Regarding Yemen, I believe it all started with the Saudis. Anyway, American interests there go deeper than Israel.
Why not just defund the schools, shut down students' access to loans and grants, tax the shit out of endowments and work to obliterate the university scene altogether? Why is speech the problem and not the schools?
Something I can't identify sticks in my craw. I think it's the "interests of Americans and the United States" bit.
Like, what even is that? Who could possibly agree on what it is? I think by your definition we'd be deporting (non-citizen) supporters of Israel too.
Frankly, I thought coming to the US and saying whatever hot garbage you wanted to say was part of the allure. I am finding it impossible to see this issue as something that we can somehow carve out from the broader mission of liberty. I think people are just mad they can't punch college students in the face for being wankers.
Why is speech the problem anyway? Isn't the actual problem that there is criminality--vandalism, attacks, things that clearly counter school policies. Why not focus on that?
But they kinda do have a stake, no?
If the green-card holders and legal residents (who have never needed to fear deportation for speech acts--to the best of my knowledge) knew Trump was going to go after them, then they would have a very real stake in the outcome of the political process.
Sorry, 'ops-sec' is not the correct term. the 'Ops-sec' was the failure. I think I meant something similar but specifically with the technology...Tech-sec or something.
Signal is the correct app to use if you're going to do these things--at least from what's on tap.
I think people are shocked that they didn't all assemble int he 'war room' to make the weighty decision to drop some bombs. The halcyon days of Dr. Strangelove are over, my friends.
I wonder if we'll even remember this happened in 3.75 years. Things are so whackadoodle, I can't tell if this is actually a scandal or not. Seems...not?
So they should have used email to decide to bomb Yemen and that would have been acceptable? Too slow, for starters.
I'm not really sure what the actual offense is here. I think it's accidentally adding an unrecognized phone number to a chat group, others think it's using the chat group in the first place.
Ooof two paragraphs in and I remember exactly why I stopped reading Meskhout's blog. All heat, no light.
So Trump says the government can't work with some firms and their security clearances are revoked. And...So what? Oh one of the firms sued and one caved. Ok...Some lawyers are only interested in money? Some guys who don't look cool also happen to be lawyers who don't roll over for Trump?
If this is supposed to tell me something bigger about how the government interfaces with civilian law firms I missed it. Is the problem that now the people in the government who hired the law firms to prosecute J6 (and Trump too?) have to work with what they got? That other law firms won't want to work with the USG because they might someday get hamstrung by not having security clearances? That uh....conservative lawyers,, are going to be more in demand?
I honestly can't figure out what the claim is in the article, but I'm also too hung up on the shite writing to really try and dissect it. ELI5 please.
While agree there must be some level of incompetence or just a screw-up, I really don't see which of the various chat apps would be better than Signal. AFAIK, it's the most secure almost to the point of being a problem for things like FOIA, as once the app is deleted all the message history is gone.
Anyway, I"m not sure I agree with the 'bad ops-sec' here and tend toward 'if you message the wrong person, you can't claw it back.'
So what should they use? Slack? Google Messenger? Facebook messenger? AIM? Does the USG have its own private, secured messaging app? TBH, Signal actually seems like the best option if you need to have a group discussion with people all over the world and with conflicting schedules.
I mean...I'm open to alternatives, but what are they?
Radical transparency. We're in a new golden age!
Everyone who quits is one that doesn’t get severance.
Is that so?
That's certainly how it reads to me as well. I might otherwise be sympathetic, but maybe she really did do some work for money.
I have been part of an RIF...a few times, in fact. The difference was they just said, "you're fired. Sign here." There wasn't any will-they/won't-they/when-they. I feel like the "shit-show" part of this is largely on purpose. Make everything so horrible no one will ever come back. Salting the Earth, as it were.
Yeah, I had to dig deep just to find the wrong people. I couldn't find anything about Burke's actual books until y'all posted it.
Yeah, this seems to be largely the case. As a fin-tech worker, the idea of job security is one I can hardly process, but I've been told that easy job and lifetime job security were top reasons for moving to DC. I think also, "there's not actually much work for a PhD in linguistics," is up there. I'm sympathetic to the claims of being terrorized--it seems like the firings are extra confusing and malicious--but I'm a little-shoulder shruggy in terms of losing one's job. It makes me seem like a demon around here. I have to keep up the pretense that I'm sorrowful for all the people. That said, I don't know who's getting fired, so I don't know who to call to make a big scene about how terrible it all is. I've been accused of not being 'curious enough.'
If ever there was a tax season to attempt shenanigans...
Becky Burke, British Comic Book person returns home after 11 day ICE detention
The link isn't the best link, just the first. I googled the story and found dozens of articles that all say the same basic thing.
- 28 yo travels America since January; ~50 days on a 90 day visa
- At some point she tries to cross into Canada to go to Vancouver; The Canadians say no--you have the wrong visa and send her back
- Upon returning to the other side of the border, the Americans say, "You were working on a guest visa, that means jail and deportation." Becky + Lawyers claim she was only doing 'chores' with a host family. 'Chores' are never defined, detailed or discussed.
- 11 days in an ICE detention center; trauma for life and some great comic book material.
