You are replying to a comment that specifically states "Canada and Europe are not his allies. These places are ruled by his enemies. "Canada and Europe are not the enemies of the United States" is a complete non-sequitor. Of course, your next paragraph explains why you did so; a bad-faith implication that Trump is a petty dictator.
This is all pointless, however, since Nations are not individuals with agency, and cannot have "allies" and "enemies;" nations have leaders, every single one of whom makes decisions on behalf of the country that satisfy their desires; the world is incapable of producing another Cincinnatus, and has been that way for some time.
The rebuttal is just insisting that transness is not really about being in the wrong body, but a deeper issue that wouldn't be resolved by giving the trans person what they think they want. The more analogous to "treating" schizophrenia by staging "arrests" of their "gang stalkers," or performing "surgeries" to remove the "tracking devices" they're convinced have been installed in them, and expecting this to work out.
A sexually-reproducing non-eusocial species has 25% of it's population "gay" and we just didn't know it the whole time? At some point, one has to realize one is just engaging in creating "just-so" stories to justify an unjustifiable belief.
I'm just going to declare this whole exchange the greatest comment thread in the illustrious history of the Motte.
Dudes stay rockin'!
'Trump's Definition of "Male," "Female" Criticized by Medical and Legal Experts' is just "Trump Being Obtuse," laundered through the priestly class. It's the same playbook as the shift to "Born This Way" for the Gay acceptance movement; have an ideologically captured cohort insist a blatant falsehood is actually true by playing that most tired of games, the language game. Nothing about the existence of Kleinfelter's implies that we logically must accept Trans as an identity for anyone willing to claim it (note that the Trans movement itself vehemently rejects any argument that medical diagnosis be a requirement for acceptance), any more than fuzziness over exactly what age a child is no longer a baby but is now a toddler forces us to accept a 46 year old man's claim to actually be a 6 year old girl.
NATO came about because:
- Everyone understood that the Soviet Union had designs on all of Europe; they were not going to mind their own business and co-exist with the West
- It was not in the interest of the United States to have a Soviet-domniated Europe
- Europe had no hope of resisting a Soviet invasion, individually, or collectively
This is why the US had bases, and large numbers of forces, stationed throughout Europe. This is why the OPLANS all have the US being in command of the combined militaries, and why they assume the US would be providing the lion's share of forces in the event of a Soviet invasion. This is why everyone and their mother noted the irony that the one time Article 5 got invoked, it was because the US was attacked; this wasn't what NATO was created for, everyone knew what was supposed to happen was the US coming to Europe's aid when the Soviets finally came a knockin'.
This doesn't look anything like Dean's suggestion of Europe as a "mercenary" between the Soviet Union and the US; mercenaries are otherwise uninterested parties that you have to pay to fight for you, not people you promise to defend and you spend a fortune stationing your troops in their territory to do so.
...European and British troops came along with us Americans to go push North Korea's shit in for a little while, AIUI.
Allied contributions to the Korean War effort were around 10% of the total manpower, and the casualties are even more lopsided towards the Americans. The allied contingent was there for political purposes, to keep up the pretense that this was not just the US vs. the Commies, but the "whole world" versus a belligerent state. Any effort in "pushing North Korea's shit in" provided by the Commonwealth nations was just gravy, and appreciated, but it wasn't the point.
if I was to characterize the transatlantic alliance from 1975, it would be something along the lines of 'the Americans bribed the Europeans to be the front line fodder in a war with the Soviet Union.' Yes, it was in the Americans own interest to fight with the Europeans to prevent Soviet domination of Eurasia, but the Americans were paying for strategic deference (such as via the Marshal Plan and establishing favorable trade flows / market access for the Europeans), and the Europeans were the ones who would be the front line shield
I think one would be hard-pressed to come up with a more absurd characterization of the NATO alliance, at any point from April 4th, 1949 until now, as "Europeans were going to be the front line shield, and Americans were going to bribe them to do so," implying that the entire European continent wasn't a target of Soviet expansion from the second Berlin fell, and that Europeans would otherwise had the option of sitting out the Cold War, were it not for Americans sweetening the deal.
We were always going to be the shield to protect Europe from being overrun by the Soviets, and at most, we planned for some material support from our allies, but there was never, at any point, a belief that Europeans would be doing the heavy lifting. None.
