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joined 2022 September 05 19:31:20 UTC


User ID: 686



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 19:31:20 UTC


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User ID: 686

shooo, this website is for the real intellectuals. Commie dramanauts not allowed.


I agree with your assessment. As per my understanding one of the few times the blackpill was right and stating it in their own words," Chad fucks a haram, Beta buxx fuck their hsnds."

Tinder and other dating media give women a chance to access the same limited supply of men they are attracted to physically at the top of the dating pyramid.

There will also need to be a correction in terms of norms and expectations. Looking to the future, a significant proportion of young men may simply fail to find a romantic life partner unless they can distinguish themselves in some way.

This has always been the case?

I think life wouldn't continue if it were to value any other life more than itself.

  1. Everything has life including grass and bacteria.

  2. It is impossible to prove 5kg of peas have less worth as life than 5kg of meat.

  3. The only thing we can prove is that we feel a stronger bond of life with animals than vegetables.

  4. You are still taking life, you have just shifted where you land on the spectrum of predation.

  5. Vegan disgust for meat eaters is the equivalent of an otter feeling disgust for a lion because it eats goats instead of fish.