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joined 2022 September 08 17:52:27 UTC


User ID: 1027



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 08 17:52:27 UTC


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User ID: 1027

Maye Musk, like Quentin Tarantino's father, has a blue name because of her kid, not the other way around.

Interesting... I have to go return some videotapes.

You can acquire printers that don't do this, but if you found a bunch of ballots lacking the identifier, I'd consider it a strong sign of fraud.

I thought that the identifiers are only on color printers (and maybe only inkjets?). So black & white lasers are generally safe.

I thought it only barred the government from restricting private organizations from exercising free speech.

In the 30 days preceding a primary and 60 days preceding an election, specifically. Citizens United was an incredibly narrow decision that had really very little effect.

probably the fondest remembered adventure game ever

Myst was literally the best selling PC game of all time for 10 years running.