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User ID: 2984



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User ID: 2984

Imagine the tug of war there deciding whether he should be targeted.

But he is Herr Doktor! But an afd supporter! ...But a Newcomer. But an islamophobe!

How do you have it aligned? Is it venting case air over the radiator and up out the case? That seems to be about as good as you can get.

With most gpus venting directly into the damn case now, I've been struggling to come up with a system that doesn't end up with hot air being used for cooling. At least drives have gotten so small it's easier to pull a ton of air in through the front.
My ideal would be a side-mounted external radiator with its own intake filter.

What do you mean bad replay value, I've been playing it for 25 years

I should get around to upgrading to civ 3 one of these days. Seems like most of these long running game series peaked at 2 (age of empires, star control) or 3 (homm, arguably, although I still like 2 better)

The sitting on the toilet thing is real. I haven't had hemorrhoids, but breaking the habit of sitting there on my phone got rid of a precursor case of itchy-ass from inflamed veins. Also cutting out coffee -> no coffee shits -> happier asshole.

Shocked Google AI would say something negative about anal sex tbh. That's basically blasphemy.

This is just the usual "haha we've made it impossible to enforce the law, better give up and let us do whatever we want forever."
The same argument could be (and is) made for bike theft: the value of the bikes stolen in a 6 month period is far less than the cost of catching and prosecuting the bike thieves. Better just to give up and let it happen, right?
This argument is of course only deployed by people who approve of the criminal element in question. Even if the math wasn't incorrect, it should be rejected as a bad faith manipulation attempt. There should be a sudden brutal crackdown on both the criminals and the anarcho-tyrants supporting them, and when we are finished with them the problem will be solved. The long term reduction of bike theft by obliterating the theft rings, fences, and their leftist enablers is worth far more than the few months of stolen bikes the criminal accomplices would prefer to compare the enforcement cost to.

The cost of fare enforcement will decrease as over time, so why not use the cost of fare enforcement in Tokyo as a baseline for our cost comparison? But the value of enforcing law on the lawless (and their supporters) is what really matters.

Just saw some supporting quotes from semafor:

To Flaherty, part of this starts with putting real effort into building the left and center-left's own independent media ecosystem, divorced from the nonpartisan media that has historically satiated Democrats' appetite. Flaherty said the one silver lining of the election was that many hardcore Democratic partisans have begun to waver from their satisfaction with legacy media

Always feels like you're well-calibrated when the monster you've been analyzing turns round and describes its behavior the exact same way you did, but with a smiley face drawn on the shoggoth mask.

It's not just Hasan Piker. We should have more Hasan Pikers.

Jesus Christ.

He's a lawyer making lawyer arguments, that's just how they work:
If something's not good for your case, never bring it up. If the prosecution mentions it, try to get it struck by the judge. If you can't get it struck, smear doubt all over it. If the evidence is impeccable, try to claim it doesn't matter anyway and should just be ignored.
If important evidence gets ignored to your benefit, that's just how the game is played, and the other side should have just gotten gud, scrub.

Do all that and you can turn the entire censorship issue into badgering "why are you so hopped up about a discovery dispute?! Look, I'm winning!"

Lawyers just can't stop using their courtroom/debatebro skills. They're too effective to put down.

Thanks. I got as far as 0.076, but not sure where I made the math error after that.

There's a fundamental issue with industrial policy where it's justified by government mandates and subsidies allowing nascent industries to develop locally. But once the justification for the power is made, they forget all about it and just throw money at things. Like how the economic concept of a non-exclusive, non-rivalrous "public good" gets repurposed to mean "goods I want the public to pay for"

Giving people money to buy solar panels from China didn't produce a local industry, it just gave certain people a ton of money at the expense of other people. Solar might be a great investment, but nothing about the government's policy did anything to influence that except add more slack for malinvestment and the nightmare of scams residential solar loans turned into.

Ironically the Biden tariffs and manufacturer subsidies are an actual piece of industrial policy, but decades too late and at odds with literally every other government policy pushing manufacturing off shore. Ironically harming the natural process of solar adoption more than.ending all solar subsidies would have.

Sure, I absolutely apologize for claiming that without having evidence on hand. It was a pointless gibe that I shouldn't have jumped to making.

True, discussion did sort of peter out rather than just avoid that particular topic. It's strange the way it goes through bursts of activity like that. Guess it's inevitable for a smaller community that doesn't have a rolling boil going.

I'm unsurprised to say the least. Have you guys made any progress on hiding votes on mod actions? That would really help the old consensus machine a lot.

If anyone thinks I'm being rude to them, I'd like them to say it so I can apologize properly.

If you check out Stanford's rankings, it's an odd mix. High "openness" ranking combined with bottom of the barrel "disruptive conduct" after a bunch of attacks on meetings.

Looking at the incident reports, Stanford was prosecuting students through an anonymous "protected identity harm reporting system" for being photographed reading Mein Kampf. Of course, this seems pretty typical for colleges these days

I wanted to write something about this, maybe it's still worth doing a retrospective.
When the news first got out the left went into full "delay, deny, denounce" mode as they fell back. Noah Smith was claiming the Haitians didn't even exist, then that there's no way that many of them were on welfare, and finally anyway why do you care racist?!

Those delaying tactics work if they make you haggle over every step, proving the Haitians are really there, spending another six weeks digging up docs on who brought them, and whoops the public lost interest a month ago and Noah Smith is sneering about how you're so obsessed with this Haitian thing.

