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Putting aside the colossal screw up and perhaps criminal negligence, the actual content of the conversation was surprisingly exactly what I might have expected. That itself is rather alarming because I shouldn't be in a position to form accurate expectations about how these conversations should go, right? I appreciate the transparency of the Trump administration, but this is a bit much. Heads should roll. Although we're unlikely to get an honest explanation for why Signal was been used for these communications, I would really like one. Worst case scenario is that they don't trust more official channels.

Mostly stories like this are reassuring. Any crackdown on abuse of the immigration system is going to produce false positives. If there were no stories like this, then that would be an indication that it's all fake. The ICE agents involved in egregious cases of bad judgement should be reprimanded appropriately, but I applaud their zealousness.

The scale of the problem in many Western countries is so severe that at this point there is no appropriate response that won't look extreme and even tyrannical. That is an unfortunate byproduct of the last 3 decades of wholly extreme and reckless immigration policies and enforcement sabotage.

Of course he's serious. Trump loves Canada, and he thinks Canadians are great. He thinks they could be even better as part of the US, and they could help Make America Great Again. He thinks they are weak alone, and their current political and economic trajectory are unforunate, and if they continue as they are then Canada may become liability rather than an ally.

If Trump wants to annex you, that's a compliment, a huge compliment. But he's not going to send troops into Canada. He wants Canada to want to join the US. He sincerely does not understand why so many Canadians dislike the US. He thinks he's offering Canada a good deal, the best deal.

In the long run, I think he will be proven right, but he'll be gone before then.

For a non-citizen, if you have only 6 months left on your visa and you have to get your drivers license renewed, then then that license will only be valid for 6 months. Moreover, if you go to a local courthouse to renew it, your number won't come up on a regular search. It is necessary to go to a DMV building to get a license renewed. The drivers license number database apparently flags when a license belongs to a non-citizen, or at least flags it when additional steps for renewal are necessary. I don't know if this flag is visible to law enforcement when they search a license number, but there's a good chance it is. I suppose if you violated the conditions of your visa, then you could be residing illegally while still appearing to have a valid license. However, I suspect since they can't issue a license that is valid beyond the expiration date of a visa, that violating the visa would then automatically void the drivers license

I presume drivers license numbers must be flagged in searches to show if the holder is not a citizen, because green card holders can't just renew their drivers license at a local courthouse. If they try, their number doesn't come up in the search. They have to go to a DMV building. The database knows they're not citizens (or at least it knows they have this special condition on renewing their license), so it's definitely possible to infer citizenship from a drivers license number search. I don't know if ICE officers are capable of conducting this type of search.

I think some kind of deal for illegals who turn themselves in might work. No guarantees, but perhaps waiving certain restrictions on them applying for legal entry. It could reduce the workload while getting some of the more sympathetic cases into the legitimate system.

MAGA are bad Christians, but progressives are anti-Christian. MAGA are ostensinsibly Christian, or at least like Christians and will generally let them be, but progressives hate Christianity and will continue attacking it at every opportunity, or at least just stand by and watch while it is destroyed by their extremists. It's not a difficult choice, though Schmidtz seems to have misunderstood the situation.

The ship was heading for an iceberg anyway and they were running articles called "Why Hitting Icebergs is Actually a Good Thing".

Undocumented migrants.

Musk's Twitter is bizarrely unfiltered. I have stopped interpreting his tweets as carefully considered positions that he is endorsing so much as random thoughts that he is just throwing out there, some of which he seriously believes but others that are just ephemeral musings. The increasingly transient and momentary nature of the platform are conducive to this pattern of behavior. I don't see how he has time to do it, so I have to assume he essentially doesn't. It seems more important for him to produce tweets than to think about them for very long. At the same time, Musk is privy to information that the general public is not, and betting against him doesn't have a great track record however crazy his ambitions might seem. If nothing else, he is quite entertaining.

I'm highly sceptical that a slow, cautious, and careful approach would serve Musk's goals better. The road to success passes through many mistakes, so might as well get through them as fast as possible. This doesn't seem to be a new style for Musk, but rather it's just new that we're getting to see it in the open on X. On the other hand, he might just be having a mental breakdown.

Fundamentally, neither side should trust the other because neither side is actually trustworthy. Stalemates, ceasefires, and uneasy peaces backed up by threats of force is all that is on offer until one or both sides collapse internally.

