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joined 2022 October 26 07:16:55 UTC


User ID: 1742



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 October 26 07:16:55 UTC


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User ID: 1742

Apparently OVEs aren't just something that the blogger cooked up out of thin air; some security group called "Openwall" maintains a service that generates these unique OVE IDs (you can generate your own here and verify that the site won't reuse IDs, even after a refresh). Of course, that doesn't change things too much; these OVEs are poorly-known enough that some of the blogger's friends only found out via this incident, and one wonders if the blogger would have used an OVE if the ID format and name didn't bear such a resemblance to the better-known, scary CVEs. But it's not quite as bad as the blogger making stuff up from whole cloth.