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User ID: 2984



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User ID: 2984

This one is clearly angling for "hey guys it's both sides but don't you think Hillary Clinton has a point about the need to nationalize twitter and jail misinformation czar Elon Musk"

Placing the blame on tech companies after a decade of regime journalism is insane.

Instead, the Trump campaign appears to be approaching this apparent assassination attempt as an opportunity rather than as a moment to reflect.

Ah yes, he should be asking what he did to deserve being assassinated.

demanding that the big tech companies stop creating algorithms that are designed to incite

Yep, there it is, party control over social media.

Let’s remember who is at fault for sorting Americans... The tech companies

He's literally saying people should be banned from posting true things the regime doesn't want talked about, because "malinformation" creates division.

It’s why it’s hard to take seriously the outrage from some in Trump’s orbit that it’s the Democrats and their media allies who have created the more violent conditions in our political landscape"

"It was convenient to selectively delete my memories of 2020, so I did"

My friends on the left love to scream about both sides-isms and love to complain when some of us hold them to a higher standard than Trump.

"Both sides bad, but the left of course is better, and the bad things they do are only bad if they help the real enemy"

A bunch of people here probably have NVGs or thermal optics of some kind. I was hunting caterpillars the other day and got curious if they're as well-camouflaged outside the visual spectrum.

Can anyone check?

Interesting, that's a surprise. I know a lot of eligible people who either just don't file or don't bother to take the credit (because it's tiny for single people and probably audit-bait).
Guess I have a biased sample

Ah, going through my post history?

Thanks, I'd heard rumors that was the case, but no evidence.

They need to take lessons from Hamas and intertwine their procurement with humanitarian groups. Mossad can't make your stuff explode if it was bought by the red cross and half the pagers went to the Charity Home For Puppies and Photogenic Orphaned Children Who Don't Want Their Dicks Blown Off

I'm compiling a list of screenshots and links on my laptop to do an effort post on this. Will need to get a password reset or something so I can log in on there (don't know my motte password, just permanently logged in on phone)

But if you want to find it first it should be the most recent post where he mentions both cats and Medicare. Think twitter search still works for that, unless they've changed it again.

Totally agree. We have so many annoying cats that, frankly, only a bigot would be against eating a few of them, dont you think?

I've been thinking all evening of what to say to this, and I just can't. How do you even see the responses to this and come to this conclusion? How do you watch lib journalists deny the Haitians even exist, falling back to more and more desperate lies as the truth comes out, and still turn this into "lying Republicans pounce"

Yglesias literally posted a rant about how it doesn't matter if it's true because Republicans "want to destroy Medicare", so people should lie or ignore it for Harris's sake.

It's a lot of fun sharing stuff with people. The first time Steve Sailer dropped a like made my whole day.

Do you believe Wikipedia's list is fair? That's what matters for picking a source from it. My opinion about the list doesn't mean anything if I'm wrong about it (and by extension the quality of ProPublica)

That's why I said to pick a green outgroup source from this objective list to avoid any bias on my part.

Sounds like a great idea! Why not fisk any outgroup news article that's from the same tier as ProPublica on Wikipedia's "reliable sources" list. That should make it a fair comparison, right?

(That's "generally reliable for all purposes because it has an excellent reputation")

Can't wait to read your post, am sure it will be just as insightful as the OP.

Having sex with a teen hooker in New Jersey is trashy. Having sex with an imported young callgirl on a private island makes you a man of wealth and taste (and connections), which is the whole lure of these exercises.

Depends how they inserted the pagers. Did they rig a specific batch bought by the Hezbollah office supplies department? Or did they send them to a reseller "known to supply to Hezbollah"?

If it was done the second way a lot of these could have been sold to totally random people.

Fortunately a lot of Australian food can walk in flocks for quite surprising distances! They wouldn't even have to become nomads

Is the factorio expansion looking promising? Stuff like the quality modules seemed like a visit from the ☼Good Idea Fairy☼

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think this includes people who just didn't file at all

At one point post-war euros were struggling to encourage 2nd shift factory work. Maybe it's a holdover from that.

Edit: and not-post-war too, re. Hitler. I remember hearing a lot of German factories were running one shift even during the war. Admittedly probably half due to material shortages and supply chain problems, but they could have been doing some extra labour substitution.

Remind me to post about the new "training" requirements dem states are imposing on blue collar workers that used to run on apprenticeship+ license testing. You can probably already imagine what they are and the motivations for them.

Very soon going into skilled labor will be as locked down as going to college.

I remember that one! The study was anabolic steroids rather than hormones, but the roided couch potatoes really did gain more muscle than the natty lifters.

Tax loss harvesting isn't "avoiding" paying capital gains any more than deducting expenses "avoids" paying tax on profits.

If one of your stocks goes from $10 to $20 and the other from $20 to $10, you haven't actually made any gains for the governemt to tax

Little slips like this convince me the whole thing is an excuse for seizing all assets that aren't owned by blackrock or NGOs.

"DA is also trying to determine if the shooting was a hate crime"

This is every parody of Massachusetts rolled into one ball of insanity and malice.

What's so surprising about them using words of power to summon The Manager? It's how they solve every interpersonal conflict and take over neutral institutions. It would be an enormous surprise if they didn't reflexively use the same universally successful tactic here.

What's even the point of asking this question? If you're in 1930s Russia, is there any benefit in asking "wow, do you really believe this railyard manager was part of the vast fascist-capitalist-trotskyist conspiracy to wreck the glorious five year plan?"
Just by asking the question you're buying into their frame and positioning the argument right where they want it: fighting over how racist you are for daring to question the lived experiences of trans black womxn.

A 2014 tumblrinaction post doesn't help anything, or it would have stopped this a decade ago. It's been 84 10 years, it's time to let the haughty fake surprise posts go, before you end up saying "these kids are in for a shock when they meet the real world"

I held some money in Europe in the 2010s. At least I didn't get into "emerging (any day now) markets", but still kicking myself for the lost gains.

TBF don't rubric marines have feel no pain rolls that let them laugh at multi-meltas on a coin flip? Or am I mixing up editions again

Come to think of it, how do I know any of this I've never even played Warhammer.