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joined 2024 August 07 08:40:51 UTC


User ID: 3170



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2024 August 07 08:40:51 UTC


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User ID: 3170

It's hard to believe it isn't satire. It looks like an opening to a Shane Gillis bit.

I am just trying to imagine any man ever doing it... literally they would be so utterly ridiculed - by women, and only then by other men. It's as if some progressive alien tried to give out romantic advice to humans.

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I am.


Assuming that this is the dominant variable (I'm unsure of that), how would interventions look like? AFAIK eugenics interventions did more harm than good in the past. What would you have, tax breaks for high-IQ couples to have more kids?

Then I would expect women to say different things to other women, vs. what they say to men. However I think they generally say the same thing in female-only company. Sometimes if they're a bit drunk, they might blurt out something "crass" which might be different from the sober, hand-wavy descriptions. (And probably more accurate of a specific part of their preferences).

But I think that the true answer is that it drastically depends on the time of month (due to hormone changes), on the stage of life a woman is in, and it's also a multi-variable optimization problem, with shifting weights. So I think it's either that they don't know or can't describe, not that they're intentionally withholding to stop min/maxxers from exploiting.

Thinking about working hours vs. GDP/cap, for example in this graph. It seems that poor countries aren't poor because of any lack of work. If anything, people in poor countries work much more. However, their productivity is low in comparison to richer countries. How can poor countries improve their productivity? Is it as simple as introducing technology and organizational systems from the West, or is there more to it?

Good comment. My additions:

  • Use masked email for most things. For example, Firefox automatically offers to fill in email fields with their Mozilla Relay service.
  • Even within a password manager, autogenerate passphrases rather than passwords. A six-word passphrase has much more entropy than a fifteen character random string. And it has the benefit of being more memorable. See this relevant xkcd.
  • Get notified by HaveIBeenPwned if your account is found in a breach.
  • Don't use SSO for online services, unless it's like part of your job. Yeah it's convenient to just click "Sign in with Google" but if your Google account ever gets nuked for whatever reason (just go on HackerNews and search for "Google account", most posts are stories about people losing accounts), then you also lose access to the non-Google service. A password manager plugin offers the same convenience as SSO, so just use that.