Then you didn't understand the question. You were not tasked with creating a rigorous argument that withstands scrutiny, you were tasked with filling in the blank for "However, copyright sometimes goes beyond its original purpose since sometimes _______." A - D all result in non-sequitors; none of those responses, regardless of whether they are valid criticisms of copyright or not, make sense in the context of stretching copyright beyond its intended purpose. Only E, regardless of whether it's factually true or not, results in a coherent statement.
They did not illegally enter government property. Just as importantly, American citizens are guaranteed a right to a speedy trial; holding them indefinitely "pre-trial" ("pre" being the Latin for "without," apparently; this is not what I was taught that it meant, but who am I to question my betters?)
This is not a definition of fascism I've ever heard of, and would reject entirely. This "definition" looks suspiciously like Umberto Eco's 14 points; a blatant attempt at rigging the debate so we all can agree that "fascism" only refers to evil right-wing movements and had nothing whatsoever to do with Leftist movements of the time, and absolutely no relation at all to Socialism, that's just a right-wing talking point (pay no attention to the documented history showing membership of fascists in socialist movements)
There's something hilarious about simultaneously praising yourself by proxy, while simultaneously engaging in the intellectually laziest, literally an online meme style argument; "everyone I don't like is Putler!"
No, calling it "the Ukraine" isn't a fucking "tell," it's a mistake millions make, up to and including Presidents, and will likely continue to make. Hell, in all likelihood, if a week from now someone holds a gun to my head and demands to know if it's "Ukraine" or "the Ukraine," there's a 50/50 chance I'll have forgotten this thread and get it wrong.
It most certainly does, which is why basic liberal arts has always been part - even if only perfunctory - of any degree program.
The fundamental expectation of college has always been to produce a new gentry, which is why community involvement and a solid personality is still part of the admissions process. "Genius asshole who is hated by everyone but still has a career because he's just that brilliant" is much more common in fiction than reality. Even the shift to "meritocracy just means SAT scores, stop discriminating agains Asians" is fairly recent, and largely a consequence of the rapidly increasing social atomization of the modern era, and the rapid increase in credentialism.
As we all know, in America, absolutely no homes were built, no lawns were mowed, no children raised, no crops picked, no animals butchered, prior to the passing of the Hart-Cellar Act.
At one point, all of these jobs were done, and ones requiring a wage - as opposed to the family just doing it - paid living wages. The idea that it's mathematically impossible for chickens to be slaughtered at a living wage without immiserating the rest of the US flies in the face of all of recorded history.
Once again, I am begging the citizens of the Motte to stop with this "reasoning from first principals" nonsense; it doesn't work, it has never worked, and it is incredibly unlikely it can ever work.
The bolded part just isn't true, though.
It is, when taken in context with the rest of the statement. Part of the reason I resisted making the jump from the reddit to this site was precisely this sort of argumentative style, where a statement is plucked entirely from its context, and debated with assumptions not part of the original claim. It's a waste of everyone's time.
The claim is that creative expression cannot exist since the player interacts with the programming to create the "work." Therefore, the programmer cannot say what the creative expression "is" any more than the coder of tax preparation software can say his program has "artistic meaning" without the user inputing values, or any more than the designer of a car's ignition system can say his diagram is "artistic expression."
That's like saying once a picture is out of the hands of the painter, it stops being art because the viewer might look at the right side of it first or the left, with no control from the creator. How can one ensure proper creative expression?
No, that's not even close to being a valid inference from my statement. If I change the orientation of a piece of art such that it no longer communicates what the artist intended, then the piece does not cease to be art, but instead becomes my art, as it now expresses what I desire it to, and not the creator intended.
That you would jump to such an unfounded conclusion speaks volumes about the base assumptions on one side of this debate.
Have you ever played a video game in your life? This is a serious question.
No, it is not a serious question. I will not entertain this discussion any further, as you are incapable of being reasoned with.
How can anyone say an entire medium isn't 'art'?
Literally everyone can say this. Selling pork chops at the supermarket isn't "art," no matter how many emotions it may make you feel to observe the process in action. This is a complete non sequitur. "Choice of medium" in fact has no bearing on whether an act can be considered "art," and, in truth, the correct question should be "how can anyone say an entire medium is art?" Art is defined by being an act whose principal purpose is creative expression of the creator (this is why video games fail to be art; once they're put in the hands of the player, the creator has no control over the creative expression. A "Let's Play" of a video game might be considered "art," depending upon the intent of the uploader; the game itself never can be). There are no shortage of films, television shows, and songs that are not, and do not aspire to be, anything more than commercial cash grabs. I am fully of the belief that, no matter how much I enjoyed The Transformers as a young boy glued to the TV set in the early 80's, those were 22-24 minute long commercials for toys, not art.
