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joined 2024 January 18 23:49:16 UTC


User ID: 2854



1 follower   follows 1 user   joined 2024 January 18 23:49:16 UTC


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User ID: 2854

Rather depends upon who wins, doesn't it?

Echoes of the beginning of the end for republican Rome.

I think liberal democracy is ridiculous, so it still works for me.

I feel mean for laughing at this but it is pretty hilarious. Of course it could probably also be said of Trump. Lord, have mercy.

"We must jealously guard what remains of the European genetic legacy; we will be overwhelmed by replacement migration and our genes will be diluted beyond recognition, as we simply are not numerous enough (nor fertile enough) to remain genetically separate under those conditions.”

What's sad to me is that these people rarely understand why that's cause for concern besides the cosmetic aspect. Even (by modern standards) extremist racists have only the vaguest notion of how phenomenologically-different we all are.

Stay at home moms are probably the most important ingredient of social fabric.

Yep, that's it. We did it The Motte!

Your second link seems to go to a First Things article about secular monks.

Okinawans are not ethnically Japanese. Different people, history, culture, language, phenotypes. Conquered fairly recently.

I interpreted it as an ironic joke, along the lines of 'billions must die'. Just casually throwing that in at the end.

I've wondered for a while whether bin Laden realized the sheer magnitude of his own success. From what I can tell he didn't talk about it much.

I seriously looked into opening a daycare center a couple years ago because my area was obviously chronically underserved, and found that workforce was in fact the main bottleneck. Finding people to do that sort of job for less than $35/hr is apparently impossible. Talked to a couple people who have made it work and they said the secret was to hire friends or people from church.

In-home daycares are also unbelievably scarce despite the much lower (still ridiculous) barrier to entry.

Nannies are likewise at least $30/hr.

People simply don't want to do the work.

What has that to do with anything? They couldn't measure IQ. We can. This isn't a matter of opinion.

What could you say about India today that you couldn't about those countries then that suggests India couldn't achieve similar?

Poor genetic intelligence, obviously.

you're beyond well integrated, you're self-hating

I think this is incorrect, incredibly-rude, and uncalled for.

almost none of us care about "mixed-race" grandkids

Because we live in a shockingly-ignorant era downstream of generations of constant indoctrination ensuring we're incapable of comprehending the existence of the foreigner. One of my favorite things about non-whites is that they tend to not be laboring under any illusions when it comes to how different we all actually are from each other.

think that well integrated immigrants ... water down our culture and social cohesion

"Well-integrated" is doing so much work here as to make this tautological.

Yes, I was a lot younger and not yet so aware of how out of hand the situation had gotten in general.


probably indicative of other trad religious leanings they might disapprove of

Also, yes.

Someone made an offhand comment about how 'old-fashioned' it was (in general, and pejoratively) and I disagreed and it went from there.

This is the situation as I understand it, yes.

I was astonished when my fiancee's family got indignant and saw it as a red flag that we were waiting until marriage to have sex.

I can't imagine that this is possibly the case, though I have no trouble believing that it's often insisted upon and that a lot of work has gone into plausibly maintaining the position.

E.g., SSAs are known to be more self-confident (i.e. lower neuroticism) cross-culturally, and inasmuch as 'openness' is at least partly a proxy for intelligence...

Your insistence on completely failing to grasp the point is growing disheartening.

For me the cool part was that I'm not on twitter much and it seemed eminently plausible that the discourse there has actually already been captured by toxoplasmic AIs. Can't be long now, anyway.

This conversation doesn't seem to be helping so I'll thank you for it and duck out. But I think the word 'closer' is doing you more harm than good. I've already been very clear that I'm talking about amount of shared alleles. Actually, hold on- here, @Sloot just illustrated the matter in a way that might help.

Anyway, have a lovely whatever it is wherever you are.

The data on whether mixed race people outperform the average of their ethnic ancestry should be pretty simple to come by.

If you click that link in my post (the one to which you're responding here) you'll get some insight into how not-simple that is, actually. Mixed-race people are almost definitionally born to outlier parents, e.g.