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User ID: 2069

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Have western elites ever been able to formulate a war plan?

Afghanistan was a war without a goal after the first few months. There wasn't much more than slogans as war aims and no real negotiations could be made. Taliban are pure evil, are motivated by nothing but evil, have no legitimate concerns or demands. Those who fight the taliban may rape children and sell drugs but they are still the good guys.

Iraq was mission accomplished without a real plan.

The plan in Ukraine seems to be built entirely on slogans, an extreme sense of moralism in which the western elites are seen as a self evident good and Putin as a completely illegitimate evil.

The people running the west are effectively campaign staff addicted to social media. There is no serious group of people to negotiate with. There is no plan. There is just slogans and polling data on what will yield the most traction as well as whatever the donors are pushing for. Nobody is going to have a serious conversation about eastern Europe's security architecture. Nobody is going to have a sensible discussion about what can be achieved. There will just be virtue signalling on twitter.

Politicians will be allowed to say all sorts of crazy slogans such as "we need to bring down Putin!" and no journalist will ask follow up questions.

We have another forever war with no plan, budget, war aims or leaders that will be held responsible. A war lead by people who will never go any where near the front themselves and who are more interested in the perception of the war than the war itself.

Wars like that don't tend to end with nice treaties.

Colonial wars in the middle east.

It was the first time enemies couldn't be seen as having any legitimacy. There were no rules of war, just terrorists that have no more rights than vegetables. They can't be negotiated with, they are barely treated as prisoners of war, have no arguments that can be accepted and anything that happens to them is justified. There is no judicial process for terrorists and anyone suspected of being sympathetic can have all their rights striped. Total surveillance is acceptable against terrorists.

Much of the legal framework for the deplattforming comes from the war on terror.

The west built up a huge apparatus of professional regime change counter terrorists who worked in the middle east from 2001-2015. Then they came home and brought their tactics with them. Secondly, the big challenge to the regime is no longer Al Qaeda it is the own population.

Right wingers who supported the wars in the middle east effectively scored the most epic own goal in history and shot them selves in the face. The repression of the last couple of years is the military industrial complex being used against the own population.

Labour got fewer votes in this election than the last one. There was no labour hype, there was just a collapse of the tories. Labour got 33.7% of the vote in an election in which the turnout was 60%. About 21% of those eligible to vote voted labour. Among ethnic british people less than 20% voted labour.

I would probably get a better contract for something that big. But there are a million little agreements that have to be signed. I got a rental agreement for a 4 square meter space in an atic written by chatgpt. If I lose that small amount of money because someone actually wants to bring it to court I am still saving money.

I find it is excellent for small simple contracts. Want an NDA, a form for a leave of absence application, a privacy policy for a website, a small contract to sell a used car, a contract to hire the neighbors kid to work a bit during the summer as a tester or similar it works well. A will for a person who has simple finances or the paperwork that needs to be signed when checking into a hotel.

It is pretty great at coming up with domain/name combos for a business.

Chatgpt did a better job of explaining the swedish tax forms for me than the government website.

One thing I have realized after spending a few years in the startup scene is how legal expenses are a huge burden on a startup. Various contracts need to be drafted and they can cost thousands each. ChatGPT can draft these simple contracts.

The Soviet union fell without guns. The people who built Detroit, south side Chicago and Atlanta largely were forced to leave their cities and were replaced without any resistance. The US has never really had any insurgency or militia fighting the government. Northern Ireland had the IRA, the Spanish have independence groups, Italy has had groups fighting the state, Germany had the Baader–Meinhof Gang. The US has had indviduals go bananas and a group of Saudis conduct a major attack but no organized insurgency.

They have no other option.

They have created a society in which people have less sex than ever, have fewer children than ever and can only dream of getting the housing their parents had at the same age. They have no idea how to fix it so the result is to find ways to make the people who point out the problems seem illegitimate.

There were large riots due to the problems immigration has caused. Nobody in government has a serious and realistic plan for fixing the massive issues so instead of acknowledging them they simply have to blame a handful of Russian accounts. It can't have anything to do with crime, lack of social cohesion, rampant housing shortages or any other issue that the politicians simply can't fix.