Well, a core part of the ideology is that they are, axiomatically, on the right side of history. Not just morally, but inevitably. The march of history is in their favor. The future will be progressive, liberal, left-wing, and it's just a matter of waiting for the olds to die to make way for the new utopia. This has been their assumption throughout my whole life. The "modern audience" was prophesied, and they have been preparing for its inexorable arrival. It has only been delayed. The faithful must hold strong and doubledown.

I think Trump sees Russia as an adversary, but not one he wants to start a war with. The US tried to help Ukraine, but at some point you're just throwing good money after bad. I don't think he see Russia as big enough threat to continue risking war, and the US is too exhausted (both financially and morally) playing world policeman for the last 3 decades with little to show for their efforts. The US needs a reset, because it's on the same unsustainable path (financially, demographically, culturally) that Europe is on. For that same reason, Europe is not going to be a reliable ally in the future, and they may even become a different type of adversary than Russia. Perhaps I'm completely wrong, but I expect the UK state to fail before I die unless they make big changes very soon; it's likely already too late. It's quite possible that hostile groups will gain access to European nuclear weapons during this time.

I am sure Trump has had many amicable and even friendly relationships with bad people throughout his careers--New York real estate and Hollywood entertainment are full of such people. I get the sense that he personally likes Putin, and that he believes (wrongly or rightly) that he can deal with Putin. I don't think that necessarily means he thinks Putin is a good person, or that Putin's government does good things. I think Trump knows that you can make deals with bad people, and sometimes you have to, and you might even like them even though they're bad. The question is not so much whether they're good or bad so much as whether you can get them to do the things you need them to, and sometimes you can. You may not be able to trust them entirely, but moralistic grandstanding achieves nothing unless you're willing to back it up with gunfire, and he isn't.

I would not consider the EU a reliable ally in the first place. I actually expect them to be a future enemy regardless of the US's current actions.

Like a woman showing her cleavage, he knew what he was doing.

Are you talking about Russia or NATO?

Putin cannot be trusted without security guarantees, but I fear Zelensky cannot be trusted with them. Fundamentally, neither side trusts each other or wants to stop fighting, and I completely understand why. Unfortunately for Ukraine, US support is not unconditional or unlimited, and at some point it's just throwing good money after bad. Ukraine gave Russia a bloody nose, and they've made Russia pay dearly for little gain. Russia was expecting a cake walk, and it has been anything but. They will think twice before repeating any such adventurism. For this, Ukraine should certainly be celebrated, but they are outmatched even with material support. They have no path to victory. If anything less than complete withdrawal of Russian forces is unacceptable, then I think Ukraine will lose everything rather than something. Western elites who continue to talk in those terms are fundamentally unserious, incapable, and unwilling to commit the forces necessary to make that happen. These are people who had nothing good to say about Ukraine until Putin invaded, and their stance today is motivated far more from fear and hate of Putin than love of Ukraine. For them, Ukraine is worth sacrificing to preserve their sense of international order. Ironically, Ukraine underestimates their peril, because they're surrounded by enemies on both sides.

Apparently serious people are now talking about a "Trump-Putin alignment". You would think Trump were actively sending military aid to the Russian frontlines. Ironically, it's European nations who have done more to finance Russia's war because they're dependent on Russian energy. Anything less than complete unconditional and unlimited military aid for Ukraine is interpreted as actually allying against Ukraine and all of Europe.

I assume they're going to try and sneak it in anyway, so an official stance of DEI zero tolerance is preferable. It'll still happen, but it will be less defensible and more subtle.

I actually think this might be good for Europe. The civilizational decay is really beginning to stink up the place, but there is nothing that focuses the mind quite like a genuine existential threat. Time to man up. Unfortunately, I didn't see much manning up on the faces of Europe's leaders during Vance's speech. I fear that in a few more years the indigenous peoples of Europe will increasingly rather take up arms against their governments than for them.

I am in the business of starting forest fires so this is of some interest to me.

My assumption is that, eventually, after demolishing the house full of termites, something will be built to replace it. This assumption may be very mistaken.

The counterfactual to consider is what if the Nazis had nuclear weapons?

If a peace deal is contingent on both sides agreeing about who started it, then there will be no peace deal. Both sides will doubledown on their stories. I don't think Trump cares who started it, but he is frustrated with Zelenskyy. Total defeat and withdrawal of Russia is unrealistic under the current circumstances, and nobody is willing to escalate further. Some concessions to Russia will be necessary, so might as well begin by conceding that Russia was not entirely at fault for starting the conflict. It doesn't matter whether it's true if it helps make a peace deal easier. At least, that's an alternate reading.

It's worth reflecting on the fact that we all almost saw Trump's head explode on live TV. He was right by about 2 inches.