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joined 2022 September 04 19:24:10 UTC


User ID: 105



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User ID: 105

Also I never figured out if Matlab even has a real debugger. Being able to just %debug is so ridiculously useful

The indexing from one thing aways pissed me off so much (what’s worse is that is trying to keep this straight when using Matlab to do signals processing since it’s obvious that Matlab Fourier transform functions are wrapped C or some other real language)

I had a PhD advisor who used to make me prototype things I wanted to do with python (which I am very good at) in Matlab so he could understand what I was doing. One of the most frustrating months of my life (and part of the reason I quit!).

Also fuck matlab

I agree, I strongly resent the paternalism of a system that even requires a prescription in the first place (if your concerned about drug abuse a good start would be that prescriptions are required for controlled substances and that insurance doesn’t have to cover drugs purchased without prescriptions)

I’ll admit that I didn’t read the whole thing, but why would he use an MAOB instead of just taking a stimulant? (Or was he being treated for depression)

That’s a good point, I’m still getting used to being out of college and needing to work much more to meet people.

That’s a good point, I have managed to avoid instagram thus far but I may just need to bite the bullet and do it!

Does anyone have any non incel/pua advice/resources at getting better at flirting (or otherwise improving one’s “game”). I recently moved to a new city where I have been trying to meet someone on Hinge, and while I feel like I get a reasonable number of matches I just think I must be really bad at the whole “texting long enough to get her to actually go on a date” phase of these conversations.

I’m also not sure what to reasonably expect in terms of reply rates. In the last month I get about 3 matches a week with people I would like to go on dates with. Of these two people agreed to meet up (although one ultimately stood me up, I’ve never actually had that happen before although I’m guessing that just happens a lot with online dating).

I have been reading Poirot investigates: there all short stories by Agatha Christie, just short enough that I can make it through one during my

Lunch break at work.

You actually could but it would be very difficult/dangerous (you would need several grocery stores worth of acetone and peroxide)

You can get good whole house humidifiers which are basically portable swamp coolers: https://www.amazon.com/AIRCARE-Space-Saver-Evaporative-Whole-Humidifier/dp/B087KN4D8S?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A20OQU25IKY457

Has been a life saver since I moved to Las Vegas

Is this the substance that comes from frogs?

I only read the first one which was interesting, but it’s worth pointing out that they were using a 100x greater concentration than you would typically find in tap water (https://www.cdc.gov/fluoridation/faqs/public-service-recommendations.html)

I agree and I should have clarified that I specifically meant High Performance Computing which is where knowledge of things like parallel programming is essential.

I don’t know his real name but his username was euphoricbaseball I’m completely convinced that he actually was a teenager who hated how adults colluded to keep him down

I’m down 10% for the year although I don’t really have the time to actively manage it. I hold a little energy (VDE) which is the only reason my NASDAQ heavy portfolio isn’t substantial worse. Will need to look into tobacco… that sounds like a good idea potentially.

I broadly agree except for the part about women (I actually have known a lot of women who were great software developers, although I agree that women seem proportionaly less likely to get good at it) and had a similar background: I started in CS where I remained for two years (taking all of the CS classes before stopping after data structures in C) before changing my focus to a physical science. I now work in a job where I am essentially a data scientist for a group of (much smarter) physicists all of whom can program with the kind of intuitive knowledge that you described. All of these people (whom have been perfectly willing to self teach themselves other things in math and physics) are hugely constrained by the fact that they don’t know really know how data structures work. If they ever bother to learn Ill be out of a job.

I have asked some of my colleagues how they learned to program. The older ones are all completely self taught (and are usually a little better since this means that they had to learn C or Fortran) while the people my age usually got some sort of CS for physical scientists (which is usually a 1 semester long class in python where they learned to use numpy and matplotlib). I really don’t understand why more of them haven’t self taught and have concluded that it must be a matter of motivation or maybe even professional chauvinism.

Lots of scientists fundamentally don’t believe that things which happen on a computers are or could be that interesting. This is just insane to me given that computers are finally getting powerful enough that they can run some of their experiments with simulations (or at least use simulations to better plan them). Given the importance of these skills I really believe that universities should require physical scientists to spend a year taking real computer science, or whatever else it takes to make more of the profession aware that these skills are becoming as important as competence in mathematics for doing original research these days.

Which podcasts? The only ones I listen to are the wsj editorial podcast, manifold podcast and macro voices podcast none of which seems to have that many adds.

There is absolutely no way that they don’t work. All of the super powers invest in stock pile stewardship which is easier than you would think since The comprehensive test ban treaty only prohibits devices which achieves criticality, meaning that you can even test the devices with subcritical amounts of materials. If your interested you can read about the us efforts here https://www.llnl.gov/news/subcritical-experiment-captures-scientific-measurements-advance-stockpile-safety

There is no way that Russia, China Israel Pakistan etc don’t do the same

They started trending smaller as soon as ICBM delivery became practical. Prior to this they where designed to be large enough so that thermal pulses from the devices could simply ignite enormous firestorms at great distance, facilitating their delivery. I think it would still be a grave mistake to ignore the dangers of a smaller device and believe that even a 20 or 30 kiloton device delivered near or in a city will be the worst thing that has ever happened.

I mean there might be exceptions but I’m shocked that marriage to a Russian didn’t raise a million flags. https://news.clearancejobs.com/2015/06/24/will-partners-nationality-threaten-security-clearance-doha-hearings/

I’m shocked his/her could even get a clearance, typically marriage to a foreign National is disqualifying

I’m sorry to here that, practically speaking if your employer can keep you out isn’t it a lot more dangerous and uncertain to just flee?

I’m frankly impressed that you can run in 150 AQI.

Isn’t this basically cal tech? Or is your Ivy League competitor also teaching social sciences?