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joined 2023 March 17 01:43:40 UTC
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User ID: 2268



0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2023 March 17 01:43:40 UTC


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User ID: 2268

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Great question, I'd love to know.

In a broad sense, being stoned is less impairing than being drunk. Not categorically - one (standard) beer is less inebriating than several dabs (especially sans tolerance). But, for typical consumption, I think it's clearly the case. The asymptotic inebriation is much greater for booze - people can drive blackout drunk, incapable of telling your their name. Even a hardcore alcoholic is still very fucked up at a certain amount of alcohol. I'd much rather be driven by the typical pothead who hits the bong every ten minutes than by the typical drunk who polishes off a fifth (15 shots) a day, or even the average person after a few drinks.

This is a double edged sword: it's easy and reasonable to say "don't drink (preferably any, certainly more than ~2 units) and drive." But, since THC is generally less inebriating, people are more likely to be stoned frequently/all the time, and this almost requires driving to participate in society. Similarly, I think it's much less acceptable to show up drunk to work than stoned.

A further difficulty is the lack of THC tests for current level of inebriation. It's hard to enforce stoned driving laws when all you can tell is "this person has consumed THC in the last few weeks."

I don't have a policy proposal here - just observing how tricky the situation/comparison to alcohol is.

So does this just end up in the supreme court, then get reversed? I think we should just make it ~impossible to prosecute presidents, past or present, and skip all the theatre.

I thought the implication was that the art-hoe was more dangerous to others. I picture the depressed incel not leaving the basement; the BPD, out keying cars over imagined slights.

a bit more expensive

5-10x roughly - about $3

I mean, you can reasonably infer, but just in case - I bought them on Amazon and put them on my penis and that into the woman.

Re sheep skin condoms: 1) they're actually sheep intestine, 2) they're great

That said, I don't know how old their use is, or if DIY sheep condoms were common, or if they would have been as surprisingly not gross as the kind you can buy today.

Frankly, I would pay double to live in a neighborhood of likeminded people who agree that barking, smoking, and subwoofers just don't belong in a shared building at all

If you've got the budget it for it, and like the other aspects, you've just described much of suburbia. If you'd buy the house from the new house flipper guy just down my street, mine would go back to being one.

Oh wow, source? My prior is "immigration (both rate and total) is large and bad", fwiw - I'd enjoy having solid stats.

You seem to be assuming that kids will know to find all the resources on their own, and generally do the executive function things a parent would likely be much better at. Parental encouragement, purchase of supplies (robot, pencils), and setting up the house comfortably for the hobbies (desks, quiet space) all matter greatly on top of what you can get by googling "learn to code"

Hm? That sounds like the opposite - OP is going to choose cheaper swings; your wife is going to choose fancier school.

Texas is currently being forced to accept more people showing up at their borders than are actually being born in the entire United States

While I agree with the spirit of your point, I don't think the above specifically is accurate. I see 3.7M births/year for the country, vs 1.8 M total population of illegal immigrants. The rate of "border encounters" appears to be 150-250k/month = 1.8-3M/year, but that's for the whole country.

And, while "border encounters" is technically in line with your phrase of "people showing up at their borders," the more reasonable comparison is to people actually net staying here. That must must be far lower, unless the illegal immigrant population was zero until about six months ago, which it wasn't, which makes the point feel weaker.

Unsarcastically, are there really so many Indian law cases ever that you would predict this to be the most useful second axis on any time scale? I would think the principle components would start with the political compass dimensions (economic/social left-right), and "opinion on Indian law cases" would be very far down the list.

Overall I have a very high opinion of Aella's integrity and have no reason to believe she's intentionally duplicitous,

I feel oppositely.

Her entire brand is attention seeking behavior through discussion (and sale) of sex. She got attention and advertising by redefining a thing in a way that you found interesting enough to podcast and effort post about.

Just did some reading of actual studies. E.g. this meta-analysis from NCBI:

Research conducted among hospitalized older adults found that pharmacological (e.g., benzodiazepines) and non-pharmacological (e.g., diphenhydramine) medications resulted in an 18% and 22% respective increased rate of delirium among the sample.14 Also, research conducted among community-dwelling older adults found that non-pharmacological medication use was associated with lower cognitive function scores as compared to those not taking these components over a 10-year follow up period.15

Why should I find this plausible, rather than making the standard "correlation is not causation" point? Surely people with issues sleeping are in general less healthy, physically and/or psychologically. I don't see anything in there to indicate they controlled for anything.

