@chooky's banner p




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joined 2023 August 01 00:33:52 UTC


User ID: 2597



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 August 01 00:33:52 UTC


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User ID: 2597

Oh dang. I never used klarna so had no idea. I figured retailers were okay with klarna because klarna gave them lower fees than card processors. There seems to be a fair amount of free money to pick up here at 5% money markets if you can figure out how to be time-efficient on exploiting.

Actually, I wonder what is the math on BNPL vs credit card rewards of 2-3% on average? There is some combination of time and interest rates that would make Klarna optimal.

I don't know if the amount of money to be gained is high enough to ever make my timr worth it, but I would happily let an app optimize my spending and then take a share of the profits from not blindly using credit cards.

I'll be very honest that I have appreciated a lot of the controversial race swaps from a viewer's perspective just because it helps with keeping characters straight. Part of it really is just the nature of the medium, in my opinion. (Movies, I would argue, are different from TV in that movies are usually guaranteed a certain wattage of star power, while TV showrunners do have to wonder if tbeir actors are charismatic enough for the audience to not be confused by all the brown haired white guys or whatever.)

Never Have I Ever on Netflix has a very clearly trans but fine looking college counselor, and I do not believe this is ever once commented on.