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User ID: 1882



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User ID: 1882

The CDC has incidence rates of food borne diseases: https://wwwn.cdc.gov/FoodNetFast/PathogenSurveillance/AnnualSummary (2023 data is only in the preliminary report https://www.cdc.gov/foodnet/reports/index.html)

Data from the same period has no strong correlation with the number of recalls, nor do I see any particular trend other than deaths being about 135 in 2017-2020 and about 170 in 2021-2023 which doesn't correlate with infection or hospitalization rate so I would expect some other factor than a change in contamination rate.

2017 25194 5965 135
2018 25859 6083 135
2019 26021 6316 134
2020 18582 4901 130
2021 22550 5544 166
2022 25479 5981 170
2023 296077234 177

Here's the website for the PSSA which is a set of standardized tests used in Pennsylvania

When I was in school I recall taking them once in elementary school and once in middle school (I think, not 100% sure)? It looks like they've been expanded to be grades 3-8 now. If you scroll down to the "Resource Materials" section there's "Scoring Sampler" document that has testing procedures, grading methodology, sample questions. The "Technical Reports" include sections for the criteria in developing the test questions (which references other publications that were used to decide on the content) and the statistical analysis that was performed. The "Results" section goes back ten years if you're looking for trends.

Boy scouts rebranded a while back and now has girl's packs/troops. It's not as widespread though so you might not have a local group. Also some of the opportunities won't be available to the girls as they don't get enough participants (though that's more of an issue at the high school level).