After decades of 'modern art' visually indistinguishable from detritus it's far too late for these pretentious critics to start battening down the hatches and enforcing rigorous standards.
An artistic work being of poor quality doesn't change the fact that it's art; and in fact, pointing out how it's low quality is part of criticism.
Thank you for illustrating perfectly the point I mentioned in my post; that this isn't in fact a debate about whether video games are "art," but a completley confused, cargo-cult belief that if the skeptics can just be convinced that video games count as "art," then that means the hobby is valid.
Bad analogy (NB: they all are), and overall just bad analysis. Movie criticism is a subset of art critcism overall, and part and parcel of criticism is understanding what is, and the purpose of, art. Besides which, Ebert isn't standing on credentials to determine what is or isn't "art," he's making an argument.
clo is quite correct; fans of Laufy incorrectly believe that if they can win the argument over whether or not her music counts as "jazz" means that her music will be taken more seriously than if it were not. This is the same dynamic we saw in the "video games are too art!" debates, where gamers were confusing "art" with "merit," and made completely confused arguments in their defense (inevitably falling back on "I felt emotions!" (this is not what makes art "art"), driven by years of ridicule in the mainstream about video games being a "lesser" hobby.
That's just poor phrasing by Scott; it's clear from context that what this should be saying is "a new vision of the Architect as Artist"
For what it's worth, reporting claims members of the President's own party were blindsided by this. Rumor mongering is afoot; I've heard in a streamer's chat that the current rumor is that the Minister of National Defense, Shin Won-shik, suggested this course of action, but take that with boulders of salt.
"Even if Trump was a bog-standard Democrat in the 90's, which he wasn't..."
They're saying this based off of his political positions that he espouses in public, for all the world to hear, and comparing this with where the two national parties have stood over the years. Everything Trump has campaigned on was Democratic dogma in the 90s, and, having lived through that period, your insistence that a) broad-based tariffs, b) eliminating illegal immigration, c) insisting that allies pay their fair share of maintenance of the international order were, in fact, anathema to 90's Democrats is just outright gaslighting. Those were absolutely policies publicly supported by the majority of Democrats; "nobody is illegal" isn't a mantra that exists in the public conscience until the rise of Woke.
"...resisted almost all activist demands for Blackrock to divest from arms companies and fossil fuels firms..." Which has nothing whatsoever to do with pushing Woke.
" invested in ESG-focused funds..." This is just hilariously missing the point. Blackrock doesn't just "invest" - it provides day-to-day funding for businesses. You don't get access to those funds if you don't meet Larry Fink's requirements on diversity, which is why I had to sit through interminable videos of my CEO (and other bigwigs) verbally fellating Fink's (Fink is praised by name) diversity initiatives and how vitally important they are, never mind the obvious negative impacts it has had to our company's performance.
edit: also, what makes you think that only the funds specifically marketed as "ESG-focused" get your money? Look up your company's 401(k) plan information; I assure you, even if you're not chosing to invest in ESG funds, your money is still going there.
Larry Fink simply believes in it, and it's not his money he's wasting.
She just did a land acknowledgement before a concert, and yes, it was as cringe as expected.
Swift is following the normal trajectory of what is expected of white women in America; signal being socially progressive, be a striver, support neolib Democratic Party candidates.
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All of the points are rather weak: "He likes big real estate deals?" (and therefore, we must assume that he wants to annex every other nation on Earth, since what could be a bigger real estate deal that the US taking over everyone!) "Canada says he's serious" (and if we know anything about the Canadian elite, it's that they're honor-bound not to take cheap shots at a person not well-liked by their populace)
This is all so, so tiresome. Nothing presented rises above vague platitudes that, if we accept as true, would allow us to preemptively accuse Trump of any nefarious schemes our minds can imagine, with no need to worry about the messy process of determining if they represent reality or not. Anyone convinced by this had, quite frankly, already made up their mind, and were looking for any rhetorical cover to justify themselves.
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