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User ID: 1827



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User ID: 1827

Yes black swan events etc. But most people don’t orient their life around that (and for most people catastrophic coverage is feasible).

I guess I just don’t understand the extreme fixation on health care for people who frankly don’t use a lot of it.

That’s fair. I wasn’t thinking of therapy. I am literally anti therapy (generally think it does more harm than good).

Yeah I guess the monthly payments are a pain in the ass. But so is FICA or Fed Income Tax, etc.

My wife and I have kids. Her heath care during pregnancy was fine. Wasn’t enough to orient our life around health care as a topic.

Per annum. I get that it can sometimes be a hassle but that seems weird for relatively young people to base their seeming life or identity around, no?

I’ve always been blown away by the obsession with health care. Does the average person spend more than a few days interacting with health care pa?

Fair enough. I should’ve been better.

Get lost buddy.

Are you sure the raw masculine appeal isn’t there because of the 60s sexism instead of despite?

  1. I’m very worried about shrinking white population coupled with an ideology that says “white man bad.” Other groups already have a pro group in bias (except for whites since we bought into the whole color free paradigm). But add to that extra hatred and it isn’t pretty.

  2. I live in an Indian majority community. Often, I feel like a stranger in a foreign land. My wife gets visible in uncomfortable when I mention this alienation that occurs in my country. This isn’t anything the Indians are doing wrong and most of them seem like nice people. But it isn’t my culture and that is a net negative for me.

It responds by using a lot of words to say nothing but yes it doesn’t offend basic AWFL sensibilities

FWIW, I have a good friend who is a vegan after reading Singer. He is also pro human and pro natalist (more pro life than I am as an example). The only humans he hates are criminals (he is a prosecutor).

Okay bro. I’m sure Bleep filed a lot of law suits.

Here is a WaPo article from mid 2020. https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2020/08/18/florida-education-chief-tells-districts-dont-rush-close-schools-when-covid-19-cases-appear/

And from the times https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/19/us/coronavirus-schools-florida-local-control.html

RDS used the power of the purse to keep schools open in mid 2020. So don’t give me your revisionist history nonsense.

I was in this stuff day in and day out. It isn’t PR. Maybe you’ve been buying into the Trump nonsense (like Cuomo being better).

There is a reason he was foremost in the summer of 2020. It is because Trump abandoned the perch.

Yes, you can point out rural states like South Dakota but I lived during covid. Florida was open early and faced heavy criticism for it. Georgia opened around a similar time (and hell I’d go to bay for Kemp as well) but Kemp didn’t go as hard in the paint to prevent local government from enacting certain policy (and you may recall Trump tried really hard to prevent Kemp from doing what he did).

Hell, I provided the receipts from Mulligran. Florida had schools open in person pretty much more than every other states (it is basically tied with Arkansas and Wyoming with a pretty big gap until Utah).

Also this whole “neoliberal” smear. Any guy that says “Coolidge” when favorite president isn’t your bog standard neo lib. Add to it his attacks on ESG and feud with Disney. He isn’t another GWB or Romney.

Finally, judging someone for a bad campaign is a poor way for how somehow would run the federal government. Instead I would say the way he handled covid in Florida (which despite your retcon was excellent) or the way he handled the hurricanes (which again were excellent). The guy is a great executive who is not a natural politician. I’d prefer the former to the latter.

But it is hard to say on the way hand why a mouse dying is worse than say eating an egg or for that matter a chicken.

Is that really true? I remember countless “worse than Trump” media pieces about DeSantis. Indeed, MSM and Trump colluded on attacking DeSantis.

It is also belied by the fact that top athletes don’t seem to be vegan.

It seemed he started out trying to do so, but it became obvious others weren’t interested.

Certainly. Of course, if that field mouse has baby mice they will die as they cry out for their mom. That’s pretty awful.

If the vegan argument is “make factory farming more humane” I’m here for it. If the argument is eating animals is wrong because it requires killing, then nah fam I’m out.

One question for vegans is that pretty much any industrial sized farming (needed to support our population) will involve killing a lot of animals in collecting farm products. That is, killing a cow and eating it may involve less animal death compared to eating bread.

This can be solved via two ways: (1) is that animals killed during farm are less advanced and therefore their death is less morally wrong or (2) intent matters.

The problem with (1) is it undermines the entire vegan argument. The problem with (2) is that at a certain level of recklessness the moral consequences are similar.

Therefore, to live means other animals will die. I am on board with not torturing other animals (eg I wont eat veal, I buy pasture raised eggs) as that seems just unnecessary. But at the same time I don’t have qualms with eating meat.

And they will both vote for Trump in this case because it isn’t close.

It is crazy to me that these people didn’t realize “stress reveals character.”

But where is the evidence that Haley would do all of that. She basically never faced anything difficult in SC. There is zero reason to believe she’d be able to do really anything in DC. She strikes me as a blank canvas that some people can project their hopes onto; not a real person.

I think RDS made a political mistake. He should’ve just been himself the entire time. He listened to consultants too much.

But at the end of the day, I look at his record as a governor and the at record can’t be described as spineless.

Edit: I don’t know if you watched the debates but there seems to be an emerging alliance between Vivek and DeSantis. They aren’t that different on policy. A couple of times they agreed. They were occasionally joking with each other during TV timeouts.

Just to add to this, see https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w29928/w29928.pdf

Florida had almost 100% in person schooling during the pandemic. Compare the only states that did better were Wyoming (super rural) and Arkansas (which basically had the same percentage as Florida). No other states were close. PA in contrast was at 50%.

In addition, Florida desire slow down in tourism still did better than many on economic matters.

This shows contra your claims that Florida was much more open and much sooner than say PA.

The person most responsible for that difference was RDS (the large city democrat mayors in Florida fought him).