Can you give some examples of "bad" opinions by Kavanaugh and Barrett and elaborate on how Barrett and O'Connor are worse than Kavanaugh and Roberts? Gorsuch seems to be generally respected by his ideological allies and loyal opposition, alike, for the reasons you cite and more, but opinions of Roberts and O'Connor are more complicated (I can't remember anyone saying O'Connor was outright bad...), and Kavanaugh and Barrett are relatively new and lacking in major decisions.
Amy Barrett. Gorsuch was shockingly great, despite his ruling in Bostock, so I suppose I can't expect that level three times in a row. Kavanaugh seems like a squish, but he's not as bad as Barrett.
By what metrics are Kavanaugh and Barrett bad?
A huge portion of civil rights law and federal power over the states comes from this simple delegation of power.
Which SCOTUS decisions are based on this? I thought it was the Commerce and Necessary and Proper Clauses, a la Wickard.
This apparently flew under the radar when it was introduced by a Congressman I'd never heard of on the 24th, because I only just now read about it (Trump and his nominees have really been hogging the spotlight...), but H.R.722 - To implement equal protection under the 14th article of amendment to the Constitution for the right to life of each born and preborn human person (text not yet available, but presumably along the lines of its title) has 67 co-sponsors, as of now. Anyone know the intra-party politics of this? Is there caselaw on whether or not a statute can specify how the Constitution should interpreted?
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What's the value of a top-level comment by AI, though? And what is the value of the "original commentary" you gave? This is quite unlike Adam Unikowsky's use/analysis of hypothetical legal briefs and opinions.
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