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The war will end as a huge embarrassment for the West with permanent degradation in the perception of the West's financial and military strength. It'll be yet another feather in the cap of failure by the US state department over the last 25 years.

It isn't a victory, but isn't the fact that Ukraine is still fighting this far still an impressive feat?

At some point, you can't expect the West to be able to defeat Russia in every proxy war context.

My wife specifically referred to "The loudest people" in her groups making themselves feel more important and representative than they actually are.

Breaking it down by race shows one small part of it, but when you include all women you see who was voting for Kamala despite how weak her candidacy and case was.

Trump's wins among non-white and college-educated people were almost all men.

I couldn't understand how abortion could be such a rallying cry among women. Sure, there are many analogs with gun control which I do obsess over, but at the end of the day this was people joined both celebrate and demand the ability to deal death to innocent life. Turns out it wasn't quite as strong as it seemed, which of course makes sense with 20/20 hindsight.

I know the women feel that way, but do all the men too (or are they trying to get laid?).

I've been really thinking about how gendered this election is. I use Instagram. If I could turn off every woman in my feed for the next week and the past one, I would take that option in a heartbeat.

My wife is a fairly conservative catholic and has been heavily swayed by her friends opinions and groupthink. You and I are here and in a twitter algorithm bubble - Women are marinating in snapchat, insta, and group threads in which 75% of of the people are (for lack of a better term) screeching about politics. Relentlessly.

There has been an extremely loud contingent of women both angry and confident in Harris throughout the election. Men are subservient to women's opinions. Myself included albeit at a reduced intensity than some.

If I were to update a prior it would be to discount the female voice slightly more than I normally do. I think they either don't know they're blinding themselves through their strength (the ability to compel silence/dishonesty in men) or do not care.

The Reddit admins were in contact with the mods, consistently threatening them.

Nobody wanted to move here man lol. We lost a solid chunk of the community and now Zorba has to maintain the site.

It's a video of cartel members torturing someone while the song funkytown plays in the background. Even the textual descriptions are horrific (but not long-term traumatizing IMO):

The guy's kept alive with adrenaline, and skinned/dismembered and maybe raped with something? IIRC

If this premise about the link between art and trauma is accepted

I'm not sure I accept the link here. Yes, traumatic experiences through art tend to stay with you longer than abject beauty and take something from you. I still, thankfully, have not watched Funkytown, but I have seen enough on the internet that comes close. One part of getting older has been that my curiosity about exposing myself to trauma has been reduced, not increased. I don't have to do this. The only possible benefit to being exposed to things like this is that it could improve my performance under stress if I'm exposed to such things in meatspace. I won't trade the guaranteed cost of psychic damage for this potential benefit anymore. Art that relies on applying trauma, if anything, becomes diminished. It's a cheap shot to increase stickiness and earn a place in your mind that wouldn't be deserved otherwise.

The rabbit from Zootopia is hot and a little uppity. She absolutely wants and deserves to get gangbanged by a bunch of foxes. No trauma involved at all!

Do you have no ability to increase resistance?

I don't see the value in cadence over 110, and even that's questionable. I tend to play exclusively in the 60-100 space. Saddle positioning can help. Many people have the saddle too low, fewer have it too high, and fewer have it just right. That will help you get to higher cadences.

Do you own the cycle? Do you plan to cycle outside? If so it may be worth investing in clipless pedals and cleats you can use on multiple machines.

If you can't increase resistance then there's no magical technique to get better besides practice, and I don't know what value you'd get out of spinning out at no resistance all the time.

This is an improvement over "Let's hope they keep a literal corpse in the race and cross our fingers" which seemed to be the approach a few months ago, so I get it.

I think this is an awful move on Trump's part.

Long form is Trump's kryptonite, Rogan doesn't like him. Unless Kamala does it too and does worse it's a net loss.

Rogan's viewers are largely Trump fans but - say what you will about them - they listen to these whole interviews and will downgrade their opinion on someone who exposes themselves and doesn't perform well.

Ride the McDonald's fries to the White House bro, this is not difficult.

Why associate yourself with unhealthy, bland consumerist food?

The quarter pounder is one of the top 3 fast food burgers out there (especially in its double permutation) and is ubiquitously available. Wendy's has fallen off completely, Burger King has blown for more than a decade, and you need to cede a significant fraction of a minimum wage paycheck for Five Guys or Shake Shack, if you live near one.

The app performs reasonably well and you can actually get the food you order 90% of the time, unlike a bone-in-chicken place. It's really not that bad.

I could still ping any of my co-workers at fast food joints and get them to corroborate that I was there, and if I ran from office they would come out of the proverbial woodwork (both good and bad on that front, perhaps). I think the fact they can't find one person who remembers working with her pretty damning.

Is the source of audiobooks... paid? pirated?

I, too, liked American fiction.

Promising young Woman was an interesting watch for me. It was recommended by a tattooed, arts major stripper in Montreal. She told me that I looked like Bo Burnham in broken english, and gave me her number, presumably to discuss it afterwards.

I smoked weed and watched the movie and like it until I entered a paranoid spiral: had this woman suggested the film as a 4-D chess, long range insult? Did she believe I was the same type of person as Bo's character? Maybe.

But yeah great movie.

I'll be honest, I assumed they were talking about download speeds, I misread. That makes it a lot worse.

