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User ID: 2690



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User ID: 2690

Anyway, this case has been discussed before

Damn. I expected that something on the front page today would have been news today. The other case I thought was also waiting on 2 ultrasounds was probably the exact same case. Ragebait lives on eternal.

Another abortion case (edit: this article is is based off of and links to a lengthy ProPublica article on the case) finds its way to the front page of reddit. To its credit, it's not the ragebait that the "mother-fails-to-go-to-hospital-after-days-of-heavy-bleeding-caused-by-abortion-pills" seen recently.

The expectant mom had woken up on the day of her baby shower with nausea and vomiting, which turned out to be a deadly infection.

But she had to plead for medical assistance, with doctors waiting to perform two ultrasounds to confirm her fetus had no heartbeat before they would intervene.

Wait, what? Two ultrasounds? One ultrasound confirming no heartbeat wasn't enough? The article heavily winks that it was all due to that crummy heartbeat law:

Experts told the publication that there was ‘no medical reason’ to make Crain wait for two ultrasounds before taking action to save her.

But wait a minute, what does the law itself say? Per Wikipedia:

Section 3 of the Act requires a physician to test for a "fetal heartbeat" (or "cardiac activity") before performing an abortion and prohibits abortion if a "fetal heartbeat" is detected. The only exception is for when "a physician believes a medical emergency exists that prevents compliance." The term "medical emergency" is not defined in the statute.

Okay, sure, it's a little vague on what emergencies are. But I think you could pretty easily argue that a deadly infection is a medical emergency. Especially after you already have one ultrasound confirming no heartbeat.

As the article says, this is one of two cases where someone died upon waiting for two ultrasounds. At what point is this medical malpractice that has little to do with abortion laws? I have to wonder if the doctor is an activist doctor that is morally opposed to the heartbeat bill and is willing to let people die to further the cause. If someone's on the brink of death, you should treat them, legality should be an afterthought. But to wait for two ultrasounds, it seems like saving people was the afterthought here.

Edit: They also turned her away for sepsis without treating her, as The_Nybbler points out. Hmm, seems like abortion laws aren't entirely the reason for her death. You kind of have to treat people for that instead of just shrugging that you can't kill her fetus and then send her home. In fact, maybe the sepsis caused the fetus to die? But they missed that it was sepsis.

Have you ever heard of "homeschooling pods"? I think getting into one of those would be one of the easiest ways to get pretty much all of the benefits of public schooling's socializing your kids.

Yes, I am interested in what you consider to be quality posts.

Maybe you could have two different sections of quality contributions; ones that got a lot of AAQCs (and didn't break any rules and weren't too egregious, like how you choose them now), and a separate "Mod's Choice" section. In particular, there's a lot of awesome life advice I see in Wellness Wednesdays, and I remember being disappointed one didn't make it. But I've never been one to nominate them myself much, anyway.

I don't disagree with you, but some reckoning with reality is in order if you live in Texas and a significant amount of Spanish is being spoken around you. Spanish has pretty much always been useful there, hasn't it? At least as far back as "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre", anyway. It's a question of is's and oughts. Yes, they should learn English, but they probably won't. Or they do know English and are speaking in Spanish alongside it for other purposes besides being forced to do so. It's a free country.

I'd just like to point out that you can still learn Spanish! It's pretty close to English. You might even like the exercise if you've never tried to learn a language before. You might even find that a low skill level can go a long way. I understand that it sucks that it has been incentivized to the extent it has in your case, but you do live in Texas, after all.

Seriously, great work. Not just in quitting alcohol, but in writing this up so that you can remind yourself of all the benefits of quitting and all the reasons you quit in the first place.

5-8 drinks every 24 hours is alcoholic level. Most men I know who like alcohol seem to drink at least 2 or 3 every night, probably more on weekends. Even that amount seems excessive to me. An expensive habit, isn't it? I don't drink much, but the price is one reason why I want to cut down even more on beer drinking in 2025.

And to co-opt your thread: what does The Motte think about moderate drinking? One glass of red wine a night for heart health and cholesterol and whatnot. I must say, I am skeptical and have been skeptical for a while now. Those were longitudinal studies, and it could have been that the type of person to moderate their drinking to just one drink a night is also doing other healthy stuff.

Yes, specifically this part gave me that impression:

co-founders who didn't have the best direction or execution and justified it all by believing that their ideas were top shelf and extremely unique which they weren't.

Also am I simply known as the Indian guy here lol.

I can't speak for the whole Motte, but to me... One of them!

I have a friend who is a linguist, so presumably, there's something there to enjoy. But I understand the feeling of thinking someone is highbrow, then realizing that they're no better than anyone else you know. It's a very bitter feeling.

You know, when I made that post, I did not know you were Indian. You probably know more about "applied linguistics" (learning a language) than I do, given your English proficiency. But I don't know if I would like linguistics either. Good on you for finding out.

When I browse /r/languagelearning, I see ESL speakers saying that it's hard to learn a language. I think they never count English, for some reason. Maybe because English was forced upon them? Maybe because the motivation to learn English was much greater than whatever they're trying to learn besides English?

Don't many comedians come from broken homes? Maybe Asians have less broken homes and don't feel the need to put themselves on the line in front of a crowd every week.

I was checking on the status of Israel's various wars today and found this article.

UNITED NATIONS — When Israeli troops captured a demilitarized buffer zone along the border with Syria, they violated a 50-year-old ceasefire between the two countries, the United Nations warned Tuesday.

