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User ID: 2984



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User ID: 2984

there was an extensive Wikipedia page(s) about it.

You mean "grooming gang moral panic in the UK"? You don't think the very existence of that article written by a leftist UK activist supports the conspiratorial language?

Is adding fire suppression for a rocket fuel leak realistic? It seems like if your rocket is leaking both fuel and oxygen into a compartment you will not be going to space today, and no amount of throwing towels and almond milk on it is going to fix that.

Is the name just a meme, or is there some non-ironic use there?
The Chinese confuse me with this. I've seen fanfiction authors argue by going "I think it is you who fail to understand the fundamental tenets of marxism-leninism" in apparent perfect seriousness.

I swear someone made a big archive dump of the originals once. That kind of thing is so hard to find on the Internet...

Georgism for IQ would be hilarious to suggest just for making that sort of person think about the consequences.
"If you have the IQ to post about Rick and Morty on Reddit all day, you could easily afford your tax payments by working as an investment banker instead. Hurry up: Cleetus's UBI won't pay for itself"

I see a forbidden page on that link


Oh, you can't see the list without being logged into reddit now.

Who are the SCC mods now? They hid the list iirc, so I just assumed there was a takeover by the powerjannie clique.

So many familiar sneerclub names in that thread. Even if there's a vibe shift, some groups are still fighting it out from the fuhrerbunker.

Depends. Boys going into professions were always apprenticed early (12ish as late as my grandfather's day), and girls sent out as maids around the same time. The majority of farming families would have had sons sticking around longer though.

It's not just me, both of these attacks instantly vanished from the news, right?

In the 80s-90s there were a lot of people talking about Gaia Earth Mother Magick spelling Womyn with a Y, who have since Evolved and now spell it correctly (with an X). It's sort of like the permed mullets and neon spandex: you can't cancel anyone for it because they've got your yearbook pics too.

this article was published more than 43 years ago

Thank you nyt, I'd already noticed because of how funny and well written it was.

I'd be able to buy a mansion with the extra dues from the national American statutory rapist association, so thanks in advance.

I've already written a bit about the totalizing nature of progressive sex norms (all fucking within the party, no fucking outside the party, no fucking against the party). But this is an especially good example of how it's done in practice.
Encourage deviant behavior to the point of basically making it mandatory (you don't have an open relationship? You're not a square are you?), then make it socially and legally risky to engage in outside of party-aligned social institutions.

And most notably that support isn't just contingent on following the ever-changing rules about sex; it can be withdrawn for insufficient zeal in other matters. Remember all the stories threatening naming and shaming valley sex party enjoyers when the media was pressuring them over insufficient anti-fascist censorship?
The rich, high status libertine techbros thought they had a deal that enabled them to have casual sex within the emerging leftist monoculture. Then the deal changed. I suspect that incident quietly did more to turn them against leftism than the rocks thrown at their employees.

I said this last time, but the main reason for executions requiring injuries "incompatible with life" delivered while conscious is to prove to the observers that a) it's really him, and b) he's really dead.
That's why even when hanging breaks the neck they wait ten+ minutes for the heartbeat to stop, then leave him a bit longer until everyone goes "yeah, he's not coming back from that."

I also suspect it's why beheading was a thing for the nobility. No conspiracy theories about how he paid the executioner to fake his death when you hold the head up afterwards.

"when having an affair is an act of self care," (it's a way for women to take back her patriarchal restrictions that have been put on us), "cheating on my husband made me a better mother," "cheating on the sisterhood: infidelity and feminism" (a third wave feminist take focuses on the individual woman and her rights to sexual pleasure), "what open marriage taught one man about feminism" (that it should be women who choose, not men, even the men they're married to)

That's four I remember off the top of my head focusing entirely on the "whore" part, but there's lots more content for the BPD bit.

I agree that it would be great if we had a society that called guys like that degenerate whoremongers. But what we actually have is one that celebrates "BPD whore behavior," and actively encourages young women to follow that script in relationships (see literally all advice column and lit fic for women from the '10s).

And we don't even condemn the whoremongering. We celebrate men for it until he ages into the Weinstein zone where imagining him holding their leash makes fangirls ick instead of tingle, then retroactively mob him for it.

It's not a coincidence that Gaiman was one of the last metoo targets, and it wasn't his fame protecting him; far more famous men got hit, and his sphere of leftist YA fantasy lit nerddom was ground zero for it. It's just that he only recently aged out of the schlick zone and became a target


It can't be demonstrated any better than this. Browbeating people as if they're kindergartners, but doing it passive-aggressively so you can cry and get them in trouble if they talk back to you.
If there are any questions asked, there are obvious right and wrong answers, with the threat of "telling on you" if you give the wrong one.

He'd deleted all his comments before according to one of the mods, then showed up, did some trolling, and deleted them all again.
Or maybe that was another one. There were an awful lot of oddly reactivating accounts last week...

I could 100% imagine starting that program just to have somewhere to shove the dead weight career-climbers any high prestige organization has to deal with. Same reason spec-ops has a bunch of do-nothing posts for officers checking "did a stint in spec-ops" off the list.

Let them wipe forks for a year and put "personal bio-data security lead for PoTUS" on their resumes for when they go into corporate security.

Just got 750Wh out of testing a 400W solar array, in January, with a peak insolation of 250W/m^2 (near the Canadian border).

The technology has gotten so good and cheap that if you have any kind of battery backup you'd be insane not to include panels to top them up.
750Wh is enough to run 46W of stuff for 16hrs a day, so internet plus a laptop, lights, and phones. That's with 40lb of panels ($170) and a $100 battery.
In the summer thats going to be high enough to run some refrigeration too.
Keeping light loads on battery helps use your generator efficiently too, because running them constantly for light loads is wasteful on petrol/gas and their limited running life. There's no need to run a generator just for house lighting any more.

Best part is that if you use the energy all the time, your "UPS" will pay for itself, by my count in about 3 years thanks to some pretty good sale prices (and utility power costs skyrocketing 8%/yr due to typical mismanagement)

I'm seriously thinking of scaling up to an ~8kW array to zero out my summer power use and keep all critical loads going in the winter.

You're thinking of Romania, one of the last communist overthrows. Ceausescu's(?) speech is actually on youtube, minus his execution.

Hilariously the triggering incident was apparently the government prosecuting a priest for "hate speech"

This was long before any of that. I haven't been back to the UK in decades

Well... In theory pushing more Daniel Perrys onto the subway system could offset the crazy hobos.
Before you laugh, this is literally just the anti-homeschooling argument from "exit, voice, and loyalty." If parents are forced to send their children to state schools, they lose the "exit" option and will be forced to fix the environment their child is stuck in..

Reading between the lines this is the argument behind a lot of "people must be forced to take the public option to spread out the pain" policies. And making public transit mandatory is definitely one of those cases.

Couldn't Taylor have replied that Idaho is growing incredibly fast, and it was always considered one of the white bastion states?
If the DR have trouble criticizing white people degeneracy, I have to wonder if they've actually read the most general level foundational media. Even reading the Turner Diaries beyond the day of the rope memes would show what the real racists thought about white people using drugs, getting fat and watching TV.

Is there any of Taylor's work you'd point to as an introduction? I only ever saw the famous Japanese TV interview (subs > dubs), and I have to admit that excessive Moldbug exposure poisoned my attitude to amren more than I should have allowed it to.