- Red, red meat for Europeans looking to make hay with Trump. This story is (apparently) all over the UK right now.
I'm having a hard time establishing some of the facts, primarily, what comic works has Becky created. I can't find anything and none of the articles I've looked at link to anything. The closest I saw was that she has an Instagram account. So, is she a comic creator or just someone who lists it as her profession? I have no idea.
Secondly, What are these 'chores' and how is there a debate about whether it was work or not? How does ICE even know that said 'chores' even happened?
I'm confused by this. On one hand, Trump wants ICE to be extra hard-core and now naive Zoomers are getting swept up with bad Visas. Ok, that sucks. Shit happens. Perhaps in a kindler, gentler America we would have given them a tongue lashing and sent them home, now we jail them for a week and a half. Seems...unnecessary, but I guess the message is sent: don't come here and try to get away with doing work. Very bad!
On the other hand, how did she set trigger ICE in the first place? I don't understand how doing 'chores' even registers unless she's been watched the whole time with an eye to catching her in the act of 'doing work.' I've heard of this happening with musicians or DJs who fly into Canada as tourists only to play a gig and get busted for working. I don't think it's great, but I get why it happens. Was Becky sketching the family as part of her 'chores'? Was she doing farm work? Was she cleaning dishes and sending Instagrams about it? Did she tell ICE she had been working? Like, what the heck happened? Is this another case of "lying to cops is the only rational response," and she got swept up in a dragnet fishing for gormless fools?
A separate article mentioned this recently happened to two other people (both females...coincidence?) who were arrested because they were possibly working on travel visas. One was a German tattoo artists, who, based on the scant evidence provided in the article, seems to have been travelling with her inking gear and also worked on a prior trip to the US. The third lady is an actress who somehow didn't have the right visa either and ended up in ICE detention for a few weeks. For some reason, my mind automagically starts wondering if perhaps these artists (that's a dogwhistle for lefty activists, btw) had some Interwebz posts that somebody didn't like.
My instinct is that these are the horrifying yet rare circumstances that sell news copy but don't really say much about American immigration and customs enforcement. At the same time, I dunno...Trump, man. Are we damaging our international relations or putting a stop to low-life's trying to come here take 'Murican (comic book) Jerbs. Are we just busting foreign activist-artists but no one is saying that part out loud? The information I accessed is so vague and so focused on the 'horrible treatment' I can't really get a picture of what happened, so I presume there's more going on and that if I knew what it was it would make me less sympathetic to the victim.
Does anyone know, or have access to information about how many Federal employees have been furloughed? I'm hearing a lot about the Dept of ED because of my sister who worked there, and she has told me that everyone else she's talking to says they are going to be let go soon, but I can't tell if that's true or just people trying to make her feel better. For what it's worth, I live in an area replete with Federal workers--like every other person, it seems. There is a lot of anger and frustration, but not much clarity. So far, it seems like Dept of ED and USAID have had the most dramatic cuts, but people from DHS and Transport are claiming they will lose their jobs 'any day now.'
I presume the employees know more than me, but it also seems like most people don't actually know anything. I also have the sense that there is special malice being heaped on Dept of Ed people that the others aren't experiencing.
Curious if anyone has any good sources on the bigger picture of how many cuts there have been in total.
Demanding rigor in a rhetorical cage match is a fatality. OP's statement was clear and google-able at a copy/paste, first-result level. The off-handed claim about Alabama sucking didn't help either, some around here might call it a dog-whistle. Anyway, save your battles.
Claim: it's dangerous for different states to adopt different standards from each other.
- Would state A risk an invasion by an entire state-B population of underachieving morons--with no economic, political or militaristic boundaries between states as protection?
- When do states have the right to fight each other?
- Should we expect that all of our elites will eventually be foreigners because we've dumbed down our back bench?
- How do you prevent bad localized ideas, un-scientific methods, and fads from chewing through the populace?
- What are the controls?
- What happens to national culture?
- How will we get people to continue to drink milk?
- What will we do if we suddenly realize we've made a bad national decision? Dept. II: Edu-harder?
- How will we recognize or measure the impact of losing the department/relying on individual states?
- Is it all just money--or lack thereof?
- How will the universities--and by extension small communities supported by such schools--survive without a government college grants program? Is it like moving a highway?
- Does all of this work to raise the prestige of the Ivy's, Stanford, etc.?
- Will it be a boom-time for community colleges and State universities?
- Like...worst of all...what if it works?
I guess we're talking about state's rights here and it reminded me that by finally settling Roe v Wade and forcing it to the states, not only have we found most states are able to find a position fairly quickly (and I'd guess more favorable to the left overall) but it has completely annihilated it as a presidential campaign issue. I would expect that Education now moves off the table as something a candidate can run on...
UNLESS...people can tally the cost. This is hard because the data that tells us how schools are doing comes from Dept of ED and now those reports will just be gone. Or perhaps haphazardly and randomly tabulated by the states. Another pseudo-metric washed away into the swill bucket with CPI, Jobless claims and GDP.
The good news is that you won't even know if it fails.
1 second of googling.
Well, I used to live in Illinois. I'm not sure they could figure out how to bake an ice cream sandwich.
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I was speaking broadly. The criminality is what bothers people, not the speech.
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