This is a pattern that played out millions of times fighting the left between 2008 and now. "It's not happening and anyway you deserved it" is just a specific form of the general mode of propaganda warfare they perfected with their dominance over the media.

Trump was the guy who discovered that you can ram a lance right into the center of the boil so everyone can watch it burst. Suddenly the enemy are dug in defending territory you bypassed hours ago, still doggedly insisting that "no reliable sources admit X", even as their reinforcements have shifted to a "Republicans pounce on X" counter-offensive, abandoning the old front line entirely. Night after night their newscasters have that panicked Baghdad Bob look as they back peddle while lashing out in frustration. Their lies become obvious, and more importantly they look weak.

It's a wonderful way of exploiting the distributed hive-mind nature of the left. Even when all their journalists are coordinating messaging on JournoList, they can't react fast enough because their command network is so bloated and cobbled together out of the rotting remains of skinsuited institutions, often still working at cross-purposes to each other. Sometimes a biological component whose still half-digested brain was hiding shreds of journalistic integrity will even throw a foot out and stagger the beast.

I think we're already seeing evolution towards a new, centralized party-controlled media in response. For example, the Dems have put ?? millions into that network of fake "local news" sites that all publish AI-written variations on the same press release, which in turn get posted to reddit and bluesky for bots to comment on. This bypasses existing institutions that they can only influence rather than control outright in real time, such as the New York Times (which the left have now turned on savagely). At least in the short run this will make them much stronger and more agile, and they will become as adept at parrying Trump-like attacks as late-WW2 armies were at countering blitzkrieg tactics.

It follows the general theme of the cathedral shifting from soft power to directly-wielded hard power as challengers arise.

I still want to know what causes that

temporary tax break on essential items during the holidays

These ideas sound right out of the UK in the 50s and 60s: micromanagment flailing from one crisis to the next while the economy goes to pieces. But what possible reason does Canada have for doing so poorly? They didn't lose an empire or cripple themselves in a world war!

I'm starting to think Trump wants a go at Canada because his real estate shark senses are telling him there's cheap blood in the water.

Hey neighbor, I heard you were having trouble making payments on your home, so I went to the bank and arranged a Christmas miracle. And well... You have five minutes to get out of my new house. I'm such a nice guy I'll even lend you $3.50 for a bus to the homeless shelter.

On the position page you linked the word "climate" appeared 9 times in 334 words, and the only reference to any other form of pollution was "quality of our air, water, and land." It begins and ends talking about climate change and trump not believing in climate change, and in the middle there's some stuff about climate change. That's the entire environment policy statement summary.

The interesting part is the backing down from the "Climate Crisis!" phasing that was so popular until recently. But they don't even mention any specific non-climate environmental issues. Nothing about fracking of course, but also nothing about sulphur, acid rain, lead, freon and the ozone layer, racist highway noise, deforestation, or endangered species (seriously, not a single spotted owl or polar bear in sight!). If you're young you have no idea how different this looks to the early 00s.

They've completely dropped the messaging on all of those things, and it seems like they only persist in the niches they do through bureaucratic inertia, and because they're still making money for some client group.

Those are the ones, thanks. The links were on my desktop, and actually going to substack crashes this old phone.
I've gotta ask if I can get a password reset to login on some other device.

I like motteizean though, very Italian.

Imperial is great because it has so many quick levels of accuracy. When you take a diagonal are you working to the nearest inch? Half inch? Quarter inch? 16th? 1/32000th?
With metric what are you gonna do? "Aha, I see ve have measured 1.285 meters to 1.315 meters, a 97.7% degree of accuracy!"

Seems like the best rule would be something like "pick an exertion level from "Gentle Amble" to "Forced March". Multiply by the difficulty of terrain and individual encumbrance. That's how much fatigue you gain per hour of marching.
The straight-line distance you travel is your march speed x hours x terrain difficulty modifier (from "marked highway" to "the cursed swamp-forest maze of fuck-you."
Tune the table so the DM can have players traveling from 0-40 miles a day.

So you're only moving at the speed of your slowest party member, and the wizard is going to arrive more tired than the monk-ranger. Maybe have him ride the barbarian or use a few spell slots on Harkonnen's Floating Fatass

That did it. YouTube copy paste seems to strip the timestamp sometimes.

8 minutes in for anyone watching. Although it's funny to watch from about 6 because they flip from "it's outrageous for Republicans to spread doubts about our elections" to

and and also all of the lies uhh Russia and there's more information coming through about Russian disinformation in this election and you've got to- you know I'm not a conspiracy theorist at all and I'm not- by saying Trump was on the phone with Putin and by saying that Elon Musk met with Putin uh you know

Yeah yeah and and Elon I know you're watching us and I want you to know that even if you know trump wins I mean it's not going to happen but even if he wins and if you get a position in the administration I guarantee you I'm going to make life so difficult for you, really so difficult for you so just be very careful of yourself

Just pure fucking evil, they all deserve a very short prison sentence. At the very least every single single party apparatchik deserves to have its wealth seized as proceeds of criminal activity.

Related to the SpaceX discussion in the CWT, can someone explain Starship's place in a mars program to a guy who never played KSP (but watched some videos)?

I see the 1st stage vehicle design as optimized for heavy surface to low orbit launches. The second stage is confusing, mixing atmospheric engines and heat shields with vac engines for fairly inefficient interplanetary burns. The whole thing looks more like Tintin's Lunar Adventure than any real mission I've seen designs for.

What am I missing here? Why is this better than launching a lightweight interplanetary-dedicated ship plus a smaller lander? Is the whole mars thing just hype for what's really a STO heavy lifter?