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joined 2023 December 02 20:54:45 UTC


User ID: 2774



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User ID: 2774

Instead of specifically targeting the excesses of wokeness, they do the oikophobic thing and say the West itself must be destroyed.

It's only oikophobic if the West feels like home. A lot of people in the US see the pride flag being treated more reverently than the stars and stripes and feel like strangers in a strange land. If the morale of the people is flagging the ruling party may have to look to their own sins to understand why.

I'd say it being made illegal to criticize them certainly serves to elevate their status!

And the only side effect is enshrining the most privileged group of people on the planet as a protected class!

Improper? Unethical? Sure. Illegal? They have expensive law degrees and lawyers (also with expensive law degrees), and they wrote the laws. Chances are they know exactly where the line is and didn't cross it

I've been browsing themotte for a while now and at times have been tempted to comment. This is the first time I feel i have something to contribute to a conversation. My response to this bit is catalyzed by the recent attention @ymeskhout has been bringing to lawfare.

If there is low-grade or open conservative hostility toward the establishment that Trump is the avatar of, it is because of this attitude of "we make the rules, we sneeringly violate the spirit of them and then aggressively prosecute those who don't play the game as sociopathically as we do." I am tired of people like ymeskhout sitting asking about evidence when we all know exactly what game is being played and the only thing that matters is exactly how well the corruption is concealed and how well the law is "played around".

I would argue now that the Democrats as a party have becoming exceptionally more skilled than Republicans at concealing their corruption and gaming the system to the point that they are comfortable openly flaunting their impunity. The anger that Trump is the voice of is the increasing modern understanding of just how rigged the game is and who exactly is rigging it.