Some references also seem to do nothing more than ask if people took any sleep aid, lumping together everything from melatonin (presumably very safe, maybe placebo) to daily benzos (clearly neither very safe nor a placebo).

Edit: I am bad at reading (maybe it's the doxylamine). They did control for things. But my question re causation stands. I feel like TheMotte is usually very skeptical, and I find myself surprised by the strength of multiple posters' convictions here.

while controlling for demographic covariates, including age (0= 65 up to 75 years of age; 1= 75 years of age and above), sex (0=male, 1=female), race (0=white, 1=non-white), and relationship status (0=widowed, single, or divorced, 1=living with partner or married). Third, we examined the relationship between sleep medication use and incident dementia while controlling for Model 2 demographic covariates and health conditions (0=no chronic conditions; 1=heart attack, 2=depression, 3=hypertension, 4=stroke, 5=diabetes). Depressive symptoms were measured using the Patient Health Questionnaire-2.34

Fascinating that you say melatonin is dubious in usefulness. I swear by my 300 micrograms a day (dosage at Scott's recommendation).

Related followup: what is the safest OTC sleep aid? Thoughts on doxylamine (unisom)?

Well, as far as breaking the laws of Judaism more generally, the only things you can't do to save a life are:

  1. Adultery
  2. Homosexuality
  3. Incest
  4. Zoophilia
  5. Debatably, interfaith marriage
  6. Murder

So, get married to your (assuming straight) sister, then fuck your brother and his dog while worshipping Allah, then kill all of the above - while, of course, eating the burger.

I feel like the burger idea itself (not my version thereof) is actually pretty emphatically Jewish, at least reform/reconstructionist. There's the oft sermonafied story of Jacob wrestling with angels, as a parable for the value of questioning beliefs.

largely off topic, but are you suggesting withdrawing 5-7% per year from the 401k? (50-70k/1M). 4% is generally the "safe rate of withdrawl" I see quoted.

Unless you currently work for a tiny company whose mission you care about, fuck 'em. To whatever extent this hurts your coworkers, who you reasonably care about as humans, this is on your manager to fix. If there is not enough slack in the system for someone to leave, that's a management issue, not a you issue. If the company laid off a coworker, there would not even be two weeks' notice, and you would have to pick up the slack - a symmetric situation, and also the company's fault.

I say give zero notice. If you really need the reference, give two weeks, but certainly don't feel guilty. Since most references consist of "I can confirm the dates of employment and will say nothing else for fear of lawsuit," again, I say give zero notice.

Genuinely, thank you for making me feel old and out of touch.

Good luck. I saw some good advice on the subreddit. See also the followup comments. The original comment is below.

My ideal interview goes like this:

I paste problem in to doc

TC ("the candidate") reads it

TC generates and solves a trivial example to confirm understanding. E.g. for two sum: so f([2, 3, 4], 5) is True, but f([2, 3, 4], 12) is False, right? No discussion of algorithm yet

TC asks 1-2 needless pedantic questions. Can we assume f is called with appropriate types? Do we need to check if nums fits in RAM? If there is actual ambiguity, ask about that instead.

TC says OK I think I see a way to solve this using $DATASTRUCTURE, in worst case O(n2) time, where n = ..., which should be optimal theoretically because ....

TC verbally, with a little writing but not pseudocode, describes the algorithm, and checks it against their earlier examples.

TC says I think that sounds reasonable, should I start coding it up?

TC codes it up, using at least one helper function, and at least one piece of language-specific style/syntax. Functional programming is always nice.

TC comments at least once that there are two ways to write a thing, and pros and cons stylistically are...

At each step if possible, or when done if not, TC steps through their code with the same examples as before.

My biggest pet peeve is when TC is confused, asks broadly for "a hint", rather than putting in any effort: "I could almost X, but that fails because Y; do you think there's a way to remedy that, or maybe I should consider other options". Bonus pet peeve points if, given the hint, TC has no idea what to do, but confidently says "ah yes of course, thanks"

For Vim, sure (even then, more like twenty commands for break even: hjklf/nydxrgg would get you pretty far. But for Vimmium, literally just f is enough to be a game changer. Through in udjkF and now you've really got a stew going.

Because it's faster, more ergonomic, and more convenient

Fuck mice, install Vimmium. It lets you do ~anything in a browser without a mouse.

If psychology and psychiatry aren't working for you, try something else. (Or try again - the right med and/or therapist could in fact exist. I think guanfacine is highly underrated.) Lift is the obvious answer, or exercise more broadly, if you aren't already. Or even more broadly, get off the internet and go do things at a place.