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joined 2025 February 05 21:59:10 UTC


User ID: 3526



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2025 February 05 21:59:10 UTC


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User ID: 3526

So I need some dating advice and an outside perspective.

I have been dating a girl now for about a month. Things have been going well, but rather slow. We seem to understand each other rather well, have a similar education level, have compatible world views, and we both want to have kids. However, recently sex came out as a topic (we haven't had any yet) and she told me she has HSV (in the area below). Sigh, well I really did not expect that. That also explains why she has cautiously kept emotional distance. I don't know am I dumb for even considering to continue dating her. Have any of you guys been in such a position? She was previously in several relationships so apparently some people are completely fine living with the risk. Any input would be appreciated.