If someone is living with their parents at the same age that their parents owned a house the problem has to be their micropenis. They are loser incels and therefore not worth engaging with. There is no political option to create affordable housing as it would completely crash the financial system to bring down housing prices to 3x an average annual salary. Therefore, what is left is repression and arguments that are insults.

Incels are a real threat to the system. The system has failed to create a society in which people can find housing, start a family. People are angry and politicians have no solutions. Lots of young men with nothing to lose and no prospects are the greatest threat to any regime.

The birth rate makes the UK pension system completely unsustainable. Filling the gap with third world labour is going to cause major issues for which nobody has any answers. So if you ask how this is going to be solved your dick is small, you are ugly, your momma is fat and you are a Russian bot so you have no legitimacy.

That is because the people living there are the current stewards of the country. That doesn't mean self interest. Just like parents make the choices for a family doesn't mean that the choices purely reflect their needs.

It isn't an economic issue. It is the UK no longer being British. It is the loss of a people, an identity, a culture och sovereignty. The UK belongs to the people who built it for the past thousand years and those who will inherit it for the next thousand. It isn't up to the current people to give it away to strangers.

I find the lack of self awareness of the British middle class and above to be fascinating. Despite losing an entire empire they still can't see the issues with their behaviour. Do you not think Marcus Aurelius and Alexander the Great found some of their peasants dumb and brutish? Yet they lived among them, fought alongside them and worked hard for them. The UK has some of the most working class people in Europe. Despite having industrialized far ahead of most of the rest of Europe, your country failed at uplifting its people. They are behaving like hoodlums because the people who are supposed to take the role of the parents in the country have completely abdicated any sense of responsibility. Your ancestors took illiterate peasants and got them to build Australia, Canada and the US. Current elites are crying because people called them the wrong pronoun. Current elites are hiding in an area they can barely afford to live in and whining that the proles are throwing trash bins at the cops. William the conqueror was royalty and acted like it. The current elite act like boy emperors in China in the lead up to some major war. A fish rots from the head, and a society does the same.

The British elite got their people to build the first railway system in the world, the current elite couldn't build HS2 while Uzbekistan has high speed rail. The UK is failing as a state because the elite is corrupted to the core. They cargo cult aristocratic traditions while failing at leading a nation. The fate of Britain is going to be a Guatemala with few areas in which people can play with horses and pretend they are nobles, just like their ancestors in the 1800s.

If a class of pre-schoolers have chased the teacher out of the classroom, it is the adults fault for abdicating their role as adults. If the population is revolting against the elites, it is because the elites have abdicated their role as elites.

The post above is written in the spirit of Versailles in 1789.

Do you really think the CIA is going to admit that they were spies?

Often the reasoning becomes circular. Israel helps the US against US enemies. The enemies are enemies due to conflicts caused by Israel.

A good alternative approach is that of China. They buy oil from Saudis, Iranians and Iraqis. No trillion dollar wars and yet they have consistently gotten their oil. They even managed to get Iran and Saudi to join BRICS together.

Being bullied by the US isn't a good policy for Europe. American meddling is terrible for Europe. From the loss of culture to being dragged into forever wars the US creates constant headache for us. The US makes the rules, we follow the orders is a sad arrangement for Europe. With the US becoming more diverse, more divided and increasinly dysfunctional it is high time to move on.

Next time someone pretends to be horrified over Russia killing a guy in the UK just remember the amount of assassinations the US and Israel does.

If you truly think Muslim immigration is the worst problem facing Europe, then that person needs to accept LGBT rights, a massive welfare state, supporting Ukraine, and so on, and you might get somewhere.

Absolutely not, the polar opposite. A few years ago an Afghan migrant stabbed 8 people in a town not to far from where I live and essentially nothing happened. If the king had brought in a bunch of Afghans into that town in 1900 and the Afghans stabbed people they would have been kicked out. If anything it is doubtfull whether a bunch of Afghans would have been allowed in at all. While today's elite hide in suburbs far from problems the aristocrats of yesteryear would have been sent in first to deal with problems. I worked in a tech park in which thousands of tech workers worked and a few gangs of youths terrorized the place. It would have been completely unthinkable that a group of muslims in the past could have terrorized an area with thousands of men and nothing would have happened.

