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joined 2025 January 24 20:27:20 UTC


User ID: 3501



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User ID: 3501

I have heard stories that Wild Bill wasnt actually the fastest gun but he was the smoothest

Thats better than I could have described it, I mostly do it for cost lowers 30-06 to about the cost of shooting an AR which is nice

Tested out some handloads in my 1903 and my M1 this weekend, both feed great and shot even better. Hit steel at 200 yards on demand not much more I could ask for

I have always joked whenever I shoot my cap and ball pistol that you really had to hate a guy back in the day because getting that thing to go off does feel like witch craft sometimes

I agree it is very forgiving and allows you to really experiment with what you like!

Very nice! everything I have could fall into the "US surplus" category mostly from 1800-Vietnam. I have a few WW2 rifles that I enjoy shooting as well I would really like to pick up a carbine at some point.

Personally I only shoot the real deal, it is easy enough to make yourself and will only cost about $5 a pound to make. I reload for everything now its addicting