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User ID: 3159



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User ID: 3159

In proposed walking cities, how many?

what you mean by walkable city here? I seen anything described this way, from "total private car use ban" to "maybe have sidewalks at least on some roads"

And I would not look at proposed ones but at what exists already

"walkable city" is not specific enough

Most of the country lacks “real infrastructure” for bikes

I guess you mean Canada? Still, it would be "Riding a bicycle in Canada is dangerous" not "Riding a bicycle is dangerous" and is fixable relatively easily with some competence and effort.

In the same declaring "walking alone in city center during night is inherently dangerous and cannot be safe" is not true.

they paint a bicycle lane symbol on a road with a 35mph speed limit and stick up a “share the road” sign or two

that is not a bicycle infrastructure, that is just pure incompetence

If something requires you to wear a helmet while you do it, then it's hardly safe.

Cycling does not require wearing helmet.

At least commuting cycling on cycleways and low-traffic roads. If you do MTB/downhill then yes, you should have helmet. And if you drive on road where you have trucks and buses and cars going more than 30 km/h then helmet will not help so much anyway in case of a collision.

Exercise is nice to have but unnecessary. Obesity is a dietary problem, not an exercise problem.

Zero exercise and eating little is better than zero exercise and eating enormous amounts. But zero exercise and sitting all day is not exactly health either.

Large part seems being contrarian for sake of being contrarian and then building justification on top of that.

Or assuming that entire reality is opposite to what broadly defined left claims.

Also, isolationism.

which has the side effect of crushing your testicles

something is wrong with your bicycle if that happens

that cyclists are suicidal, law-breaking, moving hazards and that most of them are far too stupid and/or arrogant to be allowed on the road. Ever.

do you think it would be better for them to use cars?

Riding a bicycle is dangerous. If you spend much time on the road, you're competing with trucks and cars and buses. Speed is moderate and protection is low. Only motorcycles and helicopters are more dangerous.

note that applies only in areas without real bicycle infrastructure

engines are most efficient for travel and you can do something else at the same time, recouping some value. Even if it's just fantasizing or pondering, surely our time is worth more.

note that some exercise is needed for humans for healthy life - and I consider silly to either end as a diabetic land whale or first spend time in bus/car and then again in gym

it's just not all that useful in day to day tasks

I guess it depends on how often you need to do stuff like "now I need to drop into badly written docs of a new setup and get simple program working".

I need it fairly often but I can imagine someone who needs it approximately never.

And I am quite surprised that it is useful even for that.

than on the words of AI enthusiasts

I am not an AI enthusiast

So far it didn't deliver on anything more than a slightly better autocomplete.

It is far better at that - for experienced developers doing something in area new to them

Some people use it as a replacement for Stack Overflow, which I still prefer to look up directly.

Often it is a superior replacement: you can get intern-quality work on any topic you want, very specific for your task. That sometimes is better than SO. And so far, on track of getting better and better.

In exchange for what?

while this is rarely the case for male cheating in media aimed at men

I definitely seen this glorified in many cases in media aimed at men (and not only in blatant porn or things pretending to not be a porn)

Women's sexual desires are fundamentally evil in a way that men's sexual preferences aren't.

why you think so?

The concept of independent nations in Europe conclusively ended on July 6, 1944, the day the Americans launched a full-scale invasion of the [German-led] European Union; after that, there was no turning back.

I am honestly unsure what you trying to parody here. And whether you are ranting about EU or going for "Nazis did nothing wrong, also I hate Jews" tangent.

what are the arguments against a culture of widespread euthanasia in the old?

If it would happen I expect it to become effectively mandatory by the time I am old. I deeply dislike such possibility.

Which step seems dubious? I guess that attacking "climate changes causes more volatile weather" is possible but remaining are quite blatantly obvious to me.

Well, if you are interested in say situation in Ukraine or Russia then I would not assume that Yandex is without any bias.

the fines are just taxes by another name.

yes, and this case specifically thing I hate is taxed - that is why I like it

Big companies will do what they want anyway

Another thing I like about GDPR is that fines scale with size of company, so even Google and FB cannot just ignore it

"4% of the annual worldwide turnover of the preceding financial year or €20 million, whichever greater" maximum fine is not toothless.

FB is so far winner with €1.2 billion fine (probably still being appealed, not sure about actual value).

The first is Yandex, the big Russian search engine. They've none of the political biases that Google bakes into their results

I am going to bet they have different political biases, with small if any overlap with Google biases.

Coming from https://www.themotte.org/post/1118/a-call-to-be-more-american I like the irony.

(I wonder is vitamin D quality better in EU... Either way D is so cheap that adultering is less likely, I think)

In such case GDPR should not be a problem, right? Beyond cost of adding and having GDPR-specific incantations in the consent document.

I admit it is not ideal, but at least Google provides something that is often useful.

And as far as "to hell with marketers" this was the most likely one, deeper EU-wide partial outlawing of ad industry was not plausible.

But things like GDPR and the research ethics stuff (for human research) seem more influenced by safetyism and ass-covering to me.

I am not regulation fetishist unlike EU leadership but...

For GDPR for me "to hell with marketers and data leakers" is a convincing justification.

I was looking through some fines issued under GDPR and applaud them in general.

Well, what are some things even the most insightful men don’t get about female psychology and dating?

you need to target lower than "even the most insightful", this is a null set.

Buy in pharmacy? Supply for year costs less than 1h of work, there is no gain in getting cheaper one.

This is so common that it would be more interesting to me if someone called out a city where they've never seen such a thing.

Basically any city in Poland? You get some homeless but they are not aggressive. And most they smell, and you have trouble with that maybe once a year. In last 20 years the most aggressive were touts, when I was with foreign friends and speaking in English. Once I was slightly kicked by someone but that was some drunk woman and not homeless/drug bum.

(secret recipe is likely being poor so migrants will go elsewhere)