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joined 2023 May 07 19:47:43 UTC


User ID: 2391



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User ID: 2391

No problem, hope you find a treatment to help your dog!

Hip dysplasia, (at least in humans), is usually fixed with 1. osteotomy to change the shape of the joint to provide more stability, very big surgery, or 2. hip replacement, less big of a surgery. Hip replacement is usually used for cases with a lot of osteoarthritis, where 1. tends to fail. It seems these are also options in dogs, I would try to find couple vet hip surgeons and get their opinions on whether there is dysplasia and what would be the best treatment. In humans mild cases are still treated with therapy, as intense pain + mild dysplasia is probably caused by something other than the dysplasia. Also in humans at least, physical therapy can be customized for the condition of hip dysplasia and non-specific PT may not help as much as hip-dysplasia-specific PT. I'm not sure if this is the case in dogs but it may be worth trying to find a PT that specializes in hip dysplasia, at least to help with the post-op rehab. Here are some links for more information: https://www.vetspecialty.com/specialties/surgery/orthopedic-procedures/total-hip-replacement-thr/canine-hip-dysplasia-chd/ https://ofa.org/diseases/hip-dysplasia/ https://rehabvet.com/conditions/hip-dysplasia-dog-physiotherapy/

Regarding PT, this link seems like it has some good info: https://drandyroark.com/wp-content/uploads/Published_Copy.pdf, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28576271/ Best wishes.