Other comments have already touched on what to say, but I think the most underrated and under practiced aspect of speechcraft is intonation and annunciation.
Think of your voice as a musical instrument. Consider singing lessons if you've never taken any. Playing wind blown instruments can also be helpful. Practice opening your throat, lifting your chin and pressing the words out with your diaphragm. Avoid monotone. Practice punchy delivery and learn to get visibly worked up when you're driving home an argument. Listen to the great audio book readers and podcast hosts for exemplars.
Humans are simple creatures. We respond to an excellent delivery in a visceral way. I would focus on this aspect until you master it before worrying about the other aspects. A sloppy speach with excellent delivery is better than a great speach and a poor delivery.
Other comments have already touched on what to say, but I think the most underrated and under practiced aspect of speechcraft is intonation and annunciation.
Think of your voice as a musical instrument. Consider singing lessons if you've never taken any. Playing wind blown instruments can also be helpful. Practice opening your throat, lifting your chin and pressing the words out with your diaphragm. Avoid monotone. Practice punchy delivery and learn to get visibly worked up when you're driving home an argument. Listen to the great audio book readers and podcast hosts for exemplars.
Humans are simple creatures. We respond to an excellent delivery in a visceral way. I would focus on this aspect until you master it before worrying about the other aspects. A sloppy speach with excellent delivery is better than a great speach and a poor delivery.
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