Demanding 20mbps upload is stupid for rural internet. I barely use that as a software expert in an urban area. It seems like this was specifically designed to exclude even the most state-of-the-art satellite systems from the jump.

the lifetime earnings premium you get from a college degree is still very high

Only for certain, difficult degrees.

As others have noted - the premium is worthless if you don't finish. And you're already in the hole from previous failures and delaying the start of recognizing that premium. Even if your family or loans paid for it. Just do the algebra on it.

I say this not to flagellate you but to reinforce: A degree is not a panacea, and just straight up isn't necessary for independence almost anywhere.

Is it nice? Sure, as an owner of one, I'd say so. Would I be fine and happy without one (but with a work ethic)? Absolutely.

You can always go back and get one after you're independent. I can't imagine how great college would have been if I knew how to fuckin' do it better.

Will second this! It's hard to do without discipline but even starting small could majorly help out.

Not as extreme as you, but similar deal in terms of being present and focused on school. I got a degree - but with a crappy GPA doing as little as possible. I relied on friends to help me pass classes extensively, and had deep anxiety about how much more discipline they all had. I was surrounded by hardworking people who put up with me because they liked me, but that I was a drag on. To be totally honest, I'm now in a very good spot in terms of success and responsibility, ~10 years later.

The key for me, which may be for you, is work. There are many problems with school, but succinctly: I find the idea of paying for the privilege of suffering (waking up early, hearing someone drone on about simple concepts, and doing work that has literally zero value beyond learning) to be sickening.

Even your minimum wage job, which is as meaningless as a job can be, matters to your teammates, manager, and customers at some level.

If you're in the US, get your fucking driver's license. Cmon.

After that, find another job that is preferably higher paying and potentially interesting to you.

  • Working at a video game arcade or board game shop
  • Working at a restaurant making food you respect with high standards
  • Working at the front desk of an interesting or lucrative business
  • Working in a more rural area at a factory, where you may make more money and get to see firsthand where low-effort living happens

One more bit of tough love: Your mom isn't going to fix this. You're causing her suffering even at this point. If she gives you another chance, I think you're still in the position where you'll take advantage of her to continue to fail. You live in a time and, presumably, a 1st world country in which it is impossible for you to starve to death or truly suffer in any way. I think you have to throw yourself in the water before you'll swim.

I like that they had some data, but I can't help but feel like they were searching for post-facto justification.

How reliable is Ookla data compared to actually testing the networks themselves? I only speed test when I know something's wrong or when I hook up a new line, initially.

The challenge I have with getting upset about SpaceX and Tesla's contracts is that, compared to where the money has been shunted otherwise, they seem like great fucking deals.

If the dollar amount and lack of delivery got anywhere close to "Business as Usual" at NASA or the EPA with the legacy MIC contractors and environmental grifters, then I would be upset.

Everyone's seen tweets summarizing the reality of the situation. NASA is pouring $2.7b (originally $383m, lol) into a far-less capable launch system than what SpaceX just proved is feasible, and spending hundreds of millions more on DEI grift, or bragging about the first PoC and Woman on the moon.

Funnily enough, there are plenty of MtF transgender people working for SpaceX and Tesla. They just want to actually accomplish something.

COH 2 took a long time to get good. I played it since beta. In comparison, I showed up very late and very unskilled to COH 1. I understand many of those players held 2 in disdain, as an "arcade" game.

The QoL features in 2 (fence jumping, ribbon) and tactical depth (True sight) were huge. The addition of 4v4 was a major amount of fun. I know it's a controversial opinion, but coldtech games offered another level of differentiation even if the competitive scene rejected them. The lower TTK made things frantic and faster, and I appreciated the depth of different abilities.

There was a lot that didn't work. Bulletins were lame; commanders were a downgrade, etc.

I've played 3 a bit now and think it's more like 1. I enjoy the performance and visual enhancements quite a bit, along with the addition of verticality. However, I'm pretty bad at it, and my regular playgroup for CoH 2 was shattered when the guy who bugged us all to play regularly committed suicide, so I don't know if I'll get any better.

Company of Heroes 2- arguably top 5 games of all time, IMO - required you to restart the game every 2-3 matches or else you'd get a crash from a memory leak. Matches were sometimes an hour long, and down to the wire when they'd blow up. They didn't patch it for 6 years I think and I still played a ton.

So, hopefully I'll be able to join you guys for a game here.

I'm super interested in this. There's a lot of complaining about bugs on the steam reviews. Valid?

I'm confident things will get patched out eventually but wanted your thoughts.

I'm a bit of a fast food addict, and watching people choose to get into a 30 (!) car deep drive thru line instead of hopping into a parking spot is insane. Even the journey from a parking lot is too much for the majority of people.

I 100% agree on your 2 year old, and I would be a long-range helicopter with the 5 year old. But I had my 3 year old do a turn of the cul-de-sac at least before he said he was too tired to continue. Por que no los dos?

There's a bit of a supply and demand spiral going on, too. People in great neighborhoods don't get enough kids (I got maybe 7 last year?) so don't bother answering the door or handing stuff out. Others don't understand the signal that if your light is on, it means you're giving out candy, which makes kids have to walk a ton to get to a couple doors etc....

Yeah 160mb is insane, I've seen very few apps that large. Front-end frameworks can be nasty.