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User ID: 3048



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User ID: 3048

Very interesting, thank's for that detailed reply! I assumed by default that biological systems are full of such feedback loops, however complicated they may be in real life. Is the water equally as muddy for core temperature, blood sugar, testosterone level, serotonin, dopamine? I assume the first two are understood well, and testosterone starts being muddy?

my body's set weight

This is a theoretically-fraught concept that is not (and perhaps can not be) supported by the data.

Do you have more detail on that? I've followed the TimeMoldSlimeMold "chemical hunger" theory and most of its in-detail critiques, and I don't remember one disputing the existence of the "Lipostat".

I also predisposed from personal anecdotes to strongly believe in the Lipostat, since I'm fit and very active, but also never have gained a single kilo during the long periods of sports injuries I've suffered through in the past.

Dominos pizza is a particular stark example, and that change happened in 2010, in part because they had fallen behind, because all the other pizza places had been upping their game for years.

Can you expand on that? I haven't been following trends in American style pizza, but the idea of "upping the game" on pizza seems absurd. The thing has been perfected decades ago. It's yeast dough, tomatoes, meat and cheese.

What could you even change to make it more calorie dense? More cheese? That's called pizza quattro formaggi and has been a classic since basically forever.