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User ID: 2774



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User ID: 2774

The better attack line against Democrats now is that they're just kind of stupid.

I also prefer this line. It's also impossible not to reflect on the state of rhetoric;

ur weird

ur stupid tho

That’s a bad thing, that you shouldn’t accept. If native Americans / Brits don’t participate, either someone else will or your entire nation will suffer. That is my point.

Would you tell this to jews who were offered the choice to collaborate with nazis?

No Russian ever called me privileged cis-hetero white male.

You're a 21st century aristocrat expounding on the idea that you wouldn't get on with 16th century outlaw bikers. This is not the argument you think it is.

Literally who cares what anyone else thinks. If society at large is having a masculinity crisis that likely includes many men who speak on TheMotte. Average testosterone levels have dropped dramatically since the 1980s. Frequent time sitting at computers does us no favors in this regard. Taking up a martial art is one of the best things a man can do to counteract this trend. Learning to be cool-headed in direct physical confrontation goes a long way toward establishing an emotional base for further success.

Because there are fundamentally different optics for the two of them. They're competing for the office of the presidency, a position in which it helps to have a fearsome reputation among your enemies. Trump plowing through women is a sign of strength and vigor, moral arguments notwithstanding. Kamala sucking dick for clout makes her sound incompetent and submissive. These are not Commander In Chief qualities.

And now we get to gleefully hammer home the point that Dems are going to nominate for the position of Commander In Chief a casting couch girl. Any man with an ounce of testosterone will be viscerally repelled by the image of their Executive on her knees under a mahogany desk.

OP is almost certainly not a boomercon and her writing style is a near exact match for rdrama's favorite reddit mod Bardfinn or ex-Mottizen Impassionata.

I can only describe this sentiment as a serious game theory L for red tribe.

I say this with love TW, histrionic breakdowns of any sort are an invitation for the wolves to circle. They embolden your enemies, an indication that their needling is effective. I don't know if we're tugging on the same side of the rope here but there's enough in your writing that reminds me of myself and should I ever encounter a new article of yours in the wild again I will read the whole damn thing even if only to humor that connection.

We're operating on the oppressed/oppressor paradigm now bud, turnabout is fair play.

  • -11

Meanwhile, in America - show up, pay taxes, get a job, and learn to cheer or boo the Cowboys depending on where you live, and welcome to America. Pass the burger. We even threw on some veggie ones for Vivek and Priya even though I'd never eat any.

This is like a 2024 neoliberal Leave It To Beaver headcanon of race relations in America.

It's beneath my dignity to be manipulated. Thinking empty things isn't thinking.

Well said.

and to go full old man

If it makes you feel any better, due to an unprecedented general decline in IQ and the attendant competency crisis, the old man complaining about people being dumber and society getting worse is looking less like a grump and more like a leader these days.

Democrats cry wolf about a lot of things. But not Trump.

The lesson of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" is that it doesn't matter if the wolf has arrived, the boy has repeatedly abused his responsibility and fostered the conditions for a disaster.

At a certain threshold (we've crossed it!) any villager who comes when the lad calls is a sucker and if the town is ruined by this convergence of circumstances the boy is at fault.

Any self-respecting game theorist would be a fool to heed Blue Media's wailing and gnashing again.

Overall, if in an intellectual debate space like this one somebody can unapologetically assert that he dislikes women when they argue with him, I'd say that's pretty suggestive that many men are uncomfortable facing the possibility of being intellectually bested by a girl.

Or rather that the experience of arguing with women is, among men, a universally recognized miserable time and bad idea.

Every single metric you listed as being "incredible" right now is material and even that is only pertinent to the economic elite. Wage earner's buying power is going down and they are uninterested in your exploding portfolio.

You don't understand Trump voter's social grievances. All you think about is number go up. This election is bigger than that.

It baffles you because none of the politicians you support are likable, they're nakedly predatory and contemptuous of the plebs. Blues are struggling against the fact that they're squares and stiffs. Tomato's screed reads as "dear subhuman filth" does. The online right have been using the sentiment as a recruiting tool for years.

As with many things, it’s not that no one else in politics has ever done Bad Thing, it’s that Trump finds a way to take things to a new level.

This rhetoric is indistinguishable from the rhetoric we get served by the media about every Republican candidate every election.

A true-blue commissar speaks to TheMotte.

Most government lies are laundered through various black boxes of plausible deniability. I believe the biggest problem the government is facing right now is that trust in institutions has (rightfully) fallen so low that wary citizens are starting to look at any government accounting as plausibly deniable bullshit.

Or it could mean that only in a most desperate and ugly battle for one's very survival do we forgo our principles and make women to fight because we need every last body at any cost.

It's this, combined with the fact that women are a distraction when discipline and focus are paramount. If you've ever trained in martial arts you know the air is charged differently when a woman is in the gym and the minds of men will wander.

The fact that he was still charged and tried for murder despite the well-established facts was profoundly radicalizing for me, and I imagine for many other Reds.

Any time during before, during, or after the trial the Blues would smear Rittenhouse as stupid or immature my eyes would pop out of my skull. The boy handled himself in a crisis situation with outstanding discipline. Those who criticized him would rather our young men be locked in their rooms playing xbox and masturbating than defending their communities from outside invaders.

You can't make motherhood 'prestigious' because motherhood has never been prestigious. Closest thing would just be banning women from doing actually prestigious things.

This is the second comment in this thread talking about eschewing motherhood being the more "prestigious" option, hence the more favored.

Healthy women have deep-seated, base, mammalian urges to reproduce and nourish healthy offspring. It is hardwired in them to feel pleasure through these behaviors. The bond a mother has with her children and how they give great meaning to her life is a story in every culture in existence.

Women are forsaking these genetic behaviors for what reason? For whose benefit? Have we stacked the value of the maternal bond against an economic forecast and decided it doesn't measure up?

I think I got tripped up on the wording because "phobia" denotes irrationality to me and I don't believe the right's non-support of a war waged in the name of an unfamiliar flag to be irrational.