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joined 2024 July 17 20:31:12 UTC


User ID: 3145



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User ID: 3145

There's no way Brady isn't #1 on the objectively-correct version of that list. Maybe some soccer player if it's the international version, but in that case who cares.

In the also objectively-correct '90s-sensibilities version of that list, you could maybe throw Serena in there in the 20s, and another two or three at 70+.

But it's ridiculous to even try to object-level argue about the membership of a list that has 8 WNBA players on it. In Dath Ilan, we're arguing about pervasive disrespect of the O-line and how Joe Thomas should have been higher.

10 years later, the moment is here. What will you do, even if just quietly to yourself in your heart?