“The presence of the Israeli Defense Forces in the buffer zone is a violation of the 1974 Disengagement Agreement,” U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said. The agreement “needs to be respected, and occupation is occupation — whether it lasts a week, a month or a year, it remains occupation.”

Israeli leaders announced plans earlier Tuesday to keep troops in the buffer zone for the foreseeable future.

"I can't believe that America would violate a treaty that they made with Tsarist Russia in 1905," quips the USSR.

I fail to see how this is not the best play for all parties possible:

  • Israel is guaranteed this slice of the pie if Syria devolves into chaos
  • Syria doesn't have to worry about quelling chaos in that area for now
  • Israel can give it back free of charge if things stabilize in the rest of the country
  • Israel can keep it if the government is clearly permanently collapsed

Or maybe it's bad in some way I'm not seeing? What do you guys think of this?

I don't have any experiences with these things, but going to the gym together seems like a great way to find time to socialize with each other while you get your lifts in. I saw lots of couples when I was going to the gym a few months ago, and it seemed like a great way to spend time between sets.

If she's on the treadmill, then it's a bit different, because if I'm exercising hard on there, I won't be able to talk. But I second CertainlyWorse's advice on building a habit for her. If you go to the gym yourself, it should be easy to schedule something and shift the time around a bit.

I really am still not clear, after reading about it to post. But because it wasn't an ideological assassination, apparently reddit and other social medias didn't see fit to look very positively on it, other than general smirking that a billionaire died. That's my guess, anyway.

I haven't played Twilight Princess, but looking up Midna on Google Images gives me a disturbing possibility: you like weird goblin looking things.

I was pretty disturbed when it was revealed that my former progressive college acquaintances (I think everyone screenshotted is either nonbinary or trans now) vocally expressed their support for some image in the manga where Link is embracing the little fucked up imp thing in a sexual manner.

It doesn't make sense to you that ideological assassinations would get more resources than a gang shooting or a homeless guy turning up full of holes? We're talking cold blooded murder of one dude walking down a street here. I understand your feeling to an extent, but the nature of this crime is very different from the average murder among the lower classes. Usually there is some provocation and a lack of evidence for the latter. The former was premeditated, in cold blood, between two well-to-do higher class people who were strangers to one another (Mangione went hundreds of miles and must have spent a long time planning this), and a lot scarier.

Bob Lee getting killed in San Francisco last year got a lot less buzz, didn't it? I'm not sure why, but I would suggest that even though it was similar to this case with two well-to-do people being involved, in that case, it was not premeditated, it seemed to be over some personal dispute, and perhaps the perpetrator being an immigrant with a criminal history also had something to do with it. Edit: for a while it was suspected that a homeless person did it, which would also make leftists not want to celebrate such a thing (makes homeless look bad).

If the target was different, would your opinion be changed? Would this level of resources be appropriate for someone who shot Trump, or the man who shot Shinzo Abe?

I can attest to the same, a LOT of media was disallowed due to my evangelical parentage. But I think most people answering this question do not think of evangelicals first, especially since they don't seem to be as numerous as they were 20 years ago. How many parents are banning Spongebob in 2024?

Damn, that makes me think that I will be compared to the evangelicals if I keep my kids from watching modern Blues Clues due to the pride parade segment they showed several years ago. There's a secular basis for my restrictions, damnit!

Because it was in the morning before most criminals would be awake, because the suspect laid in wait for him, because he shot and fled without looting the body, and because the victim was a CEO of a healthcare company. It's quite unlikely it wasn't an assassination. Jealous lover is a possibility, I guess, stranger things have happened.

Martial law was lifted by the parliament less than half an hour ago; it seems troops have left the building. Hopefully nothing else bad happens.

I don't belong in this thread because I don't play Diablo 4, but my experience with speedrunners is that they spend a shit ton of time getting the techniques down. Like, an absolutely massive amount of time, probably talking thousands of hours. So either he's not as busy as he claims, or it's a ghostplayer. Also, it's a very rare busy person that uses his limited amount of time for gaming to play the exact same game that much for that long.

Since she was Catholic, I think it should be something with religious symbolism. A nice Christian painting seems like a good idea to me. Jewelry is also a decent idea. Have you considered commissioning a painting? Perhaps even a painting of your grandmother, if that doesn't strike you as an offense to her.

I think she'd approve of sticking it in an IRA, for what it's worth, especially if you struggle to think of something for this idea. If it were me, I might choose something with impermanence specifically to symbolize the transience of life. Some beautiful flowers, or perhaps a fine cigar or bottle of whiskey, or a dove to let loose.

From what I recall of this issue, male "milk" isn't even really milk, is it? Does it have any caloric value? What is the actual benefit of men engaging in this behavior? It seems to me to be pretty obviously fetishistic, and if I were the founder of the company and on the council, I would resign too if I had to pretend it isn't fetishistic and actually worth talking about.

It is unusual for a Christian group to not let someone join them, since they usually believe that their way is the only path to salvation.

From what I've seen of the Amish, they could probably use some more people in the community who don't share DNA with them. But that's not realistically something people would think about. I agree with the rest of your points.

Are politics in Japan as vicious as they have been here lately? Can you summarize the "sides"? Maybe material for Transnational Thursday.

Surely there are other game companies with impeccable reputations, right? From Software is extremely respected, for instance; I would also put Nintendo in the running for mostly having very well made games put out for their main IPs (maybe not Pokemon, but I don't care about Pokemon). Perhaps also Remedy Entertainment, maybe a little lesser known.

It does make me realize how many IPs on this page have had at least one serious misstep, though.