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joined 2022 October 07 10:42:11 UTC
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User ID: 1512



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User ID: 1512

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Not sure he has any demands, I think he just thinks that trade deficits are bad, therefore tariffs.

I saw someone say that the Instagram reels algo pushes more polished and professional videos compared to the more casual and viral style of tik tok. (I've never used any of them myself).

I've been considering doing it myself lately. Not sure why. Seems fun.

It may be fun for some but if it's not obviously fake then it gratuitously damages social trust by adding to readers' expectations of bad behavior from others. I wish people wouldn't write these.

Why were the Greens wiped out?

I think you have to redeem it on pathofexile.com, at least it says that. I'll DM the key to you.

edit: DM sent, enjoy

I have a spare key for Path of Exile 2 early access, anyone want one? (Existing Motte accounts only).

Gleba was by far the hardest planet for me, I got brain-burnt enough that I had to take a break for a couple of days. Works ok now though. Aquilo was somewhat simpler, and much less frantic.

Have played this game several times and quite enjoyed it. Feels like the different components of worker placement, deck building and (very) light combat work together nicely to create tension.

I’ve literally never seen a Pro-Israel/Pro-Russia poster in the wild

Common enough on the non-antisemitic far right, though maybe that's a bit of a niche...

Logitech G502x wireless is nice mouse (using it to play factorio in fact). I use a large Razer mouse pad.

Maybe spending some time every day thinking about your goal in a positive sense (focus on what's good about it) might help motivate you?

Sounds like you don't have a clear goal or reason for getting a degree other than that it's vaguely something you feel expected to do.

You could be describing my wife there. I am very happy to be married to her.

I assume in this competition you keep the best result of your submissions.

In Australia less than half of voters strictly follow their preferred party's official slate (how-to-vote card), though this is still enough to be important.

They also have a weird semi-charity corporate structure that may make investment riskier and bring down the valuation - but it's true that markets don't seem to be pricing in a near-term singularity.

I've been put off the idea of reading The Count of Monte Cristo by people complaining about how long winded it is. Maybe I should swallow my pride and try an abridged version...

I need encouragement to pick it up again.

The writing style took some adjustment on first read but The Book of the New Sun ended up as probably my favourite book, and Wolfe my favourite author. It's even better on re-read.

Finished The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester (1956). Cyberpunk avant la lettre - if you can have cyberpunk without computer networks. Very 50s and very pulpy - it's no surprise that Bester also wrote comics - but well written with a manic energy that's the polar opposite of the likes of Asimov. You can just imagine the author smashing the typewriter keys while chomping a cigar. Reaches for the stars and sometimes grasps them.

I support free speech not because all speech is good (much of it is bad or even harmful), but because there is no ubermensch that I trust to decide which ideas I'm allowed to hear.

Here's an interesting article about teaching the Iliad to Chinese high schoolers: https://scholars-stage.org/how-i-taught-the-iliad-to-chinese-teenagers/

I think you're right on the vibes but it's funny that someone almost old enough to retire is considered "young" in American politics these days.

This is directionally true but a bit of an overgeneralisation given that eg dildos exist - there are genuinely horny women out there

Interesting. If true that would be a big blow to the idea that US aircraft carriers are nigh-invincible.

What story is that?