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staple statement

What about things that are both highbrow and lowbrow, like old Buster Keaton films? Or for a more recent example, the cartoon Over the Garden Wall?

Edit: for that matter, what about the first three Indiana Jones films? Not highbrow, but are you really going to criticize an adult for being an Indiana Jones fan?

Cook for her? That's my only idea. Desserts are generally fun to make, too. And for the meat side of things, I endorse this recipe: https://www.keepingitsimpleblog.com/food/ottolenghis-seeded-chicken-schnitzel/

The idea of trying to make theme park-like rides and themed entertainment for cruise ships is kind of interesting to me from a design perspective, but I wouldn't want to ride on one.

Well, we may or may not suspect that a giant orgy has a pernicious effect on one's psychology like taking steroids and pro wrestling has a pernicious effect on one's body, but I don't think we know that first part for sure.

The grey tribe attributes dysfunction in healthcare to evil CEOs less than any other group in the world, it feels like. It's always complex economic arguments. Evil CEOs only come into the picture with regulatory capture.

On Wikipedia (for what that's worth) the page for HTS says they've made some gestures towards tolerance for Christians and Druze.

Well, it all flows back from western superhero comics. Batman has fought villains who were obsessed with wheels, pennies, hats, sports, aesop's fables, basically everything.

Here is an online comic book about Snooker, titled "Giant Days: Snooker Could Be Better". It is a crossover between a comic about young women attending university called Giant Days and a comic about a man who dresses up like a bat and fights crime. I am fond of it.


Also: 'Cue-Man'-Fu is a brilliant nickname.

Fun fact: Tycoon comes from the Japanese word taikun, and was first used in English by Commodore Perry to describe Lincoln. It's probably the first Japanese loan word in the English language.

I think if you have this belief you're required to write a novel about the historical dragons and what they were like and what happened to them. Or at least have one ghost-written for you, if you're a famous guy like Rogan.

It's a physical boardgame that has digital releases.

I really liked Beau is Afraid, which had a budget of 35 million. And I liked Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. Top Gun: Maverick was solid. Joker was a good experience in the theater, although it may not be a work of pure genius.

Huge exaggeration, in my opinion.

The mobile app costs half what the game costs on steam. Hmmmm...

"300 Colombian mercenaries killed in Ukraine, out of 500 that went there"

This is according to Russia, btw.

" “We have some records, but what the Russian government informed us—and this requires verification—is that about 500 Colombians participated on the Ukrainian side. Of these, around 100 have returned to Colombia, 100 have deserted, and roughly 300 to 310 have been killed,” Murillo said."

I played a boardgame called Dune: Imperium for the first time recently. It's a worker placement game. And it vastly surpassed my expectations. I could see myself getting obsessed with it and sinking a lot of time into it.

I don't think that's a fair representation of what it says on the wikipedia page.

Like what?

Remember to buy assets

What assets specifically do you have in mind?

Everyone likes free money, right? Building houses is good, having kids is good, paying less for life saving medications is good, taking power out of large landlords hands is good. But maybe trying to apply emergency price gouging laws to non-emergency situations is not so good. Maybe write a law that you have to lower prices when things are good as quickly as you raised them when they weren't so good. What are Trump's plans?

Are you familiar with the Econ 101 arguments against price controls?

Everyone knows there are no solutions to the crime and disorder issue that don't involve totalitarian levels of paternalism /social control over blacks, outright genocide whether fast or slow or eugenics, none of which are likely to occur.

I do not actually agree that this is true. There are probably lots of reasonable knobs to turn that would help the problem enormously.

Congratulations! (don't circumcise, his body his choice)

Plus soviet-style controlled economy stuff

Israel assassinated the leader of Hamas, not Hezbollah.