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joined 2024 August 25 01:39:41 UTC


User ID: 3221



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User ID: 3221

I can't think of a great primarily English source for what you request, the best would probably be the interactions of a few larger right wing Japanese twitter accounts (Hashimoto Kotoe in particular gets a lot of exposure to English speaking Twitter) or maybe some small relatively inactive substack. From my limited exposure to those groups (on twitter and on some of the Japanese language imageboards), they don't usually see economic issues within the framing you theorized. They spend most of their time discussing a few minor squabbles with other asian nations (the ownership of Takeshima/Liancourt rocks wrt SK, the return JP citizens kidnapped by NK in the 80s who easily might be dead by now, the issues with vandlism by Chinese tourists that another commenter mentioned). There is definitely anti-American sentiment among the Japanese Right, but it's mostly focused on widely circulated stories of DUIs and sexual assaults committed by American military stationed in the country. I've also seen an increasing amount of explicit Qanon content that has been translated and crossed the Pacific, but that's at least limited to the more ネトウヨ imageboard types.

the latest FE5 patches fixed the bugs and questionable translation choices of the earlier one, and even added a bunch of optional QoL features like showing hidden stats in the menu and allowing the player to change character deployment slots

GFL's origin is that a small Chinese doujin circle consisted of people who really liked Kantai Collection but 1) were more interested in guns than warships and 2) were having trouble with Kancolle's zealous attempts to IP ban every single player who was not physically in Japan. The game caught on largely because it turned out there was a decent amount of people in China/Korea/the west for whom those same two conditions applied.