unless you've started using that word to refer to libertarians for some reason.

This post is a perfect encapsulation of the totalizing nonsense of negative partisanship.

You can think what you like.

Filing the Elon drama of the moment under "Kamala is vibes." A few people nervously repeating themselves loudly isn't a compelling argument.

(Doesn't seem to be moving the social needle much anymore either. Funny how that works.)

Ah, the Cherryh protocol.

He certainly seems to be pricking all the right people.

Let's hold course and see how it goes.

Oy. No bratting in the war room.

They could've tried not alienating people who basically agreed with them, but thought throwing principles away was gauche? No idea. I wouldn't be here, anyway.

Decade and change was long enough to steer away from the rocks...