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Can you give a quick summary of what the “lightning” here is referring to?

I’d argue moving everything to Texas is, if anything, doubling down on the chud wing of the right.

they cannot in fact write code well

My brother in Christ, the 174th best coder on Earth is literally an LLM.

Apparently this AI is ranked as the 175th best coder on Earth. I think we’ve reached the point, where anyone working in software needs to either pivot to developing AIs themselves or else look for an exit strategy. It looks like humans developing “apps”, websites and other traditional software development has 1-3 years before they’re in a similar position to horse and buggy drivers in 1920.

I’ve never been able to get into podcasts, but I actually found this engaging. Part of it might’ve just been the week long hype cycle. When it first got announced Trump was gonna be on JRE, it legit had me soy facing.

Now will this move the needle? I’m not sure. I find Trump entertaining but for people more ambivalent, I feel like this may have just come across as more of the same Trump who is already a known quantity.

Got to say, I find this one puzzling. Does Trump not already have Rogan’s core audience — MMA fans, online young men, etc — already locked down? It seems like he has few supporters to gain but many to lose if he has a gaffe.

Ah right, makes complete sense. I was thinking only of flooding caused by the ocean surging and not rain on land.

The topography of Florida precludes the sort of sudden deluges of water pouring down on unsuspecting towns, rather it would be a slowly rising water level that gives someone time to find elevation.

Can you help me understand why this is? I would’ve thought Florida, so much of it near the coast, would be more prone to rapid flooding. The water has a much shorter distance to reach wherever it’s flooding after all.

Or is your point just that people somewhere like Florida are accustomed to flooding so would be carefully observing water levels?

But those feelings go away after the first few weeks of the cut and I can continue in a similar caloric deficit without those effects. I also begin to find the bland cutting food — boiled eggs, chicken breasts, steamed vegetables, rice, etc — much more enjoyable. Which interpret as breaking the addiction to the much more satiating cutting/maintenance foods.

I’m a competitive bodybuilder and spend 4-6 months of the year in a bulking phase where I’m consuming around 6000 calories per day. And 8 to 10 weeks prior to competitions in extremely rigid diets.

And from this experience, I can tell you there is no doubt in my mind that food is 100% addictive, with a higher and higher level of caloric richness needing to reach satiety. When I’m on a restrictive diet pre-completion, I’d treat myself to chewing on a piece of seed bread before spitting it out — and it tastes so delicious.

And, on the other extreme, when I am bulking with no dietary restrictions (other than hitting minimum macronutrient amounts), I’d do things order a 12 piece bucket of KFC chicken, simply because I become so addicted to highly satiating food than I’m unable to force myself through the amount of lean chicken, tuna or whatever I’d need to meet my macro goals.

My experience from when I cut over between diets — bulking, cutting, maintenance — is how I know food is an addiction. When I begin cutting, the first 2-3 weeks is hell. I am lethargic, my head hurts, constantly starving, I have very bad breath, irritable, etc. But like clockwork I get used to the diet and go from choking down cans of tuna and steamed vegetables to actually craving the food I’m eating, and at that point I’m mostly on auto-pilot. The reason I am able to consistently do it is not because i have extreme willpower. Rather I’ve done it so many times before, I know the switch is going to flip and so in that sense it’s a huge bargain: you can get a 12 week diet for the price of only a couple weeks of actual grind up front.

What are the chances we could get a setting so the site theme is light/dark based on your iOS system setting? I’ve seen a bunch of other apps/sites that do this.

Contra the saying, you can pretty well judge a book by its cover when it comes to fitness.


Who precisely is “they” referring to here?

was thrust into the highest levels of politics without any skill development

How would you explain Trump stepping directly into the major leagues and winning in 2016?

You say that — and I don’t doubt that’s how it came across (not watching the debate). But I’m also seeing on /r/politics, threads, etc that Biden partisans are crowing about some apparent Trump gaffes.

So my feeling here is, baring one of them having a complete meltdown, it’s pretty much all ready priced in that both are going to produce some cringeworthy takes the other side can point to but on the whole it’s very likely not gonna move the needle one way or the other.

EDIT: actually I take this back. Even some of the most mind killed democrat partisans i follow on X are saying this is really bad for Biden. I still can’t bring myself to watch but I’ll take their word for it.

If one compares drug decriminalization, or general decriminalization policies with countries that follow law and order, the later not only have less drug abuse but also don't have to imprison that many people.

How do you explain the entire history of the failed War on Drugs, which seems to contradicts this?

I get your point. At the same time, it’s hard to imagine any Democrat pol would’ve been able to make “Drumpf” stick no matter how many times he repeated it.

The european mind cannot comprehend this


That’s illegal, in the US and elsewhere.

I’m gonna need a citation on this one … if this were true then it seems by definition the little ads atop my search results advertising — you guessed it, TVs — would also be illegal. Yet there they are.

When they’re not discussing political programs they have a lot of the same takes or bugbears with popular ‘liberal’ or ‘mainstream’ culture (marvel, games, funkopops, consoomerism etc).

I wouldn’t really say “same takes” so much as inverted or mirror images.

E.g., with all those you’ve got one side — the left in case of these specific examples — with almost a parody level enthusiasm for marvel/funkopops/etc and the other side with some over the top curmudgeonly hatred for some harmless hobby (in this case literally plastic trinkets).

It goes the other way as well. There’s no shortage of ultimately harmless right coded interests/products — NASCAR, bodybuilding, country music, etc — that seem to get treated like punching bags for the left.

he even follows @cremieuxrecueil

Who the hell is this and why is he significant?

If someone like myself — by all accounts an “extremely online” person compared to your typical man in the street — does not know a thing much less heard of this person/thing then it’s pretty much a given that any scandalous association you seem to think this implies won’t amount to anything with your typical reality TV addicted swing voter (i.e., the ones who ultimately swing elections one way or the other).

Kirk realizes that if Elon and Tucker are the bellwethers of post-Covid conservativism

Tucker sure, but fwiw I’ve never been convinced that Elon genuinely views himself as part of “conservativism” or even more broadly “the right”.

I would agree there’s been some definite shift in his public persona, where he seems to have pivoted from the “real life Tony Stark” to an almost parody level Chud Inc. persona. My best guess and working theory here is the shift is more social than political. As it nearly coincides with his move Texas and when he first started appearing on Joe Rogan, displaying a public interest in firearms, smokers, and all the other stereotypical interests of a Texas Chud type person r rather than a Silicon Valley scion.

Hmm, I think the site may just put it like that for mega threads. I don’t seem to have the option to edit it.

Just created it since it seems like no one else did: https://www.themotte.org/post/757/israel-gaza-megathread-iv