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joined 2022 September 10 01:37:00 UTC


User ID: 1089



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 10 01:37:00 UTC


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User ID: 1089

I'm annoyed at Rust for the same reason in the opposite direction. They added sum types, knew they added sum types, but called them "enums" - why?

Recent iterations of windows are tolerable as an operating system for a gaming-only machine, though.

Modern versions of Windows don't crash like they used to, but you don't have to install BonziBuddy to get a machine full of ads any more; they bundle the ads with the OS now.

Would it be fair to call them the "rap interludes" of their time?

I thought "plushie" specifically referred to stuffed toys with a particular outer fabric.

Please provide a pitch deck in next week's Tinker Tuesday.

By the way, it's "copyright", not "copywrite" because it's about who has the right to make copies of a work.

Nice hat...

I know you asked specifically for a book, but https://learn.cantrill.io/p/tech-fundamentals is a pretty good free course about the various layers of the networking stack. If you want to go deep on the protocol-level stuff then maybe Stevens' TCP/IP Illustrated could be what you're after? It might be too TCP-focused, since you also have questions about VLANs and UDP.

Pretty much. His hope was that completing The Hock would make him attractive to women, who he thought were picking up on the fact that he hadn't done anything tough in his life.


Did you see @gattsuru's megapost? The bottom chunk has a very thorough answer to the "which distro?" question, though not so much on the "noob manual" side.

Alpha Centauri (Civ in Space) is also pretty good.

Its story holds up better than its mechanics, the exploitability of which limits the replay value. But I'd still give it more than a "pretty good".

Civ IV wasn't just about the mods. It was also that the developers were bold enough to include things like slavery and religions in a way that had some real mechanical meat. Made you think, as the player, without preaching at you.

Gave us the Ebola vaccine

I have been able to find things saying that we now have a couple of Ebola vaccines but nothing for a lay audience about their method of development. Do you have a link for this?

I think my mind runs in similar grooves, and the answer is: integrity. Integrity matters: would you want to date or marry someone who is lying about something so fundamental? Would you want to carry a lie like that for years, knowing what would happen if the secret got out?

That's the one. How did you find it? I couldn't get DDG nor Google to cough it up.

It is a summary of Old Man Murray's article, who absolutely deserves the credit here.

@ZorbaTHut had a post on I think /r/TheMotte about how, as a game designer, you basically had to trick the players into having fun because otherwise they'd fall into whatever pattern looked "optimal". I can't find it though.

You take that back about Monkey Island 2! The correct example is Gabriel Knight 3. In a world where masking tape is some kind of powerful neodymium supermagnet for cat hair, you use it to make a fake mustache to disguise yourself as a man who doesn't have a mustache.

Haven't yet but probably should.

Grim, but about where I'm at too. Thanks for the cross-check.

We've been offered the false choice of "rehabilitation vs. punishment" for so long that it needed Bukele to break the spell and bring "containment" back into the Overton Window.

Has anyone been tracking H5N1 bird flu? I see occasional doomposting updates from accounts like https://x.com/outbreakupdates/ and I'm trying to figure out if we're all sleeping on something about to go very bad, or if it's "under control" and/or likely to burn out. Haven't seen any recent posts about it on LessWrong, and I'd expect to if it were something (since they were right and early on SARS-CoV-2).

The UK literally has an organization called NICE?

Glad someone mentioned Factorio and Kingdom Come. I think Factorio shows the most likely path out of the mess: non-woke, not anti-woke. Contrast explicitly anti-woke games like Hatred where you just trigger a new wave of thinkpieces that probably hurt your cause more than they help.

So the Doge of Venice wasn't part of the pun?