The issue is not migration, the issue is atheism, no-fault divorce, LBGT, obesity, lack of classical architecture, consumerism and hollywood. The issue isn't migration, it is a symptom. Migration happened because countries are weak and won't be reversed until countries heals. In many ways migration might actually be highly beneficial. We need muslim migrants to act as battering ram to deal with the welfare state and pride. Islam might very well be what saves us from diversity.

More LGBT and Ukraine flags means weaker people and more migration.

Immigration would be really easy to reverse. Start handing out real punishments for hiring illegal migrants. The US is a surviellence state in which the NSA pretty much knows the physical location of every person in real time and spies on all communication. Yet they can't seem to cut off services to people who are in the US illegally.

Also a huge portion of the college degrees require a big left wing government. Sociology majors need a welfare state. Much of the regulation the government invents requires college educated bureaucrats to enforce. A radical reduction of the state would be an absolute disaster for gender studies majors. Lots of college educated women work in child care and other fields that are built around feminism.

Isn't this common throughout history? Women support the powers that be. In Saudi arabia women are more muslim. In the Soviet union they were more communist, in the third Reich they were more national socialist. Young men get fed up with the system and women keep supporting the position of those in power. Young men overthrow the government and install a new system. In 80 years women will be virtue signalling how much they love Victor Orban and Trump while young men will be rallying against whatever comes after the populist right.

They gave back most of the country and gave full citizenship to the people in the rest of the country while allowing Irish people to move to the British side.

The continuous settlements didn't help the Serbs in the 90s. Most of Ireland is free despite the population of Britain having huge population centers with minimal Irish presence. Iraq kicked out the Americans despite not being able to hit American cities. The taliban won as well as the Vietcong.

As for south Africa The qualitative difference between Bantus and Hezbollah makes all the difference.

The part populated by jews in Israel/Palestine is a thin coastal strip. There isn't really a jewish area since all of it is bicycle distance from a larger Palestinian settlement. Add in rockets and drones and Israel can be put in a perpetual state of war.

The settlements are often jumbled together

Also colonies aren't easy to maintain when none of the colonials support the regime and millions want the colonizers out.

I think there should be a major news story every time civilians are killed in Palestine. Israel is blasting away with airstrikes and plays victim when a few fireworks get shot back.

Israel doesn't want to get involved in Lebanon. Their military is tired after trying to control Gaza for 9 months. They are getting pulled into their nightmare situation, in which they have 7 million Palestinians and 5.5 million Lebanese to subjugate. That is more than half of the population of Iraq in 2003. The non ultra-orthodox jewish population of Israel is less than the population of Denmark or Wisconsin. The current war isn't going to end because they fundamentally can't subjugate that many people. They are stuck in the same situation Rhodesians were stuck in during the 70s and the French were stuck in during the 50s in Algeria.

They can kill people, they can arrest people, but there are simply will be more people.

Golfing isn't a sport, it is a networking event. You and three other people get to spend four hours together while having a bit of fun and experiencing some emotional ups and downs.

Sailing is largely about being a bunch of guys on a yacht and having fun together.

I was recently invited to a sporting event to which a friend has season tickets to the lounge. My friend doesn't even like sports, he just wants to be in a lounge with people who spend two months average salary to be in a lounge.

Compare Israels fighting with the British in northern Ireland. The Brits weren't bombing tens of thousands of people to death. Levelling an entire city while not letting people flee is beyond absurd.

They had their go at it and lost.

The Irish had their go many times before they won. The Algerians had their go on and off for a century before they won. There is nothing that says they won't win in the end. Israel is an infeasible nation and the Palestinian population is booming compared to the Israeli population. Combined with better tech such as drones and rockets, it is fully possible to turn Israel into a Rhodesia. If the Palestinians simply gave up, they would be genocided and removed from the area. Their best bet is to learn from the Iraqis that kicked their occupiers out.

The Palestinians appeal to us who don't want christians ethnically cleansed from the Holy land and those who don't want a mega-refugee crisis on Europe's doorstep. Israel's lobby is directly damaging the west. Palestinians appeal to us who want to see people live by the spirit of the second amendment.

Is it Dems or Reps being cucked?

Both. They might as well have come to the speech in a gimp suit.

Who is fighting the brutal war?

Israel is fighting with a genocidal level of brutality.

Why would the Palestinians not put up armed resistance? I find it amazing that Americans talk about gun rights yet don't expect others to fight when they are being occupied.