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User ID: 646



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User ID: 646

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My first thought was along your lines, since pretty much all previous colonizations followed a similar pattern.

However, 3-5 years in a spaceship to land on a barren wasteland is vastly different. The voyage of the Mayflower was 2 months across the Atlantic to a land of unmatched natural bounty. The migrants floating across the Mediterranean only have to stomach a couple of days before landing on a rich, permissive welfare state with prebuilt infrastructure. Even with SpaceX bringing back indentured servitude to cover travel costs, the first folks landing on Mars will be a different breed than previous colonists. It's going to be much more like Antarctica, which, from what I understand, is generally an elite crew compared to the rest of humanity.

Thank you - good call!

This is an interesting discussion but clean up your AI slop. Literally just delete most of the content.

Body count

It vastly opens up the amount of the game you can play when you dont have to herd cats to your house!

I am one of the people who would agree with you that leadership in any team context is key, and it's a lesson that took me too long to learn.

I see the value in a designer/team who has a vision and can push to see it through. The analogy of a director may be a good comparison, in that they can produce what I would consider a good movie with very little in terms of assets or contributions from the team.

I suppose it depends on your definition of "Value" and "Success". An indie film with one director is almost always going to be crap, occasionally a niche art-house classic, and very, very rarely a breakout like Blair Witch or something.

Maybe I've been out of the gaming world too long - where are these fantastic games with no/crappy art?

Even very designer-driven games (EX Super Meat Boy) have great visual components.

You cannot even come up with the coolest game you've ever played.

First I'd disagree with this - stealing systems that I've played and modifying them is exactly what I'd do. Could I have come up with MtG on my own 30 years ago? Probably not, but a background in software and being a huge fan of games means I could probably come up with something serviceable, if not 100% unique.

Tons of great games have been made without artists.

I can think of vanishingly few games where the art and design were not significant. My video game dev friends often have something great on their hands, design and system-wise, that is ultimately not fun to play with stock art. Simple platformers with great art and music (Braid, Limbo) are vastly more successful than their hideous, bare-bones brethren. Sure, games are developed before artists get involved, but they don't make it to production or succeed without it.

While I don't have much comment on this, I want to thank you for summarizing the story so far. It was really difficult for me to find a condensed version.

Is design really that exclusive of a skill? I find it hard to believe.

I'd put artists above designers in terms of value, and programmers above all of them.

I can come up with the coolest game you've ever played, in my head, right now. Good luck making it without artists and programmers.

"Overrepresented" is not enough.

But it is. Trans women are already, typically, fairly loud and visible influences. If you double or triple their representation in a given population, they'll help drive direction in a game studio's writing, especially if the corporate overlords are looking closely at leadership position diversity. Not to mention, many trans women are excellent programmers, and so therefore valuable to placate.

Dang it, I wish I could be more creative, because I love the idea of the chair and think the obvious choice is a great one.

A clock, already suggested, is a great option. My parents have disabled the grandfather clock they have that mine built. They found the ringing too annoying. I disagree, but be aware of the potential downside.

For my grandmother, we spent a fraction of the money on a vacation to some of her favorite places, and generated pictures and experiences from it that will stick around for a while. I assume you considered and discarded this, but wanted to throw it out there.

So, a word of warning. I am an LDR vet. 5 years of LDR dating before I was 21.

My "big" breakup that fucked me good was a 3 month situationship where we knew we should break up, but she pushed to stay together after a month, we kept falling deeper in love, and then cheated on me a couple months later. I'm fairly confident if we hadn't done that it would have been a good relationship when I returned.

In short, just don't expose yourself to more risk of heartbreak than you need to. Keep moving forward while she's gone and make the call to rekindle or not when (if) she comes back.

While Visual Studio and C# are my drugs of choice, the worst thing about them may be the default linter & style guide's insistence on Allman.

K&R has always been the best, and as you say, it's not close.

  • I also did basic homebrewing in college, in this case to get around being too young too buy beer myself. I used low-tier equipment and a low-tier process. With the focus and knowledge of cooking I've gained since then, not to mention the vast amounts of information, I think you would get great results and it would be fun.
  • Mead is in between winemaking and brewing in that you are a bit more restricted in terms of ingredients, so execution is paramount. The guys I know who do it are generally more focused and weird than brewers, and you'll sometimes get sick of drinking your own stuff. You need other people who can drink your product.
  • I investigated home distilling for a bit, which has fewer resources than brewing because of its illegality. My read after watching some videos is that it's far more difficult, has a far longer time between effort and analysis, and requires more specialized equipment. I love whiskey but plan to leave this to the professionals.
  1. I'd say no, a second message is a key part of the funnel and I wouldn't outsource this. Please say you have decent game and can actually perform better than a robot here.
  2. You could have it schedule for you while scanning recent messages - you handle the human part, it handles the paperwork.
  3. I would, at the first date. If she thinks it's cool, you've found a good match. If she's offended, she's probably too solipsistic and sensitive to be a long-term play.

What's your goal here? Sex or love?

Side note: I fucking love that you did this for many reasons. Congrats!

Well, for one, a lot of TRT clinics are, as you seem to have noticed, whitewashed ways to get roids, and you can absolutely game the measurements to apply for it.

If I knew a crazy dude who wanted to know more about this, where would he go to learn more about it? Or, even better, would you replicate the approach here?

You seem to have misunderstood what I was saying here.

It didn't guess anything that I hadn't told it, it just extrapolated from the memory of multiple chat threads, asking about useful how-to topics. There's no magic.

The point is that even with my complete avoidance of anything truly personal, a platform has valuable information. If you're spilling your guts to a virtual therapist, It's a huge vulnerability.

This is the problem for me. I tried a fun little game recently with my OpenAI instance, in which I've still been careful about what I write. It still had a ton of personal information from our chat contexts and was able to do a decent job figuring out pressure points in my life.

If I can't have full opsec with a virtual therapist then it's as worthless to me as the judgemental lefty who will call the cops on me if I'm sad.

Bro, you're not even going to mention "Good Time" by Owl City? Perhaps it's just too easy.

I'm embarrassed I liked so many of these songs, though by 2011 I had started to get really sick of it and hated (for instance) "Give me Everything Tonight"

Fuck me HL2 is so good. I literally replay it once every 2 years or so.

On one hand I agree.

On the other this took serious intent from AOC or her Twitter admin. It only took seconds, but why remove it at all? Thousands of software suites have been updated to allow pronouns and gender spectrums whenever dealing with people. They fought so hard for this - why back down on the signal?

This has far more to do with Trump monday-morning quarterbacking than anything else.

Do they really do no advanced filtering before donation? I guess I thought they would for some reason.

No - it has a high Rotten Tomatoes rating but that's not as solid a thing to have faith in anymore. Have you?