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joined 2022 September 04 21:49:53 UTC


User ID: 181



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User ID: 181

Definitely technological black holes. Youtube, TV, maybe vidya.

Remember that part of Lent is also doing something good. I might stretch my neck out and do food service at a local church, it depends on what time I have.

I'm 8ish months in. You're gonna have good times and rough times. Being married is different from living together. Tiny things will matter and start fights for no reason. Tiny things that don't matter will be celebrated and become wonderful things you share with each other. Make sure your bed is comfortable for the two of you. Don't keep socre.

Other than that, Hydro and Roystugnr have it right.

Why do we need UBI? If AI ends up being as cheap, efficient, and transformative as people want to claim, it should drive down the price of all goods to near 0.

I think what's more likely to happen is AI compute is going to be an effective currency replacement. Rather than using fiat dollars, it will be based off of the amount of AI runtime it takes to complete a task for the given runtime/ energy calculations of any given workload. Assuming AI can replace all jobs and produce a quality of life better than any human machination can contrive, then the human inputs for the production of goods and services should be 0.

Time for Russia to go to the one place not corrupted by capitalism!

I'd rather die than be a servitor, but maybe that's just me

I would argue since 2025 is still a relatively new year, it can be safe to guess that 2020 is 4ish years away.

Either way time flies, though!

I'm voting a hard no, I would no longer read this forum anymore. I'm here because I know people are taking the time to write and post their personal opinions. I believe Reddit is increasingly 'dead internet' thanks to AI and astroturfed subreddits controlled by superusers utilizing AI tools. I really don't want this place to go in the same direction.

I would say we'll only have Turbo DEI if anti-DEI has proven to be unsuccessful for 4 years. Same for oil and gas - if Trump's next 4 years are largely successful then what's the probability of a President Vance instead of president... probably Cortez with the way the Democrats are heading.

I'm not sure if this was an IQ problem more than it was a labor shortage problem. Even someone motivated and with high IQ might have a problem doing the job of two, lesser IQ people.

Maybe AI can take over air traffic controller duties to help offset labor shortage, but so far I don't see that happening soon.

Imagine the change to the GDP of Mississippi if we decided to move the entire federal government over there.

On one hand I agree with you, but on the other hand when established practices are proven to be increasingly ineffective, breaking them to try something new can be an important tool for innovation and hopefully more effective governmental tools.

I'm surprised no one has pointed out that Trump is putting on his best Javier Milei impression and trying to make as wide sweeping cancellations of government spending as possible. If he framed is as 'interest expense is a top 3 government expense and I'm trying to put it in the bottom quartile' he might have a bit more success than being relatively inscrutable, but we'll see how it pans out.

I think 'move fast and break things' is something applied to Silicon Valley but is also something that should be applied to government as well. Bureaucracy slows things down so significantly, it's refreshing to see someone like Trump just go ahead and do it, damn the pearl clutching of teams of lawyers saying he shouldn't or can't.

I ended up looking around a bit and it looks like the community much prefers the standalone version. I remember playing this for a bit during the ps1 era and finding it only okay. I certainly find the pathing frustrating, but other than that it's pretty fun.

I haven't yet, I got distracted. Is there a difference between the steam version and the standalone version?

Replying to remember to download 2100 when I get home

My Steam Deck tinker experiences tells me that everything works until it doesn't, and when it doesn't it really doesn't. Yes, you can get anything to work, but ultimately the juice frequently isn't worth the squeeze. Admittedly, the SteamOS is a fairly different experience than your average Linux distro, but Windows from a support standpoint generally works well enough where if something is broken it frequently isn't broken for too long.

I've been thinking of converting my laptop into a linux machine, but I doubt linux will support the 2 in 1 style as well as the touchscreen support as well as windows does (which is admittedly not great, but it works).

I recently pulled it off my wish list. I'm sure the games are well designed, but the NES style color palette and style just doesn't appeal to me.

Do you genuinely believe what you've wrote or are you reflexively reacting nihilistically as AI learns to overcome tests that people create for themselves?

It would just mean consciousness can be achieved through multiple ways. So far GPT doesn't seem to be conscious, even if it is very smart. However, I believe it is smart the same way the internet is smart and not the ways individuals are smart. However, I don't see it being curious or innovative the same way humans are curious or innovative.

I feel your problem, I barely have time to game and I'm really tempted to drop 50-100 on picking up games. I decided I will not buy a AAA game until I play and mostly complete Kingdom Come Deliverance, RDR2, and Hogwarts Legacy.

Last Sunday I took the time to do a full dismantling of my musical instruments. After a thorough cleaning of the tone holes, oiling the internals, I also fixed up a few keys that had action in them that needed fixing. Overall, very happy with my limited toolset. Instruments also seal well so no need to change pads.

Long term repair goals would include getting more comfortable with adjusting springs. Woodwind springs are simplistic in that they're hard metal springs and can fatigue over time. Bending them the wrong way can significantly shorten their lifespan. There's a bunch of specialized tooling available, but as I'm using solely gig money on music costs, I'm holding off on digging deep into instrument repair.

Supposedly making your own is incredibly easy. An immersion blender, eggs, lemon, olive oil, salt, and pepper as a base and go from there. If I wasn't worried about raw egg consumption, I'd probably try it myself. It's on my 'try it out sometime' list

Do you mind expanding or posting some links as to the pending French financial crisis? I find many people love throwing out bearish statements, but rarely do they come to fruition.

May I ask why you think conservatives are stupid for denying public insurance options? As someone who has experience in both (consumer side) private and public insurance, the only reason why public insurance is affordable is because expenses are shifted to taxpayers instead of the individual insurer. The actual price per service is no different: collective bargaining does not give the government any particular advantage in negotiating prices for services. Almost all public health services have massive budget overages and increased costs which are expected to increase as time continues as well as having issues with patient backlogs.

In the US, Medicare (for elderly and for certain qualified disabilities) accounts for 17% of the national budget. Once again, the only reason for affordability is due to the taxpayer shouldering the costs whose base is dwindling. This isn't even accounting for standard government inefficiency as the US government is incoherently cost insensitive and unable to make sensible budgetary decisions.

So while I agree that private health insurance has many issues, it at least is self-maintaining and doesn't have the large macro issues that government health programs are currently facing.