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beyond based and cringe - between strauss and seuss

0 followers   follows 0 users  
joined 2022 September 19 06:49:00 UTC

find me on the braindead-birdapp @sailaunderscore

Bronze Recruiter


User ID: 1257


beyond based and cringe - between strauss and seuss

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 19 06:49:00 UTC


find me on the braindead-birdapp @sailaunderscore


User ID: 1257

Bronze Recruiter

The response to this is that snow is inevitable. Having immigrants come over the border due to federally-controlled lax border control is not.

San Fran is voting to have snow in Chicago they don't have to shovel.

The conservative argument here (which I'm torn on), is that we are in a delicate balance and we're clearly still reeling from the internet and nukes. We're very fragile and introducing any of these things is hugely dangerous.

Steelman: Martha's Vineyard is a vacation resort and doesn't have the infrastructure to handle this, they'll be taken to the city and helped there (DeSantis is an asshole for using people for politics).

Retort: Border Towns are poorer than MV and don't have the resources either.

Steelman: [Not sure what goes here to be honest.]

Are we allowed/encouraged/discouraged from signing people up? Given the referral link I assume encouraged and will post the link.

Completely para-social: Does anyone know what happened to exskillsme and if he is still posting here or what (if you see this would appreciate a chat).

Also, has anyone used aristillus (https://aristillus.xyz/login)? We could consider joining up.


-Cultural War Thread should have topics (ie: economics, war, us, europe, etc.), these can come and go as they are used more and less, would be good for combing through threads.

-Reddit (I presume this is some backend thing not actually native to Reddit itself) allows 2 sizes for line-breaks (return+shift smaller, return is larger) which is nice.

-We should have a small history of TheMotte written up somewhere.

-We should have a plan for what to do if something similar happens to us as happened to a site (BananaPlantation) that's been in the news a lot lately (don't want to name it).