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joined 2023 May 31 08:02:06 UTC


User ID: 2435



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 May 31 08:02:06 UTC


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User ID: 2435

RARBG just died.

What is the best alternative? For quick casual use, not as a fussy hobby.

Just back to TPB? I recall some sketchiness a few years ago, and it's missing some helpful features like screenshots and ratings.

Extreme long shot: I very distantly recall that there was a culture-war-secondary-character-for-literally-just-the-afternoon sometime in the last 7 years that was the unintentional spitting image of Zippy the Pinhead. Can anyone remember anything about this?

edit: found it. I recall him looking more Zippy-like on his twitter.