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joined 2023 July 02 00:46:48 UTC


User ID: 2542



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User ID: 2542

I've been working my way through the Labyrinth translation of Jorge Luis Borges. I haven't been this enthralled by a work of fiction in quite awhile. Every story is so rich with meaning and metaphorical possibility that I have to put the book down and dwell on what I've just read after each one. I don't know if it counts as sci-fi. I would almost call it a proto-sci-fi. Draws a lot from Edgar Allen Poe but with more of a fantastical realism bent.

I don't see it that way at all. The hero with the thousand faces may have the potential, but he is hesitant to embrace it (he generally refuses it at first) and realizing his potential always involves going to the other side to get it whether that other side is Dagobah for Luke Skywalker, the desert at first and then literal Hell for Jesus, or the red pill for Neo.

The hero never just needs to be himself. He needs to go through something terrifying to self-actualize. He didn't have the power all along, he merely had the potential. To realize that potential he has to go through hell and back.

what do you want to do? digital logic is just a more formal version of the logic that logic bros want everyone to use. it’s all and/or and if/then. you don’t lack talent for doing it, probably just practice. so if it’s the right path to lead to something you would enjoy then it’s worth it and you’ll get it with effort. the difficult part is to figure out what you would actually enjoy having not done those roles yet.

I’m picturing hundreds of airstrips on flattened hills in Scotland. The whole island vibrates as 10,000 jet engines roar to life at once. Tonight we attack Canada where they least expect it. From the North.

What? They way they approached it was from the angle of the father’s responsibility. Their gripe wasn’t with @yofuckreddit, it was with his father for failing to be the spiritual leader of his family. And whether either of them likes it, they’re related now. This guy took it as his responsibility to work with someone (presumably of his own generation) to help get someone of the younger generation in line rather than overstepping his bounds and going directly to @yofuckreddit.

That saying is bad because it all hinges on who is deciding what is extraordinary. The king is he who defines the null hypothesis.

I considered this, but the scale of that conflict is on a completely different level and it’s also tightly connected to US foreign policy. But I agree, it’s the closest corollary.

Okay. So European culture is downstream from American culture. There was nothing to argue about because you agree and you’re just cranky and rude.

I’m not certain. But even if the numbers are low, I have never seen even a small wave of protests in the US over a police killing in another country. Nearly every country in the world imports US culture war to some extent or another.

I hate to break it to you, but I know someone who makes more than a UK starting doctor selling cell phones part time in the US with no degree (~$60k).

One of the great things about the US is the variety of different places one can live with the same passport. I can live and work in Miami or Austin or Denver or LA or the rural gulf coast or west Texas or north Arkansas, and I don’t need anyone’s permission to do so. A lot of these places are truly incredible and many of them have fantastic companies to work for even if you want to live somewhere rural and do something relatively normal and corporate. Being able to live in rural Arkansas and work for Walmart, for instance, is an incredible opportunity for anyone that wants a chance at a corporate exec income and lifestyle but to live in a cabin in the woods.

Being American feels like infinite opportunity.

Here’s a relevant new top-level thread about American culture war in Europe: https://www.themotte.org/post/576/culture-war-roundup-for-the-week/118884?context=8#context

Why are Hungarians fighting about Pride month (an American invention based upon events that happened in the US)?

Here’s a list of international George Floyd protests, including Europe. Can you provide a recent European event of similar scope that inspired similar levels of protest in the United States?


I agree, Reloaded (and even Revolutions) are excellent. I think the sequels in The Matrix suffer because the first one is a PERFECT hero’s journey with the perfect theme’s for its time and place in history. That cannot be topped. But all of the movies are quite good, and add meaningfully to the The Matrix universe, and present ideas that are challenging and interesting. Also, the first benefits from the egregious cribbing from The Invisibles.

I would liked to have seen this argument made. I believe the executive does have the power to collect or not on debt. This was Bernie’s argument when he was running for President. That said, the Biden camp did not make this argument. I think it’s likely the argument would have lost anyway, but I think it’s still the better argument.